please someone close this its too much you had so much with him that i didnt even know about .....
GOD ****ING DAMMIT someone close this now...if im not even allowed to say his name on the forum anymore i dont want this fool soiling his name
neji heard sakura and turned around "oh hello what do you want"?
vincent stoped short and leapt to the side and shot the beam besides the two
vincent smiled as he deflected the bulletes with ease and he charged at jakura sword in his right hand and a small ball of blood red energy growing in his other he was going to finish him with ease
"no nothing is ok they almost killed you just now i will kill them to make them pay"
vincent spun and slashed at jakura "i love her and if you come to close i will kill all of you"
"well i guess it will all work itself out eventually" neji thought as he through three kunais at an oncoming snake
demon wings formed around the two and vincent cast aside larxene hoping she was unconsious "you almost killed her now you will die" vincent drew instead of his large sword a large raiper he was ready to kill to protect larxene
neji roamed the forest of death he had grown to like it a lot "i wife but who"? he thought
vincent droped his sword and let himself get slashed by zarix hopeing he would be vanquished
the story: sora and his gang failed to stop xemnas and his organazatioon from opening kingdom hearts thus shrouding all of the worlds in complete darkness and chaos, a year later the masters of darkness (remaning org and new members) find out that a small group of light soldiers are trying to find a way to destroy kindgdom hearts once and for all you can be a light soldier or a dark master what do you choose to join just tell name weapon and side Dark: ME-vincent, large misume, dark master NoD-Larxeen Light: LH7-Mayya, ultimate keyblade, light soldier
vincent slightly shifted his weight and the blade started to go towards larxene tears were streaming his face
"its to late to run now i suggest you make it less painful and kill youreselvs" the demon said in a voice breeming with blood lust
the demon turned to larxene and gave an evil smile and began the decent of his sword to kill the two
the demon saw zarix and yuna and went to strike them and eat their souls and drink their blood
vincent could smell blood running through someones veins and he was drawn to it the demons giant blade appeared on his side "blood...kill...murder"
"awaken my pawn awaken and wreak havoc and chaos" vincent had been dead asleep in the basement he had decided not to leave that night but this morning "you fool awaken and kill all who oppose you" vincent opened his eyes afraid of what he would see hi body wasnt his anymore it was the demon inside of him and he couldnt control it at all the body slwoly matched up the stairs looking for his first victem
throw knockout gass in her room then fill the bathtub and put her in upside down
he turned and gave her a sad smile "then im sorry because if i stay i might hurt you" ooc: gtg sorry