vincent suddenly noticed his arm and freaked out and remembered the entire incident "wh..what the hell am i" ? he asked shaking
"whats wrong what happened "?? he asked utterly clueless
with the red glow the demonic started to boil away until all but vincents right arm was returned to normal then the light faded and vincent woke wondering what was going on having no memory of what just happened
vincent still unconsious opened his eyes and started to glow in the same blood red color
the beams died but left a slight glow in the wall it hit then the pain came back only this time in his heart "wh..what the hell happened to me" he screamed and collapsed coughing up blood at a continuious rate
ooc: you know what im putting vincent on the shelf and taking the role of Neji this time if you dont mind
"ohh ok i wish i could have helped....dont worry about me im fine i think" as soon as he finished his words he let out an ear peircing scream because his head felt like it was bursting into two pieces then the pain instantly stopped and a bright blood red light shot from his palms and lit the room
being around so many people i like to be alone and to have more space
vincent replied in a voice not his own but more deep and rugged and full of hate "im here dont worry what is happening up there it seems like i can sense so much chaos in the school" vincent said as he burried himself deeper in the dark to avoid being seen
vincent felt completly cold nothing in his body was responding and he could feel dried blood all over his body he couldnt remember a thing but it hurt to breathe eventually after about ten minutes he was able to open his eyes and he saw that none of his body parts were his own, they werent even human, a more demon like body had replaced his own
hmmm ok im glad to see your not quiet dead
"whats going much i dead... everything is so cold....i cant see a thing....would it be so horrible if i were dead....." vincent awoke with dissapointment he was hoping that his life had come to an end
ive been thinking about buying it for the nintendo DS is it any good im going to buy it no matter what but i just want to know what to except
vincent got in his car and began to drive off
what the hell huh??
"i hurt gay guys you just grabed his but did you not you ***" vincent stopped kicking but started to walk away
vincent angry punched karn hard in the stomach then kicked him when he was on the ground
vincent continued walking to his car when the sirenturned off "this is going to be a long year isnt it" he asked himself
"dammit your not tickleish thats way to bad cause now i cant tickle you when you sleep"
hearing the alarm "ten bucks says thats him" then he turned away