vincent turned to her kissed her and said "dont try and fool yourself no you dont" thn he turned and began to walk away again
eventually the silence was vincents anwser he got up grabed his things and left the school
vincent just sat there and after a minute he burst out "do you love me back" then went back to being silent
more than likely yes something might happen so we just need to talk now please i want to"
"no we need to talk now we might not get another chance in quiet a while"
"no im not sure im fine but for right now im ok"
how about how technology is taking over the planets people
vincent looked at the destroyed room and sighed "ok we are alone and i dont think any one will disturb us here lets talk"
he turned "im vincent" he then turned to larxene "do we still need to talk about anything"
he texted back "im fine no worries "
"its sam should i text her back"?
vincent turned away trying to ignore that statement "could someone grab my phone and see what that ring was please"
"bu..but how can you be so forgiving i just tried to kill a monster undeserving of such love and respect from anyone" as vincent spoke his cell rang on the nearby destroyed couch
"...the demon..the demon that has been inside of me this entire time, i think i should leave this time and never come back i could have hurt all of you"
vincent looked over at irvine and smiled then frowned again "he isnt dead i can still feel it the hate he brings inside of me and although im stronger with him i could have killed you guys, and now he is hiding waiting to strike again"
in mind: vincent collapsed and the demon ran with amazing speed and stabbed vincent in the sholder then loud words echoed through the arena it was larxenes voice vincent jumped out of the way ramming his blade deep into the demons skull the demon smiled and drifted away in real world: vincents eyes returned to normal but his arm stayed the same vincent soon stirred and sat up he had a deep cut on his sholder
normal world: vincents eyes rolled into the back of his head and he laughed a demonic laugh as he lunged at anyone close enough to him trying to tear their hearts out in mind: vincent barely had enough time to draw hie blade to defend himself Demon: "..good maybe your not a total waste of space you could work as my second in command" Vincent: "second in..hell no im going to kill you here and now, i dont know what you are but i will vanquish you now vincent charged with great speed but the demon simply grabbed the raiper and threw vincent
in mind: vincent opened his eyes to a bloody place in his mind there waited a the demon that was possesing him vincent was holding his weapon of choice a raiper and the deamon was holding a giant sword that would take minutes to take a full swing by a normal human vincent: "who are you and what are you doing here" the demon didnt anwser he just drew his blade and charged at vincent with bloodlust filling his eyes normal world: vincents body started to move then the demon arm shot out at larxene with the intent to kill her
darkelven123 and VincentV321
vincents eyes started to glow red again and he collapsed not breathing