Welcome Roxas The Hero, to KH-Vids. You have been welcomed by... THE INCREDIBLE PLUM.
He sure got his groove on on the news this morning.
Yeah well, try that with the data Saix. D: He stays Berserk until you deplete his bar with the command. Or damage him enough, but it doesn't deplete very much.
Erm, okay. I just wanna live to see tomorrow, and not let minor problems get in my way. I mean things like popularity, no offense. Doing nothing gets you nowhere, but as you can see this whole forum wants you to not kill yourself, and if you asked any one in real life, even a stranger, they'd say no. Unless you're talking to a murderer or a rapist. Look, you get my point. Good luck. D:
I believe there's a time and a place. Oh, and for the record, yes you can do what you want but killing yourself is still a bad choice, because it would be your last choice and being dead is probably really boring.
Off topic but so fxcking true.
Good luck getting things straightened out with whoever you're talking to. I'd post a picture about suicide from Maddox but I don't wanna offend you any further >_>.
Two foxxie four you is leaving!? o:!! Kay like catch ya later diggity dog.
Suicide is leaving your problems and creating more for others.
Pretty much any man that isn't named Chuck Norris.
Didn't mean to seem apathetic about it ;>_>. Live and let live. Live today and look forward to tomorrow. Other quotes from randomly assorted TV shows. Suicide is for celebrities.
Is that the Numa Numa thing? That's the only video with a German guy I can think of. I'll watch it later. Sounds neat from what you've all been saying.
LAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH! Pleh I speak my version of the truth. @RVR: Well, honestly. Do you think anyone would say "Yes, you should kill yourself"? D: No. It's a stupid question. Cutting yourself is for nerds, and suicide is for nerds with big, weird eyebrows.
Hello really depressed, can I call you Really?
I feel like killing myself. Suicide is rude. Killing yourself just to stop the rejection or whatever? D: Jeez. Think about family and friends. And the internet. And Bob Saget. Everything couldnt be going any worse. Fix it. Theres pain in me from countless rejections, Countless rejections? You just have to keep going. And if you think about quitting after being rejected so much just keep going and going and if necessary cover your ears and go "LAH DAH DAH DAH DAH DAH" And I couldnt be any less popular at school. lol Everyone hates me. I don't hate you o:!! For one day, I wish I had one wish. That's not contradictory. To wish for me to be able to actually get a girlfriend, for a long-term relationship. Just no wishing for more wishes! Ha ha, ha! Ha! Ha... I think I'm going to go punch out one of my ex-friends soon. Haha, whatever that means. My responses o:.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3JvUymnXLdw There's mine. xDD Posted in the wrong thread a second ago.
Just a single attack card? That's silly.
Here's what I like to do: Go to a mushroom battle close to a save point like the one outside Yen Sid's tower. Be in limit, let him hit the ground then use Sonic Rave o:. Just keep tapping triangle and use it again after you finish, you should be able to do it three times before running out of MP. Go to the save point and repeat. Darky, I don't think it even goes over 30.
I just beat Vexen with this ******ed deck I made in Re:CoM. xDDD It was like 12 fires, ethers, mega-ether, elixir, cures and 0 keyblades. And a Mushu. That was weird. And I spent more time then I wanted to on Captain Hook. Can anyone tell me what the Roxas card does? 99 CP, damn. D:
There's an Org. card in every floor's Key to Rewards room, right? Xemnas through Roxas? I got Saix, I guess I could try running it, but losing 80 CP would require me taking 0's out of the back of my deck o:. I'll test it. And Roxas, be sure to find her reaction command. You like, grab a cvlone and slam it into another one and they merge into one, and you have a chance to attack Larxene. Also what you could do is use Whirli Goof on two clones at once. That's always funny.