If my feet were in the chair I couldn't spin well.
Its a kitty! FROM HELL!
*Eats a chocolate chip cookie while spinning in a chair really fast* Now lets see.... who could it be.
Huh. Siberia. You know, when you're in a pen of hungry pitbulls, rottweilers and some snapping turtles, you really don't expect to make it out alive.
*Eats chocolate with nuts in it*
Yes. Chocolate. C h o c o l a t e. Chocolate.
Does membership come with free chocolate?
Ok. I already did. So, we're starting tomarrow?
So... is this still open to joining?
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4tV6XmJoU2M My Obsession- Skillet
Hakuna Matata.
Purple is the color of royalty.
Boxes are fun. Especially boxes full of cookies. Or cake.
We are, what, the only three people who post in this? Like a parrot.
I'd have to say this is one of the better theories I've read on them. Though, Heartless are made from Hearts corrupted by Darkness, so either this happens differently, or Unbirth were precursors to the Heartless.
Rise from the Abyss and serve us again.... Like a parrot.
They have awesome coats. They also do a great job at hiding your appearance if you keep the hood down. Yeah, I bet Xemnas sews all the time. :laughing-smiley-004
If I was a character in KH, probably D and/or E. Enemies can't hurt what they can't hit.
Lets see.... Maxjes, Jexmas, Mexjas, Xamejs, Sajmex, Saxjems... Gah, mines not very good to work with this.
Quick, mail her some paper!