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  1. TurquoiseBurger
  2. TurquoiseBurger
    i know i know its just so amazing how we spend like hours on end watching t.v. to just watch people make stupid decisions and just fight all the is actually very entertaining
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 10, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. TurquoiseBurger
    wow is all i can say...the only people on there are gays, lesbians, and seems like the only thing that makes good t.v. is gays, lesbians, sex addicts, cheating on your boyfriend and or girlfriend, suicide, or any immoral thing...T.V. is stupid now a days
    Thread by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 10, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. TurquoiseBurger
    Chapter 1
    of Alexison and the Japanese Warrior

    There was once a camp for princes' and princesses. Every prince and or princess from far away lands to far far away lands would have to go but it wasn't much of people forcing them to go, it was a yearly event everyone waited for. This camp wasn't just any other camp it was a magical and beautiful camp. When you would first pull in you were greeted by elves, unicorns, griffins, and monster's (they were friendly monsters). This camp had NO RULES except for one: do not enter the room with the red door, which was present in each cabin. Of course each camper was curious to find what was present behind those doors but they were to excited for the fun filled week to worry about it. Except for one girl named Alexison, she was determined to figure out what was behind the doors before the week was over. When everyone was assigned to their cabins, Alexison rushed to her room to open the door when a gorgeous guy bumped into her. (thinking in her head) *oh crap another distraction.* They talked for a very long time, soon enough Alexison forgot all about the red door when suddenly the camp was attacked by Japanese warriors coming to take them into captivity. Alexison didn't know what to do but only to run to her cabin and hurry to look inside the door before her imminent death. She ran ran ran ran and ran some more! She soon reached the door, when " the gorgeous guy" came running after here, he pulled her in with his beautiful brown eyes, and he kissed her passionately and then whispered in her ear "I've got you my princess" and takes her into captivity.
    Thread by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Archives
  5. TurquoiseBurger
    what are you talking about? i posted that accidently
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. TurquoiseBurger
    hi h
    Thread by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. TurquoiseBurger
    pizza sounds good but im fixing to have cheese fries
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. TurquoiseBurger
    say what?
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. TurquoiseBurger
    the Japanese one that is dubbed in english (with real people ) im excited XD i dressed as misa for halloween and SR dressed as L
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. TurquoiseBurger
    Well Hello! my fellow buddies how has your day been? i am so excited because tonight i am hanging out with Turquoise Burger (myself) Spunk Ransom AC, and EV...we are going to eat at the local BBQ restraunt...yes we live in the south.....we love our BBQ...and then we are watching the DEATH NOTE MOVIE...hellz yeah!!!!!

    -Turquoise Burger
    Thread by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 9, 2009, 15 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. TurquoiseBurger
  12. TurquoiseBurger
  13. TurquoiseBurger

    The Ringer

    oh my gosh i love that movie XDDD

    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: Movies & Media
  14. TurquoiseBurger
  15. TurquoiseBurger


    Get a myspace...facebooks are very complicated and you can't be creative with your profile as much
    Post by: TurquoiseBurger, Jan 7, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. TurquoiseBurger
  17. TurquoiseBurger
    Profile Post

    lol true true

    lol true true
    Profile Post by TurquoiseBurger for Fayt-Harkwind, Jan 7, 2009
  18. TurquoiseBurger
  19. TurquoiseBurger
    Profile Post

    imbecile .

    imbecile .
    Profile Post by TurquoiseBurger for Fayt-Harkwind, Jan 7, 2009
  20. TurquoiseBurger