NOTHING KILLS HIM!!! Just try to watch this scene in the dark...Alooone.....>D
For ever disliking such a beautifully awesome show.
Featuring yer pals, Slam & Kasey! In...Pistol Packin Cockroach! The cartoon opens in a lawless western town, guns constantly blazing (even the little sparrows that fly by don't trust each other). A town where this occurs often. Cowboy: Hi, Marty! Sure glad to see ya! Cowboy 2: Howdy, Sly! It is good to see you too! (randomly pulls out a gun and kills Marty for no reason, and walks off happily like nothing ever happend). But, all goes quiet when familiar footsteps are heard... Everyone stares at the saloon entrance in terror, as Two Gun Slammie strolls in, clutching two revolvers. Slam: I'm looking to end the life of a certain insect hombre, indeed. Be he here? (spits in spittoon mid-sentence) Everyone runs in terror from the bar. Slam: Well, be he here? His opponent emerges from swimming in a barrel of beer, spotting Slam and thus pulling out his two revolvers as well, staring down his foe. Kasey: He be here.... As dramatic, suspenseful music is heard, as the two step closer, and closer, and closer, as the two prepare to pull out their weapons at the oppurtune time... The music gets more and more dramatic, as they step closer... And closer.. Aaaand... Kasey reaches, and pulls... Out his cigar. Kasey: So, how are t'ings? Slam: You imbecile! You've ruined the moment!! Listen here you rat with antennaes, I'm aiming to shorten your lifespan... Kasey (pulling out a shotgun): On de contrary, my dear friend, it is I who has de upper hand. Slam (pulling out a machine gun): Ah, no! Tis me! Kasey (pulling out a rocket launcher): Me! Slam (cannon): Me! Kasey (machine gun war turret): ME! Slam (entire battleship): ME! Beaten by that, Kasey shrugs, pulls out his small pistol, and blasts Slam in the face and runs off as Slam chases him after hopping off his battleship. While chasing Kasey around the saloon, Kasey runs to another room, slamming the door in his face. Only for Slam to enter the room through a door right next to the other (don't ask why two doors right next to each other lead to the same small room :P). Kasey responds by slamming that door in Slam's face. Continuing the chase, Slam becomes exhausted, and drags himself back to the bar, banging on the counter, shouting his desire for a drink. Of course, Kasey rushes in, simply wielding a fake mustache, asking in a Swedish accent what he wants. Slam: A small cup of alchoholic western tea, my good fellow! Kasey simply opens up a bottle of "SUPER DUPER EXTREME HOT SAUCE", pours it in a glass, and hands it to Slam. Slam: My, this looks delightful! Well, down the hatch! And Slam swallows the entire drink in one gulp. A drum roll is heard............... It gets louder as Slam appears to be rather uncomfortable... And then... Slam: YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WATER!!!! WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Kasey rips off his mustache, pointing outside the entrance, shouting "Overdere, overdere! Hurry, hurry!". Slam runs outside in terror and agony, as Kasey points to a fountain. The problem is, of course, Slam doesn't realize its a geyzer. KABOOOOOOM!!! Slam is shot in the air by the huge blast of hot water. Slam lands, crotch-first, on a cactus. He furiously lifts himself off, continuing the chase inside the saloon. There, S&K have an "suspenseful, exciting" pistol duel, firing all sorts of guns at each other as they dash throughout the saloon. Slam renders Kasey bald with a single shot, while Kasey, with damn good aim with his machine gun, carves a target symbol on Slam's back fur, and firing him with a pistol on the bullseye. As Slam continues firing, Kasey sneaks behind Slam, pouring ketchup all over Slam's head, and skipping off. Slam slowly ceases fire, feeling his head. You can guess the conclusion he comes to. Slam: G-g-g-good gracious!! He got me!...I'm heading for the big playboy mansion in the sky.... Slam collapses on the floor, writhing in "pain", as he awaits his final blow. Kasey plays that familiar tune on the trumpet (forgot the name, but its always