Search Results

  1. kaseykockroach
    Title explains it all.
    Sega- Sonic Hedgehog 2
    Naughty Dog- Crash Bandicoot 3:Warped
    Insomiac Games- Ratchet & Clank and Ratchet & Clank 3(tied)
    Sucker Punch- Sly 3:Honor Among Thieves
    Square Enix- Kingdom Hearts
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 29, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Gaming
  2. kaseykockroach
    Just like my earlier thread, only obviously the excact oppisite.:)
    Least Favorite Cartoon Character: Timmy Turner
    Least Favorite TV Show: Family Guy
    Least Favorite Food: Sweet Potatoes(ironically, normal potatoes are my fav food!)
    Least Favorite Movie: Epic Movie
    Least Favorite Book: Hollywood Cartoons
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 15, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kaseykockroach
    Think of the most screwed up, bizarre idea for a Kingdom Hearts fanfic you can possibly think of. One rule: BE IMAGINATIVE!!! & WEIRD!!!!!
    Woody Woodpecker finds Namine captured & held captive by Organization 12 & a half. Run by Disney!!! With Chilly Willy & Wally Walrus, Woody goes goes on a great quest to rescue Princess Namine, journeying to different worlds from other oldies cartoons, Woody Woodpecker must battle Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Goofy, and Pluto!! Donald is a good guy, though. XD
    From KaseyKockroach who was not drunk while making this.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 14, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kaseykockroach
    One person suggested I put this thread here, so viola! After all, I;m sure opinions have changed.:) Anways, my top 5 are....
    5. Tom & Jerry
    4. Daffy Duck
    3.Screwy Squirrel
    2. Fox & Crow
    1. Woody Woodpecker
    Donald Duck is a runner-up on my list.:)
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 12, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kaseykockroach
    For each post, make a countdown topic(favorite movies, games, cartoons) and count down to 1. There really is no point to this topic. I just love top tens. Anyways, my top ten video games are...
    10. Ty Tasmanian Tiger 3
    9. Nicktoons Unite(its a guilty pleasure)
    8. Kingdom Hearts 2
    7. Sly 2
    6. Sly 3
    5. Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories
    4. Ratchet: Deadlocked
    3. Ratchet & Clank 3
    2. Kingdom Hearts
    1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 5, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kaseykockroach
    My vote? Its a tie between Klonoa & Rayman. Sora & Crash Bandicoot are'nt too far behind.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 3, 2007, 23 replies, in forum: Gaming
  7. kaseykockroach
    List films that you consider either get too much attention or get too little of it.
    Overrated: Life of Brian,Shrek
    Life of Brian: I just personally love Holy Grail better.
    Shrek: The story is cliche, the characters look ugly, and I just find it funny.
    Underrated: Python, Sabretooth
    Python: The movie itself is bad, but it was alot of fun.
    Sabretooth: Also pretty bad, but again, its a really fun & enjoyable movie.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Sep 1, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kaseykockroach
    The rules are simple. Upload a video(a cartoon, video game, film clip) and the next poster rates it. Then, that poster will upload thier own vid. The rest of the rules are obvious.:)
    I shall start...
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 24, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kaseykockroach
    Instead of starting topic after topic of "what's your favorite?", just list your favorite of everthing . List your food, movie, TV show, etc.
    Favorite Food: Shrimp
    Favorite movie: Monty Python and the Holy Grail
    Favorite TV show: Mystery Science Theatre 3000
    Favorite cartoon character: Screwy Squirrel
    Favorite Video Game: Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Favorite Animal: rat
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 22, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kaseykockroach
    I'm quite suprised this topic has not been brought up before.Or at least, not that I know of... Anyways, just name your #1 absolute favorite game.
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2 (genesis)
    2nd Place: Kingdom Hearts
    3rd Place:Rayman 2
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 22, 2007, 16 replies, in forum: Gaming
  11. kaseykockroach
    What other forums do you regulary visit? And what happens to be your username there? I am a member of...
    GAC Forums(Discuss golden age cartoons)
    Toon Zone(discuss animation in general)
    KH-Insider(I don;t visit that place much anymore, though. I like this place much better.)
    In all of these forums, I use kaseykockroach as my username.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 22, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kaseykockroach
    I'm not really sure this topic belongs here, but other then the "Anything Else" section, I can't think of any other place to discuss this.
