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  1. Ego Imperium
    According to stories, passed down by the generations, the whimsical weapons dubbed as, "keyblades" have a rather mixed reputation, spawning from a rather violent past. Some stories tell of a keyblade wielder bringing an untold destruction upon the world. Others, tell of how a wielder of keybearer liberated the world from darkness for a time. This RP, shall delve into both sides of the story.

    Many a generation ago, there was a world of glorious beauty, unrivaled by any other. Upon this world there stood a mighty castle, over looking a peaceful, serene village, resting in the heart of a mountain range. The people of the village were content with all they had, and all they were. Their leader was loved by all, and ruled with precision, and tact and consideration for all whom he ruled over.

    Yet within the castle, there was a mysterious, surreal force, kept well hidden in the walls of the keep. The force in question emanated from a door, which seemed to have simply appeared after the castle's completion. Never seen in the blueprints to the castle's design, it was dismissed for some time as a simple construction fluke. Many years passed, with the door being left alone, and ignored.

    Then, one day, not horribly long ago, perhaps only 100 years, a young boy, no more than 15 years on him, arrived in the castle, bearing an odd weapon. While the weapon appeared to be a large key, it had the blade of a sword upon it. The boy had shown up beaten to a near pulp, and his clothes tattered. The ruler of the world felt sympathy for the child, and took him in for healing.

    The boy would stay at the castle for several weeks, restoring his vitality, and regaining his functions. Once he was cured, he prepared his leave. During his last days, he had taken some time to explore the castle, and learn of its corridors, and passages, in case he ever needed to return to it. In his wanderings, he came across the mystery door, and the force which sourced from it. Immediately, his keyblade drew him to the door, and without realizing what he was doing, he had touched the key to the door.

    In what seemed like mere seconds, the world was covered in darkness. Powerful beings aligned with the darkness came into being, and began bidding for control over the realm of light. Warriors aligned with the light fought back, in the hopes of defending their worlds. And through the chaos, the boy with the keyblade vanished without a trace.

    Five years have passed since the opening of the door. The wars between light and darkness continue to spread chaos and destruction over the many worlds. But the winds of change are about to blow in favor of the light. The time will soon be at hand for the boy with the key, to return a man.

    - No god-moding, power-playing, or metagaming
    - No one liner posts. All IC posts should consist of at least 5 well written sentences. You will find that it is easier to follow a plot that uses more than one line posts.
    - There will be no canon characters in this RP, all will be original
    - I will be making a profile for the keybearer. There will only be ONE keybearerm who will be granted to the RPer of my choosing.
    -This thread will be for the character profiles, and for all out of character comments pertaining to the flow of the RP. You may make short OOC comments in the IC thread once it is up, but they must also be followed up with an in character comment.

    Character Profile Outline​

    What your character is called

    How old are they?

    Male or Female. If they technically have no gender, then which to they appear as.

    Darkness or Light

    Physical Appearance:
    In 4+ sentences, describe what your character looks like. You may have a picture.

    In 4+ sentences, describe the most common clothes seen worn by your character.

    Personality and History:
    This is information that should be implied (personality) through the actions of the characters, and touched on (history) as the plot thickens.

    What weapons does your character wield? Remember that there is only one keyblade, and that character is not available as of yet.

    This is for the powers, skills, and/or magic that your character possess. All I ask is that you not be vague, and explain what sorts of attacks your character uses as a result of their powers. Note that a person who uses darkness as a power base, can still be in allegiance with the light (think Riku).
    Thread by: Ego Imperium, Aug 17, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Ego Imperium
    So the idea that I have is relatively simple, and hopefully, it'll catch on with the lot of you. Essentially, my thought is for a massive cross over RP, in which original characters will act as bounty hunters, who track down, and eliminate various canon characters within their respective worlds. For example, we may decide to have one world be The World That Never Was, and have targeted characters be the members of Organization XIII. What this RP will need is a few players playing bounty hunters, as well as players controlling the marked characters (A single person may control multiple marked characters, as they will be played as assigned). So if anyone is interested, I'm open for any, and all suggestions for worlds, and marked canon characters to have for those worlds (they do not have to be limited to FF and KH).
    Thread by: Ego Imperium, Aug 13, 2009, 0 replies, in forum: Retirement Home