played during a death, IDK), which certainly doesn't ease Slam's nerves. However, the bottle of ketchup, lying on the counter, drips on Slam's nose, as he gets himself up, and discovers this wretched scam. Kasey, knowing what Slam just found, shivers in fear, as Slam casually walks up to him. Slam: You know.... That wasn't very nice. PREPARE TO DIE!! Slam punches Kasey in the nose, pulling out a revolver, cornering him. Kasey sighs in defeat, writing his will (it reads: Donate all to charity. Except the good stuff), as he tearfully awaits his fate, as Slam prepares to pull the trigger, killing his foe once and for all.... Suddenly... A car horn is heard, as girls are heard giggling. Kasey: Oboy, dere's the dames! Slam: The wha...? Kasey: Sorry, Slammie, I can't play with ya no more, I's got a party to go to! So long! See ya tomorrow! Slam: WHAT!?! Oh, no you don't!! Kasey: But Slammie, dis cartoon's about to end! Just wait til next time! Slam: NO!! I'm ending this right now!! Slam tackles Kasey to the ground, and prepares to blow his brains out when... "THE END" falls out of the sky, smashing Slam's head, KOing him. Kasey breathes a sigh of relief, waving goodbye to the audience, and hopping to the convertible full of babes, as he drives into the sunset. The End. A Slam & Kasey Cartoon. THIS IS JUST TOO MUCH!!!!
Except maybe 99.99999999999999999999 percent of the population of the entire planet. =D Why yes, I am bored, why ever do you ask?
It doesn't have to be main characters. Just pick any video game protagonist in general. (ranked, somewhat) Vivian The Murray ("THE MURRAY KNOWS NO SONG, BUT THE TRIUMPHANT HORN SECTION OF HIS OWN TRIUMPH!". Nuff said). Dimitri Rayman (yes, he's a personality-less character, but he remains charming to me) Sly Cooper Clank Crash Bandicoot (Naughty Dog-version only, of course)
Drawings found in the mega archive (or, my filthy closet) of an eight year old superhero with a zombie/robot girlfriend and a baby sidekick. Drawn when I was (of course) eight years old. :P (SB couldn't find a real girlfriend, so he built one out of a corpse and some random garbage) (Severin-Boy's archnemesis, The Viper!) (Severin-Boy's infant sidekick, Mega Baby. He doesn't have any superpowers, SB just carries him on his backpack during his crime-fighting sprees).
Script for one of many 7 minute cartoons I've written. (WARNING: CONTAINS GRAPHIC VIOLENCE). A Slam & Kasey Cartoon Take the Cake Starring Slam Wallaby & Kasey Kockroach The cartoon opens as S&K are miserably standing in front of a bakery as it's snowing, as a huge, beautiful cake lies as the front display. The two stare at it in lust, searching through their pockets and finding nothing. The chef/owner of the shop walks out the door, placing a "Out to Lunch" sign on his door and walks off, singing "It's a Hap-Hap-Happy Day" to himself. S&K see their chance, and both sneak inside the bakery, oblivious to the fact that they're both going at it at once. They grab opposite sides of the large cake, now noticing they've got competition for the thievery of this lucious cake. Both growling in jealously, Slam socks Kasey in the eye, and whacks him with a mallet so hard, that he falls through the floor. Slam runs off with the cake in hand, only for Kasey to crash/emerge from the floor right in front of him, poking him in the eyes with two fingers, and running off outside with the cake. He runs to the safety of his trash can, but finds it locked. Panicking as Slam marches right up to him with a club, he frantically pulls out a keychain, searching desperately for the key to safety. Finally, he finds the right key, just as he's whacked and the cake stolen away. Kasey furiously chases Slam with a chain mace, smashing his noggin and stealing back the cake. Slam chases after him, but runs right into a metal pole, knocking himself out. Kasey chuckles to himself, only to fall right down a manhole, plummeting into the sewer below, knocking himself out as well as losing the cake in the sewer water. The crash gets the attention of a poor, starving, weak rat, looking like he's truly desperate for any form of food. He spots the dirty