The power went out....which was kinda cool...but then i couldn't see SR's boobs....cause she is wearing was depressing....IM NOT GAY!!!! this just makes for a good conversation...Well my first class is american literature and my teacher is freakin amazing...and then my next class is science and that teacher is a freak!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Third period is bible and that is one of my favorite classes because we always have fun and we always make fun of the teacher....and he even laughs at himself... My God is so big So strong and So Mighty There is nothing my God cannot do.... that is the song we sing like everyday....and Mr. W always makes me laugh when he does it because he looks ******ed (there are hand motions by the way) okay 4th period.... is geography with i dont have with SR which is sad actually i have like only three classes with SR. And then lunch...which is fun because we eat and GET FAT!!!!!!!! Math is after lunch which is always fun but challenging. Then Spanish...which i have with SR....she can roll her R's but i cant!!!! Anyways....we had a good time in spanish and we always have a good laugh. Then 7th PERIOD!!!! last class..was changed today...i am not in digital media...which i prob wont be good at...but its worth a try...and im with SR and she makes me smile and we always have fun well TALK!!! -Turquoise Burger quote: i love SR's boobies....they are my melons XD (inside joke)
lol well arent you the bossy type
blah blah blah blah blah spunk ransom!!!! BLAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (there are your capital letters)
lol spunk ransom i dont care about capital letters show shut up
lol no no way....XD
yes i is quite easy my dear...i will help you if you want me to in homeroom....guess how long it took me to do my math homeworkl
lol so how is life spunk ransom....i dont want to go back to school tomorrow
I will rest on your beautiful melons XDDD
Spunk Ransom....your on your on!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh i go to destin and panama a lot
oh mny gosh i love florida what part do you live in?
lol wow!!!!!!!! that is just crazy......there are not many hobos..where i live.. friends rock my socks i love my friernds i honestly dont know what i would do without them....i have hard they are very important to me
lol i was talking about dropping out today....but to have good life you gotta have school....damn
i cant play guitar...but im kick a** on guitar hero....and i am a sophmore
spunk ransom get on or i am gonna punch you in the boob and kick you a** to the ground
well hello i dont know you I AM TURQUOISE burger XD spunk ransom get on or i am gonna punch you in the boob and kick you a** to the ground
nothing much just got done with my crap math homework...i hate private school...what about you?
Oh our math teacher like totally loaded the class with homework...she can totally suck my butt...while we are working our butts off she is in florida...does that seem fair....well life isn't fair...but dang lol what do you mean
Good Afternoon Dr. John XD
hey i read your post...i know exactly how it is to have annoying brothers or sister...sometimes i want to just hit my brothers...and it is even...