Well hello there fellow buddies he he....i have officially had a sucky day...i hate hate hate school i really wish that i could just stay home and just chat with yall but unfortunately i cant...sad day:nono:but hey i dont know what i would do without my friend AC and SpunkRansom...i love them to death and i know they have big boobs...which makes for a better hug he he.....well reply reply reply reply:)
well i am back for about 5 minutes...and i must say i thoughroughly <i didnt spell that right> loved reading everything
He He....i do believe i love this thread
Turquoise Burger is on Whats up......long time no talk SpunkRansom
this thread sucks a**
**** **** ****edee ****....sorry my torrets are acting up
Why yes they are spunk ransom your mom makes very very good pancakes XDDD yummm i am forever satisfied XD
Good morning my friends....SR says hey toooo
i have phototographic evidence of blatant sexual harrasment.......back off i have a damn boyfriend..DAMN DAMN DAMN... :] he
what my thread has become......
this is my last farewell....goodnight crimson dr.john <who already fell asleep> tummer SR AC and Mr. Sprinkles
lol well i believe that i will be getting off i am a bit tired myself....good night all...and i must admit that this thread was quite amazing...and i love all of yall...amen
why hello mr.sprinklers...and what if it gets into her eyes..too messy...damn
hehe okay good
oh come on tummer you could do better than that...we already did that prank one time....thats a old one
come on any ideas for a prank.....she is now drifting into a deep sleep...freeze the bra....wait we would have to take it off...EW...to messy...i might get a black eye
it was started by TB...and might end by TB...sad day
AC is now asleep...i think a prank is in order....any ideas
please do :D