could they possibly be one of the E.S. cause you never see either of them and you dont even hear Soras dad so could he possibly be the E.S. that you fight in final mix+ and they both could have had strong hearts so Sora could have one like them so he could have the keyblade like them? does this seem plausible or even possible? sorry if this is already out there i didnt see it anywhere
she is hystericle you *** hole she thinks that you are leaving because you hate her and that everything is her fault talk to her you moron
"i am trying harder, thats why im trying to apologise for being mean to you whenever i see you" he stuggeled to stand up and started to walk after her
"i said im sorry i was rude im trying to be a better person but its not really my style"
this is getting out of hand DW your making CTR upset if you leave so im making you stay besides if you leave Sab is going for my man jelly next so you have to protect her from that
"sakura wait im sorry all you were trying to do is help"
"oh ok then well im fine, is there anything else that you need"?
"im just fine justa little low of chakra from those attacks, you know its a bit rude to spy on people"
Neji returned home only to get his iPod he then returned to training field and set up 15 dummies "Byakugan" Neji said once again getting in the middle of the dummies "8 trigrams 64 palms" neji did his signature jutsu but he didnt want to stop "8 trigrams 128 divine palms" he said as he attacked faster and twice as many times "still not enough" neji got ready for his final attack this one would hurt later "8 trigrams 8 gate assult" neji spun rapidly and attacked where the eight gates of a shinobi were located after his attack the dummies were in scraps none were left in one piece "hehe easy as pie" Neji thought and collapsed from lack of Chakra
Neji was bored, he decided to go walk around the village to check up on everything
Neji yawned that had taken longer than he expected ooc: sorry i gtg ohh and here is nejis move he just did
"because im telling you to they might get hurt and im leaving im hungry" neji grabbed his things and started the walk home
"sorry about that you startled me with that clap, would you tend to these losers please"?
instinct took over as Neji spun and threw a kunai dagger at temari
"you are both lucky i didnt use my full force ive only poked you chakra points not blocked them now this should be a lesson not to mess with those much better than you are" ooc: sure thing no problem
black suprise suprize
neji began to spin and blocking the twos chakra points "two palms, four palms, eight palms, sixteen palms, thirytwo plams, sixtyfour plams" neji finished his rapid attack
neji ran around the two while they were talking "talking will do you even less good, 6 tigrams 64 palms"
"finally an attack, Rotation" neji spun creating a chakra field around him droping the shurikens to the ground "your going to have to do better than that you fool" ooc: he was talking to ino and rayce
"we appear to have a spectaiter, and running will do you no good"