Well well well. Kira just made some nice kill choices. And nice kills. Spider egg sac in a hamburger's a tad off, but the cows were funny.
So, why'd you change your name?
Pika just joined quite recently, so it was doubtful it could be him.
I like the header....
Yeah... I'm with ICSP on this one. Pika's plan doesn't seem that great. My real name? Besides Dalk, no one here should know my name, though there is a thread they could use to possibly figure it out.... Oh wait, I accused. Doesn't matter anyway. Nevermind.
I don't think Light and Dark in KH work exactly like that. It goes beyond. Twilight is in between Light and Darkness. Like what dj rvr said. You'll need a more specific question for us to figure out what you mean.
If I'm killed I hope I go in a way like that.
Like a parrot.
Like I said. Not all acussers just get killed off as soon as they accuse. I got in two and I'm still here.
*Eats some of the cake*' Yeah, you might not die for a bit Jojoj13. Lots of accusers haven't gone down yet.
I will accuse again! But as per rules, evidence obtained through investigation and teamwork: Also, he convinced be to use up my freebie. Therefore, I am accusing Darkrequiem0!
No. Though I don't see you in the same thread as me often.
*Puts on a shirt that says "Touch me and you Die."* Well, I'm prepared for it. ILoveRikuAndYouCantStopMe: Long name is long. Not that mine isn't....
I accuse Thalassa_Shells.
Tofay we mourn the death os Unsaintly Saint, who has been killed. He will be avenged!