D:! I just beat the 8th Gym.. When does the Pal Park open up?
I played the Xbox GH2 at Wal-Mart on Saturday. All I did was Beat and the Harlot on Medium and people kept looking at my hands. xD
My Piplup got his Hydro Pump, so I leveled it up two more times to get it to an Empoleon. My Starly is Lv. 36, it's about to learn Brave Bird, so after that I'll level it into a Staraptor. Also, I have the first four badges. What city do I go to now?
I get what you guys are saying, thanks. And I use Photoshop CS2.
Thanks, and you can use this.
Wow, you respond fast. xD Thanks.
I tried something new. Rate it or hate it o:.
You know, some kids just can't keep their legs shut till after High School.
Well, nine and a half.
I got my Pearl today. I'm a girl named Axel, and my friend's name is "Boylol". I chose Piplup, can someone tell me what Pokemon to catch in the beginning of the game?
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I see the difference, and frankly I think they're delicious. I vote for 1.
Mountain Dew is the best soda ever made.
It's the sound you make when you fire a laser.
What were you doing with it?
I'm a guy; but I'll vote girl anyway.
No more talking about Re:CoM in here I guess. D:
I like Re:CoM better. The Org fights in FM are the snizzle, but Re:CoM is all fresh stuff. I love it.
I just beat Riku 4 last night. Break his sleights with 0's in the back of your deck, you should have lots of Cures, dodge roll is key to avoiding some of his regular attacks if you can't break them, and if he does that thing where he attack you in the shape of a V, don't move in its way. D: My last move on him was Cloud, so... I rushed through when I was on his last bar. >_>; Now can someone give me an idea of what to do for Larxene 2?