    Remember getting up on Saturday morning, and turning on the TV and what do you usually find? Tom & Jerry, Bugs Bunny, Daffy Duck, Tex Avery cartoons,etc. Those were some of the best cartoons ever made. They had so much life. So much personality. So much heart and soul. Now, when we get up on Saturday, what do we find? Rude jokes, constant pop culture references, and way too much dialouge. What happend? What went wrong? I can't find myself sitting through any kind of animation they make today. Some people right now might be thinking the only reason I love the classics is only becuase that was the stuff I simply grew up on, and I enjoy them for pure nostalgia reasons. This is not true at all. There are some cartoons I grew up on as a kid, and they just don't hold up. Some examples include the Pluto cartoons, Chip and Dale, and most Mickey Mouse oldies. But those are the only exceptions. All the classic Tex Avery, Looney Tunes, Tom & Jerry, Woody Woodpecker still crack me up. And now I appreciatte them even more as important films, not just kids' fodder.
    So, to put it plain and simple, what happend to cartoons? I really hope this topic does'nt cause much controversy.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 21, 2007, 32 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. kaseykockroach
    How do you use your allies? Do you use them as simply healers? Or, do you strictly use them for attack? Or, do you use them as decoys? Also, how do you arrange your party members whenever you visit a different world? Who do you usually pair Donald or Goofy with? Here's what I usually use
    Donald- strict healer I try to get his MP as high as possible
    Goofy- strict defense. I get his defense & HP as high as possible
    Land of Dragons: Goofy & Mulan
    Beast's Castle: First visit, I use Goofy and Beast, but 2nd visit I use Donald
    Olympus Colliseum: Goofy & Auron
    Port Royal: Jack Sparrow & Goofy
    Halloween Town: Donald Jack Skellington, 2nd visit I use Goofy
    Agrabah: Donald & Alladin, 2nd visit I use Goofy
    Pride Lands: Goofy & Simba
    Space Paranoids: Goofy & Tron
    World That Never Was: Donald & Goofy only
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 18, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  14. kaseykockroach
    Just name any boss battle from any general game that you enjoy. Here are some of my favorites.
    Saix(Kingdom Hearts 2)
    Rajan(Sly 2:Band of Thieves)
    Miss Ruby(Sly Cooper & the Thievius Raccoonus)
    Final Battle(Sonic Hedgehog 2)
    Dr Nefarious(Ratchet & Clank 3)
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 16, 2007, 0 replies, in forum: Gaming
  15. kaseykockroach
    Which of the three games in the KH series do you think had the best Final Battle? My personal favorite is Ansem in KH1.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Aug 16, 2007, 22 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. kaseykockroach
    I've been on a long quest to get this weapon. How is it compared to Save the King? Is it stronger then STK?Is this weapon worth getting? Thanks in advance.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 26, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. kaseykockroach
    What happens to be your favorite party member you come aross in the game? As in, how useful they are, how fun they are to have around,etc.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 25, 2007, 54 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  18. kaseykockroach
    Many people say that KHFM Xemnas was much harder than the Enigmatic Soldier. So this got me thinkin, what ways do you think they could've made ES harder and truly the "hardest boss in KH history"? To me, one way they could've made Terra harder was to make the battle arena smaller, that way it would be harder to dodge his attacks. Also, the attack where he casts a spell where he drains your health and switches your commnand menus, that attack could have drained your HP much faster, like Xemnas Roulette.
    What do you think could've made the ES harder?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 17, 2007, 12 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. kaseykockroach
    I'm about to try the Unknown(Xemnas) boss in KH:FM for the 1st time. What are your reccomened preparations? What should my party be? Also, i'm at lvl 60, so despite this low lvl, do I have chance? Thanks in advance.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 27, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. kaseykockroach
    Of all the things that make the Kingdom Hearts series great, what the #1 thing that makes you love Kingdom Hearts? While I love the story,graphics and all, the #1 reason I love Kingdom Hearts is simply because you don't complete your quest alone. You have friends. Sure, it does not sound like much, but the game is ALOT more fun with company around(which is why I want KH2FM. I have been dreaming of an ultimate battle where Donald & Goofy stay and fight for once instead of constantly fighting alone, which is really boring & dull.) So what's the #1 reason you love Kingdom Hearts?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 15, 2007, 68 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts