"i could have but thats a waste now im the talk of the school..well maybe thats not a good thing"
ooc: never me and NoD are in love haha
"yes im normal, and listen about last night we never got to talk about it did we"?
"ya it was reno or someone like that i wasnt paying attention and ive hid it under the couch cushions"
vincent stepped out "sorry didnt think i would do that, but i had to finish my stash i got from a teacher, so.about last night"
"ill be in the *hick* basement" he tripped down the steps and went to the shower
vincent moaned and went to his basement
vincent was holding a beer bottle and he tried to kiss larxene
vincent ran and gave all of the girls he knew about big hugs with his naked body laughing the entire time
"well here i go" vincent thought as he took his pants off and ran up the basement steps
vincent finished his third beer and realized he was out
vincent was on his third beer
vincent was slowly getting drunk again "if i got that close to her when i was drunk might as well try again"
vincent sat on the basement couch and got a beer from his stash
vincent went to a shower and got his face wet to wake himself up more
"well i might as well stop moping around" he thought and got up and started to stretch
"im done for wow im ma real perv when im drunk i cant believe i tried to sleep with her" he thought with his head in his hands
vincent awoke suddenly and remembered last night "wow im in trouble i cant believe i was such a perv" he thought aloud ooc: the mushy crap has a reason you know ha
"i i think im ok its just a little tear in my side is all"
vincent nooded and went back to drying his clothes