I don't for the most part, but I miss whooping a$$ with Donald & Goofy. Birth by Sleep can go back to sleep, f*** whatever happened to Roxas and that stupid organization. Now Nomura's teasing us with even more pointlessness, with this KH3D garbage. Only Coded contributed anything to the future of the series, and even then, it was as exciting as watching molasses running up a hill in January. With crutches. And, you know what? I hate Sora. Why? Because I hate that we're supposed to care more about a whiny kid trying to find his friends than Donald & Goofy's quest to save their kingdom by finding the king. If Sora fails in his quest? He'll have to find a new hot chick to spank the monkey with. If Donald & Goofy fail? Their kingdom will crumble. But no, Donald & Goofy are supposed to be the "sidekicks", while we're supposed to care more about Sora's story. Donald's flanderization is particularly insulting, when in reality, he's a far more complex character than Sora could ever whine about being. And whatever happened to "meddling"? Sorry, shirtless-teenager-we-just-met-in-a-desert, you'll have to rescue the girl yourself like you did just fine in the movie, we have more important things to attend to (like singing with a stacked mermaid, or competing in battle tournaments). I think this sums up my current feelings on KH. ~Or we could not link to mature fanfics~ I don't know, I'm bored. Carry on with your lives, folks, nuttin to see here. -Sighs- I want a Donald action-RPG or somethin....But, we can't have that. That'd actually be fun. Can't we just go back to the simple, instead of making a Lost out of KH?
http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/#/d2uk0r0 My favorite cartoon character, my favorite video game character. No, not a crack pairing. XD
I've had more than enough of this wasteland. Obviously, a lot of people here are incapable of using that thing inside their head commonly referred to as a "brain" (and no, I'm not just referring to the Satanist thread). Plus, this forum just isn't fun anymore. None of the good guys are ever online (from what I've seen lately, anyway) anymore. Had some good times here (hey, I have 600 posts here, so SOME times had to be good in some way). Found my first and last girlfriend, was able to import KH2FM thanks to this place (back when I actually liked KH2FM, but even now, kicking Terra's ass is a blast), met some some darn good people here (CTR, Repliku, DPWolf, Brad, Katsquatch, Thoraxe). But, that's all this place is now. Just good memories. So long, folks! I'll remember you all on therapy!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IsO60Q1VbuE My eyes were sending desperate pain signals to my brain, asking to develop a mouth so they could throw up a.s.a.p. She's bad AND drawn that way.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9ev28UH_lQM I AM ED! *WHAM!* CHEESE AND MACARONI!
http://kaseykockroach.blogspot.com/2010/01/just-killing-time-in-my-flashphotoshop.html Forgive me, I had nothing else to do Friday.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WCWOWAxPfzI I have no idea why anyone hasn't used 2:25-2:34 in any Youtube poop yet. God, I love those European T&J's...SO FANTASTICALLY BAD!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xxqoKGMw6gI I can't hold it in much longer...
.....Say what?
I'll have you know I stubbed my toe last week, while watering my spice garden, and I only cried for about as long as it takes to make a potato salad.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FT4YbO_1mvA I WILL PUSH THE BUTTON IF I GET ONE MORE DEREP! >D
THE EYES! THE EYES!!!!! GOD HELP ME, THE EYES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LEikVb6EVzA&feature=related
I LOOOOVED THIS SHOOOOOW!!!!!!!!!! -Dances to theme song- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QtzWP8jesm4
Come, Elise, let us shake hands as we congragulate your- HEIL HITLER! -BANG!- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ROxebWaRxfg
http://kaseykockroach.blogspot.com/2009/12/lion-king-review.html No, not mine! Just someone else's, worth a look for how different it is from other's thoughts on it (widely being considered a masterpiece and all). I didn't feel like embedding the three parts, so here's the blog entry that has it. Thoughts? Oh, and let's be civil, shall we?
Will your answer to this question be no?
Well, here ya go. I love thinking about these stories when my friends whine about how horrible their lives are because they don't have an Ipod, or the new Twilight movie sucked. http://www.parentdish.com/2009/12/0...s-sight-he-asks-to-see-usc-football-as-final/
http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/Safari-So-Good-135085620 http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/Office-Space-136588473 http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/Tabuu-Trubble-137147196 http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/Wild-and-Woolly-Wallaby-137907286 http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/Of-Roaches-and-Wallabies-124592527 http://kaseykockroach.deviantart.com/art/The-Roached-Wallaby-134735765