vincent was back in the showers but with his clothes on finding a way to dry them
sephiroth smiled and gave the thumbs up sign to them before passing out
sephiroth tried to continue but the others stoping was tomuch and he tripped
vincent looking a little hurt went to dry his clothes off
" im fine as long as im helping you get away"
sephiroth heard a small pop and saw a small trail of blood but continued on
he looked in her eyes and it held no deciet "yes ..yes i do"
"ya whats up kairi"?
he blew in her face and it was completly normal even a bit minty "larxene i love you, you know that right"
just fine he replied with one eye closed as he took it another notch
"because you look almost the same dry" he replied as he kissed her
you remind me of larxene love
sephiroth knew he was too slow so he picked it up a notch groaning as he did so
"hah yes it worked, you know you look really nice when your all wet larxene" vincent got closer and grabbed her and pulled her close to him and he looked in her eyes
"um i was pretty drunk" he then walked close to he dripping wet and shook his hair getting her wet
sephiroth ran as fast as possible which was a normal jog for him normally
"i dont have any others and those are now soaking wet so close your eyes for a second" he ran and got his soaking wet clothes on again "better"
vincent sighed and walked into one of the showers and turned it on cold he came out later wearing only a towel
"dont worry i should be fine"
"i am a bit but im still thinking stright and you know you want this in you" he pointed to his crotch