Stop Stalking Me!
Way to Dawn. Riku would nice, and make since you're finally together again. Cloud and Vincent are both cool, though they don't really use guns in KH.
*Dodges and throws two dodgeballs at Creator*
Good point.
*Throws a dodgeball at the maker of the thread*
You could have thrown a cookie at him.
Thats what I think he would choose.
When your hearts explode, can I have them?
Huh. Cool choice.
It's pretty possible. Just not likely to happen in many places. But yeah, the mute and the deaf are the least likely to.
From the dark depths. Like a parrot.
Weird stuff man.
Sugar rush? Quick, drink lots of caffine! Your heart will explode, aand then you'll be another nobody.
Post x 9999.
I'm not sure about !b, 2 and 3, but just recently I thought about 1a. His hair looks like Terra's, only white. When talking to Aqua's armor in the Old Friend video, he, well, refers to it as friend. And in the New Headquearters video, they talk about him looking for the Room of Awakening to find another friend, possibly Ven. The only name he remembered was Xehanort, which also the name of who Terra was fighting.
Good. /Cast Haste I'mhavingagooddayhowaboutyou?
You could listen to music. Like the link in my sig.
So, what are you gonna have her do?
Hm.... Someone I don't know?
There are a lot of nice keyblade designs, but I'll go with Oblivion and the Ultima Weapon. Not playable, but Way to Dawn is nice.