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  1. kaseykockroach
  2. kaseykockroach

    I'm back!

    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 20, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. kaseykockroach
    ...In a world I want no part of. :)
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 20, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. kaseykockroach
    I don't, but here's a damn catchy video they did anyway back in the 90's.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 16, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. kaseykockroach
    It isn't just frowned upon love, it is agains the rules

    No advertising

    Mother Nature~
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 4, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. kaseykockroach
    Enough with this "celebrity death week" already. >> Michael Jackson was obviously mentally ill, and that's a shame, but forgive me if I don't cry that the world has come to an end over his death. People die everyday, every few minutes, and we're whining because an obnoxious guy on a commercial, or a psycho who sings, passes on?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 2, 2009, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. kaseykockroach
    Makes me proud to be Nicholas' nephew! =D
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jul 1, 2009, 1 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. kaseykockroach

    Binary solo

    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 30, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. kaseykockroach

    THAT has a Wiki page. WHY
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 30, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. kaseykockroach
  11. kaseykockroach
    "Take care of the children".
    So, they killed Michael Jackson! =D

    (Apologies. I lost a bet yesterday, and thus had to post this).
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 28, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. kaseykockroach
    Just like the title says, are there times when you feel like you're the only one who has a certain opinion on a subject. Keep it simple, and can be about any topic whatsoever.
    Am I the only one who finds HD/Blu-Ray to be nothing special? I'm not paying hundreds of extra dollars just so I can see the pores on someone's face a little more clearly. Plus, I honestly don't see that much of a difference anyway.
    Am I the only one who is unable to play any Final Fantasy game, due to the sheer badness of them (they're not fun to play, the stories are horrendous, etc)? In case you're wondering, I've tried FFX, FFX-2, and FF11.
    Am I the only one who doesn't really care for Super Mario Galaxy? The only thing that wowed me was the soundtrack.
    Am I the only teenager that doesn't own a cell phone?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Jun 23, 2009, 14 replies, in forum: Discussion
  13. kaseykockroach
    If you can get yourself to think that, you will be turned on everday.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, May 24, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. kaseykockroach
    Wayne Alwine, the voice of Mickey since 1977, is dead. :(
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, May 20, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Disney Galaxy
  15. kaseykockroach
    Name boss battles that either stand out in your mind, or you often feel compelled to start the game over just to play the boss again, or just plain love fighting the thing.
    Final Boss Wesker in RE5: Despite my low opinion of the game overall, the final boss in this mediocre game is.. Amazingly epic. Everything about it, the music, the arena, the way he looks... To me, its the most epic battle in any Resident Evil game. The amazing score really gives this battle a ton of points for awesomness.
    Enigmatic Soldier in Kh2FM: My favorite Kingdom Hearts battle, period. The insane difficulty, the sheer intensity one feels when battling him (unless your Apulapul :P), the kickass battle music, all contribute to this awesome fight.
    Great Mighty Poo from Conker: It speaks for itself as to why its one of my favorites.
    Honorable mentions: Saix from KH2, Dr Nefarious from R&C3, Dr M from Sly 3, Emperor Tsao from Sly 3
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, May 4, 2009, 16 replies, in forum: Gaming
  16. kaseykockroach

    Praise Daffy

    When I had an out of body experience, I visited the Trinity Table in heaven. Seated as the Holy Ghost was Woody Woodpecker. As the Son, Donald Duck. As the Father, Daffy Duck. Cool, huh?
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Apr 19, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. kaseykockroach
    Is this.
    Watch, and marvel at its WTFness.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Apr 11, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. kaseykockroach
    Title says it all.
    I can't decide. Each game had at least one amazing track! The first one had Fragments of Sorrow as my favorite, COM had Lord of the Castle, and KH2 had Darkness of the Unknown and Sacred Moon (or, in KH2FM, Rage Awakened and The Other Promise).
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Mar 19, 2009, 24 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  19. kaseykockroach
    KH2FM is finally in my slimy, selfish grasp. Before I make to where the extras really come in (as before, it just feels like playing KH2 again), which do you folks find to be the hardest task? So far, I'm obviously anticipating Terra to be the hardest.
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Feb 21, 2009, 26 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  20. kaseykockroach
    This was for a fanfic series I worked on for months (it may be the weirdest fanfic crossover ever, so I don't really show it at all for the sake of my dignity, just some artwork on it. But, as you can see, the main characters of the two stories were Donald Duck, and Vivian, from Paper Mario: Thousand Year Door). :P
    Please pardon the awful scanning. Really ruined the color. :S
    Thread by: kaseykockroach, Feb 7, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics