The rag tag army was ready to move out, Tyson among them. Some of them were volunteers, and obviously have never held a gun. They entered the city, and everything was unnaturally quiet. It was unsettling to say the least. There were blood steins on the streets and on the buildings as well. Cars were stopped in the middle of the road, a few wrecked into light posts and other cars. Some cars had blood sprayed on the inside of the vehicles. Tyson peaked in the window in one car. The blood prevented him from seeing anything, and the smell prevented him from wanting to see anything.
The plane landed without a hitch just outside of London. Tyson started to relax. The military officers lead them off the plane and towards the camp that was hastily set up. There were dozens of cops, veterans, and whoever else the military could gather up. They had medical tents set up to help the sick, and piles upon piles of body bags. The guy in charge was some sort of high ranking military officer, Tyson was too distracted to pay attention to his rank. The plan was simple, they'd just swipe through the city. And if that didn't work they'd be force to air strike the place. Given the height of the body pile, that might be inevitable. Tyson was more then a little uncomfortable with this. He'd never actually had to use his gun on a person. He's been hunting before, Deer and sometimes Elk when he was younger, but he never took to it. Shooting another human, even if it is one of whatever they are was a bit unsettling for him.
Tyson got ready to open up another beer bottle but his phone rang before he could. He checked the caller ID, it was work. "Hello?" Tyson answered, he knew if it was work it had to be important. "Malone! Get down to the station now! The military has requested help in containing England from...whatever it is. So congratulations you've been drafted." The chief barked, and then hung up the phone before Tyson could reply. "Well, looks like my country needs me....wait this isn't even my country. Nor is the one I'm being sent to. Ugh...whatever." Tyson grunted as he tossed his uniform on. Tyson quickly got in his car, and floored the accelerator. Tyson wasn't too drunk to drive, well in fact he wasn't even buzzed yet. It takes a lot more then a couple beer bottles anymore. Tyson made it to the station in record time. The station was as one would expect, chaotic. "Malone!" Tyson wasn't there for two seconds before the chief was yelling for him. "There you are. I'm sending you and about nine others to London. That seems to be the focal point so everything's a bit more chaotic there. So the Military needs more help there. They will fly you in there." The chief barked. "Fly? As in airplanes?" Tyson had a unhealthy fear of flying. To the point where he has to be knocked out to even get up in the air. "Don't worry. Those Military birds are like flying tanks." the chief tried to reassure Tyson. "Last time I checked tanks were about as aerodynamic as a brick." Tyson's pulse was already racing just talking about flying. When Tyson and the other cops arrived at the plane it was already prepped and ready to go. They were all decked out in riot gear and had laser sighted assault rifles, it was very fancy. A couple military officers helped strap them in and they took off. Tyson was sweeting profusely, and looked like he was about to have a heart attack. The cop sitting next to him looked at him curiously. "Tá sé ceart go leor cara, do níos mó seans go bás ó timpiste gluaisteáin ansin dtimpiste eitleáin." He spoke in Irish, Tyson knew enough to get by. He got the jest of what he saying, that he's more likely to die from a car crash then a plane crash. "Yeah, ach an chuid is mó am nach bhfuil mé ag eitilt i sciatháin bríce." Tyson's Irish was horrible but he could usually get his point across. The Cop laughed at Tyson's attempt to speak in Irish.
Tyson quietly slipped his cloths on and tipped toed out of the bedroom of some girl he meet. 'Well another done. One step closer I guess.' As Tyson went to the door he noticed some pictures on the walls. They were of the woman and a kid about 5 years old. 'Did she have a kid? Could I have not noticed that?' were just a few questions that raced through his mind. The did bare a striking resemblance to the woman. "What have I done?" Tyson whispered. Did he really just take some poor kids mother? He stood there just trying to think about it. 'Maybe it didn't take, maybe she won't get pregnant.' Tyson thought, just trying to reassure himself. But it wasn't working. ''This needs to end and soon.'' Tyson said as he went out to his car. Tyson got in his car and left in a hurry. "Ok opinions. I could keep doing this shit and find comfort in that I'm doing this for Jen and the bottom of a liquor bottle. I could tell Temeluchus to take this deal and shove it firmly up her creepy feathered ass, which would result in my gruesome painful death and who knows what would happen to Jen's soul. Or maybe I could fess up to the angels about all this, maybe they could do something about it. But of course wouldn't they already know? Ugh....maybe I could go to another fallen, assuming I could find another and that they would know anything about this and not cart me off to the nearest insane asylum or kill me on sight for what I've done." Tyson sighed. "I'm better off with the bottom of a liquor bottle. I'm so screwed." Tyson parked his car in front of the sidewalk in front of his apartment. Tyson got out of the car and went into his apartment. When he got in he grabbed him some beers and turned the TV onto the news. But it didn't matter if he did or not, there was a emergency broadcast signal on all channels. The emergency of course, was the 'zombie' outbreak in England. "Damn, and tonight is Breaking Bad night." Tyson was just trying to keep calm. "Well I can guess where the wicked bitch of the west is." Tyson looked up at the ceiling. "So God, you gonna get off your cosmic ass and do something? What about you Gabriel, Michael, or any other winged pansy up there behind the pearly gates? Yeah I thought you all would act like little bitches. When the going gets tough, the angels just watch like creeps." By now Tyson had already downed a bottle of beer. "Yeah you cast us out because we loved your creations! But yet when they are in danger you just watch! And to think you call use the fallen ones."
Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders Location: Battle Hall Time: 7:15 Mood: Annoyed Ryder's eyes darted between Banshee and Darcy. Banshee leaped over Muscle like a cat, snarling like an animal at Darcy. Muscle tried to leap up and catch her, but she was too fast for him. But before she landed on him, Darcy took a huge swing of his fist as it plowed again into Banshee's jaw. Without the steel. Banshee landed a good 5 feet away. "Here I thought I was the brawn of the group." Ryder muttered to himself. Ryder turned to the clapping just like everyone else. Ryder un-amped and stood at attention when he saw the instructor, Thomas Shankman. Everyone really respected him, that was probably due to him being the only DuoMorph. Although Ryder can't quite remember ever seeing him use his powers. "Sorry Sir, I'll try to do better." Ryder replied before Banshee could. He wasn't even sure if he should be the one apologizing, it just kind of came out. Banshee muttered something under her breath, and finally muttered loudly to Darcy, "Sorry." Ryder was a little surprised that she apologized even if Shankman ordered her to. Thomas then pulled a Radio Controller. "Alright everyone." He said, "Since I came very late, you are all dismissed and your grade isn't affected. However, today is your chance to boost you grade by a lot." He pressed a knob as one of the large doors of the Battle Hall opened. There was a metallic roar as a huge metal paw hit the dirt form under the shadows. Ryder glared at the shadows. 'That thing is badass!' Ryder thought to himself. "This is a mecanical android I built for the sake of battle." Thomas said as the mechanical beast walked over and gave a rumble that sounded a purr, "Basically you are supposed to fight this thing, but you can only detain it, not destroy it. If anyone chooses to accept this challenge I will double your point value for this class, if you succeed of course.. so! Who wants to do this challenge?" Ryder looked around at the others. "Count me in sir." Ryder stood forward.
Episode 9 Leverage July 9 2013 Morning "Yes, very well then." Fisher said with a bit of surprise. "Now then Nathan, I'm going to make you an offer. I've made this same offer to Angelina among others." Fisher said as he moved in front of Nate. "What I offer is freedom. No more hiding from the world. No more of us fearing what would happen if the Humans knew. I tend to come forth to the world, along with others like you. If you accept there will be a place for you in the new world order. If you decline I only ask that you stay out of the way." Fisher said in a calm voice. "This is something to think about. I'll come back tomorrow for your answer. Tis been a pleasure." Fisher said. "Adhortantesque." Fisher said then disappeared in a puff of smoke. "Goddamn dragon! Goddamn Golem, taking me out of the fight before..." Martian began yelling. "Before what? Before you turned into ash like the Wendigo? I saved your life tiny wolf." The Golem replied in it's usual monotone voice. "I could have still won!" Martian growled back. "That remains to be seen." The Golem said as he opened the door to Fisher's office. But inside Rivers was leaning against Fisher's desk, waiting. "So how'd it go? Did you have fun?" Rivers said in a mocking voice. Martian growled at him. "We failed. And we've lost the Wendigo." The Golem replied. Rivers let out a loud sigh. "Great, now Fisher will need to call the expert." Rivers said with dread. "Expert? Who's this expert?" Martian questioned. "Fisher's exe wife. Come we must prepare." Rivers said as he directed both of them out of the room and went down the hall.
Username: lord-insan-E-O Name: John Hawke Angel: Darda'il Appearance: This Age: 19 Location: St. Petersburg, Russia Occupation: Bike messenger Religious Views: He doesn't have a real religious views. He thinks that all of them might hold some truth. But prefers to not think about it. Personality: He's overconfident, brash, full of himself, and rebellious. He loves to joke around, make fun of people, and just all around piss them off. Under that dick exterior he is a nice enough guy. But you gotta dig deep. He's also very smart but prefers to hide it. Other: Prefers to be called by his last name.
