"w..what you said a kiss wasnt enough so something else might ease the pain if you *hick* know what i mean"
"im not sure ill run until it hurts and then some more"
"hmm maybe something more than a kiss then" vincent said as he unzipped his pants
"yep im sure you feel a load better now huh" ooc: vincent wont remember this cause he is really drunk
"you i think im slowest i know that"
"hmm well im sorry" vincent got up and kissed larxene and asked "how are those bruises now"?
"keep the jacket larxene " sephiroth grabbed his sword in his mouth and started to walk
" im gonna have to kick his *** now" vincent moaned "what else"
sephirot hwas getting worried "i hate to ruin your emo moment kairi but you need to snap out of it and we need to get going G is on the move"
"never mind that" vincent said as he hid a few bottles of beer "what is happening
sephiroth could feel G he knew that he was coming soon
"ya" vincent mumbled a little drunk "whats happining up there"
it was extremly cold so sephiroth took his jacket off and layed it on larxene while she talked to kairi
*somewhere in the mountians* G- " im tired of waiting im healed enough why am i stalling for time here" G sat on a pile of blood drained corpses "tommrow then i come and kill him this time"
"ok i will be up all night anyways so ill track herin case she gets away"
"no im fine you should be more tired than me i have the adrinaline pumping" he noticed kairi and told her to sit back down and sleep or he would make her sleep by sitting on her chest until she fell asleep