because he prefer to back to sora's body... if he chooses the different path... i bet he'll get his happy ending... it's like 'this is the way i should be... there's no other ways' bleh... too silly....
myself is an Islam and my bff is catholic... we never argued on anything...
i'm also use sony vegas... XDD u can download it free... th 8 pro version... and it's awesome...<3
donalds's... i wonder how the dub keep his voice stabilize
olette's she knows fashion...
larxene is one of a unique chara... strong, playful, and cool she is funny... and have an awkward beauty... i like her...
hehe demyx/olette...?? in couple...<3
i agree... donald doesn't suck... i love him more than anything.... i hate roxas... he doesn't follow his own will.... i hate kairi... too *****y.... namine is far more better.... sure i love olette the most.... the second after donald
namine and roxas... is that even possible...?? for some reason they look more like brother and sister... blond hair... blue eyes... round face... twin....
i like demyx... and i love olette... i also like larxene for her... hehe naughty side
wow for u... the way u live is good just be like that... my friend is a crhistian too and he said visit the curch made him calm and save... maybe people go to the curch to make them feel save i guess...
same here... our religion is ours don't bother with others 'cause we appreciate their own decision ^^
they said i am Demyx... i dunno myself why... =_=...
save Luxord all the way... why...? i dunno... coz he too cool to die...? or maybe Demyx... i am felt so bad when he said he don't like the dark...
i think sora donald and goofy iz the best team ever :p it's juz me wo vote it? i dun like kairi or even roxas, if i choz riku as a fighter with sora it will be hard usin two fighter in the same time we need a defender and a magician, btw.... XD i luv donald and goofy! iz anyone ever think about thiz, Olette, donald and demyx figthing togetha? ahaha... ok i'ill shut my mouth
love for luxord :3 luv demyx, marluxia and larxene too. but dun like rox