Tyson woke up as groggy as usually. It was his day off and he thought that he'd better go out, rather then deal with Temeluchas. He got up and went into the bathroom to splash some water on his face to help wake up. When he was done in the bathroom he went into the kitchen to fix him some breakfast. In the kitchen he saw Hitch. The cat has been avoiding him for last few days. Ever since he started practicing with his powers. He fixed himself something simple for breakfast, cereal and toast. He left a bowl of milk for Hitch but he wouldn't go near it until Tyson walked away. After he finished breakfast he took himself a quick shower. He slapped on something to keep him smelling good. He tossed some cloths on and grabbed his keys and went on out.
Remember before we report they're missing, we max out their credit cards.
Night Fisher rolled his eyes as Angelina lunged towards him with her dagger. "Adhortantesque." He calmly said then disappeared in a puff of smoke. He reappeared behind Nate. "You should really choose less.....temperamental companions. Trust me I speak from experience." Fisher said with a bit of smugness. "Now are we going to be civilized about this or do Nathan and I need privacy?" Fisher asked. "And as for how I know you, nothing happens in this city without my knowledge." Arthur could sense Martian, Savage, and the Golem hiding. "Hold that thought. We have eavesdroppers. Come on out now boys. You have been searching for me all day and you wouldn't want your prize to get away now would you?" Arthur called out. The tree came from out of the trees. The Golem circled around to the left, Savage went to the right, and Martian went to the circle towards Arthur. Arthur smiled. "Fisher sent you huh? Well at least make it fun!" Arthur yelled. Martian gave the Golem a nod, and it attacked first. The Golem with all it's might pulled back it's huge arm for a punch as it rushed towards the dragon. The Golem sent his fist flying as soon as it was close enough. Arthur caught the fist in the blink of a eye before it was even close enough to hit. Catching the fist didn't even phase Arthur. And with a flick of his wrist he sent the Golem flying through the tree line. Savage was the next to attack. He blurred himself towards Arthur. The dragon swapped his arm and caught Savage by the neck. "Wendigo." Arthur spat on the ground. Arthur dug his finger nails into Savage's neck. Arthur's hand began to glow a orange color like fire. Savage's skin started to turn a black charcoal color. Savage's eyes then turned the same color as Arthur's hands. He whaled in pain, and when he opened his mouth fire shot out. Savage's skin began to crack and he just turned into ash. The only thing left was the clothes he was wearing. Martian stood in shock. Wendigos aren't the strongest creatures but they are the fastest, and seeing Arthur catch Savage he wondered if Arthur was really a Dragon. Martian leaped towards him. Arthur's hand then changed to a light blue. "Bang." Arthur said as he pointed one finger at Martian. A bolt of lightning shot out of his hand and hit Martian directly in the chest. Martian staggered to get up. The bolt forced him back to human form. Martian then collapsed on the ground. The Golem grabbed Martian and tossed him over his shoulders and ran off towards the city. Arthur gave a little chuckle. "Now, where were we?" Arthur said calmly, unaffected by what happened.
OOC: I'm extending the night till Thursday. Night Martian sniffed around Cole's SUV while the Golem and Savage looked on. They have been tracking Arthur all day. It's mostly been guess work since Arthur strangely has no scent. "He here's. I'm sure of it." Martian said as he turned towards the forest. "Are you sure little wolf? You've been sure of it for the past seven places we stopped." The Golem questioned. "Know your place boulder! I was put in charge here not you!" Martian barked. He was obviously frustrated due to not finding Arthur yet. "And look tracks." Martian pointed out. The Golem rolled his eyes and followed behind Martian as they followed the tracks. They followed the tracks until they could hear Arthur talking. They hid behind the trees unnoticed.
Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders Location: Battle Hall Time: 7:05 Mood: Annoyed Darcy looked a Muscle. "Are you kidding me, Muscle?" Darcy said, "She just insulted your leader. An eye for an eye, as my book tells me!" Ryder glared at Darcy. "In case you don't know an eye for an eye makes the world go blind pup." Ryder was a little annoyed that he didn't defuse the situation. But he really didn't expect it would be done that easy, they are teenagers with superpowers after all. He watched Darcy and Banshee go at it. He was a little impressed that the newbie could hold his own against a seasoned veteran like Banshee. He covered his ears due to Banshees attacks. He always found her powers a bit annoying, he was just glad he wasn't in her squad. "I've had enough of this BS!" Ryder yelled. He then amped up and leaped between them, creating a shockwave that staggered anyone near him. "Are you guys done fighting like four year olds? Or do I need to lay the smackdown on all of you?!" Ryder yelled, while amped his voice was deeper and thunderous. His attention darted between all three of them. He was among the top fighters in the whole OmegaTech.