cake, and squeals in delight as he grabs it and drags it off. Just then, Kasey awakes, and angrily spots the tiny thief. He's just about to chase after it, but Slam jumps down the manhole, slipping and falling on Kasey, knocking him out once more, giving Slam the chance to chase the rat. He grabs the cake, along with the rat as he's clutching it, and stuffs it down his throat. Kasey, now awakened, punches Slam in the stomach with a boxing glove so hard, he coughs the cake up intact as well as the rat. Both tackle each other furiously to the ground, pummeling each other. The rat sees this as his chance, and sneaks off with the cake as the two are distracted. Eventually too bruised and weary to fight, they both now see the cake getting away, and frantically chase after it, as the chase continues in the sewer line. The rat sees them, and knows he can't outrun them. So, he tears off a slice of cake for himself, and crawls into a pipe, managing to squeeze the cake inside with him. As Slam follows the trail of the pipe, Kasey pulls out a rocket launcher, stuffing it inside the pipe as he prepares to shoot the rat out. Meanwhile, Slam finds the end of the pipe, and snickers as he sticks his mouth in it, knowing he can trick the rat into running the cake right into his piehole. Slam sticks his mouth on the pipe, as Kasey sticks the rocket launcher at the other end... A drum roll is heard... The music suddenly gets dramatic, as the mouse finds another escape, shrieking as he realizes what's about to happen, and hides, covering his eyes... Aaaand... KAAAAAABOOOOOOM!!!!!!!!! A rocket fires and explodes in Slam's mouth, as he manages to put his mouth out with the dirty water around him. Furious, he grabs a spiky mallet, whalloping Kasey repeatedly, as Kasey strikes back, using his rocket launcher as his club. They beat each other mercillessly, until they remember the cake, as the rat is again scurrying off and getting away with the cake, as he climbs back up the ladder and onto the streets with it. S&K hurriedly climb up the ladder, chasing after the rat, dodging trucks and cars and parades as they chase the cake through the snowy streets. S&K pull out shotguns, blasting at the cake-wielding rodent, destroying everything but it. The streets are set on fire, cars are destroyed, people are scared away, as S&K furiously pursue the now filthy cake. Finally, the two climb after the rat up a building, and corner him at the edge. The rat threatens to drop it down the skyscraper if they come too close. Seeing they're bowing down to him as the cake is threatened, the rat (though doesn't speak, he squeaks in certain tones where you can get an idea what he's saying) proposes they share the cake. Reluctantly, S&K agree, as they climb down the now wrecked building and onto the destroyed city. Just as about they're about to split it, the chef/owner of the bakery now returns! Of course, he is furious at these three thieves, swiping the cake away, screaming at them in Italian, as he chases them away from his property, hurling other cakes at them as he continues to chase them until he's worn out. S&K and the rat sulk at first, having lost the single reasont they were fighting. But, they realize they have cake all over them from the guy chasing them. So, the cartoon closes as they lick the icing off of themselves, satisfied with that. The End. A Slam & Kasey Cartoon.
In your opinion, who are some of the best video game villains (and why)? It can be a major villain, or a minor villain. I'd have to go with Dr Nefarious from R&C3 myself. "LAAAAWWWREEENNNCE!!!". Runner ups include Bowser, Beldam, Shadow Queen, Neyla and Admiral Razorbeard. This guy's insane. Now if you excuse me, I gotta go pick up my girlfriend. *hugs Ariel pillow*
Damn, he's a sexy guy. Shame noone appreciates his excellency. He is truly the KHV member at it's finest. An undiscovered talent.
Alright, folks! It's come down to this...! We are all going to break the record for the longest-running spam thread evah!!!! LET'S SPAM FOR 300 PAGES! POST CRAZY VIDEOS, PICS, ANYTHING!!!!!!!!! JUST GO CRAZY FOR 300 PAGES!!!!! Ready, set.... SPAM FOR 300 PAGES!