My ship can only spin 359 degrees. I phail.
White hair, red streaks, two and a half feet tall, one eye is green, one is purple, you have bionic limbs and you have a raptor head on your neck.
Yes yes sure and oh I try honey :0
I don't think ninjas got like 50 episodes of Scooby Doo!
Lul Omg Jade Rhade! This thread doesn't have your name in it o:.
I didn't even see PotC. Pirates just > ninjas. In fact, Naruto has to be the worst representation of ninjas ever made. I mean, a teenager in a bright orange jumpsuit wearing a headband that reflects light? C'mon, he can at least hide in a tree. Or perhaps he could turn his ninja ways around, and become a minja. A midget ninja. Then he could sneak attack people from a pack of gum. But no, he has to charge at them with a shuriken and miss horribly.
*You in Wal-Mart* "Buy two discs now for only $25.99!"
I think in my Critical Mode I was around 66 or something. In Proud Mode I was doing other things first so when I got to there I was 70-something. Eh, go in as normal for a bit, use a bit of duck Flare, go Final later, attack them or spam spells o:.
Note: Don't leave Comedy Central the TV on Comedy Central when you put your kids to bed.
Three year olds are exposed to so much these days. :(
...orgy cloak? O_O. Fate: Brown hair, blue eyes and he sits in his Pickemup truck looking for internet access.
So today, I got this toy guitar at McDonalds. When I hold down the button and move my fingers, it looks like I'm playing an incredibly mini guitar. Discuss.
I was responding to what he posted back to me.
Do a barrel roll! I'd say ninjas, but everyone is saying ninjas and I don't watch Ask a Ninja anymore. Pirates, they have eye patches and swords and stuff.
Well we know when we're gonna die, we'd just rather live than sit quietly waiting for death >_>.
Then in half of one second I'd say, "Hey, is that a grenade?"
Fact: Water is wet.
I'd spend 11 seconds looking at it.
Party Party Party (ATHF version)- Andrew WK Whatever the name of the song in this video is- Whoever made the song. But the extended version. Utawa sent it to me. xDD It pwns. Um.. I'll go for Baby Beluga or Banana Phone if two songs isn't enough o:.
Meh, my deck is like, all of my 9's going down to my 5's, three Clouds, a Potion, Fire I think (which is changable by situation), four cure cards, then some 0's in the back. I can post it exactly later and then say what my ideal pwnful deck would be.