K, I've just haven't on Skype for a little while.
Can I have another character? Username: lord-insan-E-O Designation: Ut Mali Character Name: Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson Age: 17 Physical Appearance: Tall, muscular and fairly handsome. He has shoulder length black hair. Power and Abilities: Duplication. He can create perfect copies of himself and inanimate objects. He can't duplicate anything that is or was once living, so he can't duplicate food or anything made of wood. The copies act on a hive mind so they follow the originals orders through a sort telepathic connection. Short Biography: Malcolm was born in a orphan. He never knew what happened to his parents nor does he care. He was picked up by the scientist when he was young and well you know the rest. He never held any ill will to them, they made him powerful. He's an avid believer of survival of the fittest, believing that anyone weak enough to be taken advantage of should be. He was at OmegaTech for a little while after the riot but didn't stay for long. Now he works with Ut Mali, mostly due to them fitting his ideology. Enhancermorph type: Artificial
Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders Location: His room. Time: Early morning. Mood: Worried. Ryder's weights clanking could be heard even outside his room. He was working out pretty furiously. It was due to this situation that they were in. He's confident in his and the team's abilities sure, but he doesn't believe they can emotionally handle this. "Damn it!" He yelled. He tossed the weights he was lifting into the wall, leaving a huge dint. 'I don't know what the prof wants from us. We can't take on an army alone.' he thought to himself. He rubbed his eyes and looked over at the clock. It was nearing time for class. "Guess I need to go for Combat training." Ryder said to himself. He put on his sleeve less grey shirt and went on to training. He got to the battle just in time to see what was going on between Darcy and Banshee. "Now, now no need to argue your all very pretty. Maybe we should calm down before someone gets frost bite or their ear drums explode." Ryder said trying to defuse the situation. He didn't see the teacher anywhere near, so somebody had to make sure they didn't kill each other.
I'm going to be away until Sunday. I'll try to post but no promises.
Noon 4/6 Arthur parked Cole's SUV on the outskirts of the forest. He walked into the forest. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath in. He opened them back. Instead of being like a normal humans eyes, they were bright yellow and slanted much like a reptile. In his vision he could see faint trails of light. One was a greyish color and another was a dark green. They both were going into the same direction. He followed them. He saw Avira and Gale. He quickly turned his eyes to normal. "Hello, Gale and Avira is it?" Arthur greeted. "My name is Arthur. I'm a dragon and a....friend of Mr. Cole Jackson. The Alpha werewolf. I'm here to stop Fisher. And I could use both of your help." "Please, like that dagger will do you any good. While you Shape-shifters certainly have your uses, your kind have never been the straight up brawler types now have you? Especially against others of the supernatural variety." Fisher said with a bit of smugness. He had already calculated over twenty different ways to deal with her if need be. He never goes into a situation blindly. "And besides if you remember I was not the victor in the bout. Martian is a little over zealous when it comes to Cole. But your not why I'm here. I'm here for you Nathan." Fisher said as he turned towards Nate. "Miss Angelina have you informed him of the offer I made you?" Fisher asked.
Noon 4/6 "Hey Cole. What's up?" Russell greeted as he rode his bike into the hanger. "Well that's the million dollar question. Anyways how are you Russ?" Cole replied. Cole went to his frig and got a soda. "You want a pop?" He asked. "Nah, I'm good. Say, where's your SUV?" Russell replied. Cole went over to the door and looked outside. "That scaly SOB! He took my ride!" Cole yelled out. He probably should have noticed but he was too busy training. "Who's the scaly SOB?" Russell asked with a bit of smugness. "A dragon. He's name is Arthur." Cole replied. "Of course he is." Russell said. "He's going to help deal with Fisher. Oh and he left a present for you, this bag thing should hide you from Fisher." Cole then began to explain everything that happened yesterday and the night before that. "Ok, time for recruitment." Fisher said to himself. "Adhortantesque!" He yelled then disappeared in a puff of smoke. He reappeared outside of Nate's house. He walked to the door and waved his hand. "Reserare." He calmly said, and the door was unlocked. He casually walked into the house. He adjusted his tie and walked into the kitchen. "Hello Nathan. It is Nathan right? I ask because I only know you go by Nate. Oh and hello to you too Miss Angelina. Fine day isn't it?" Fisher greeted.
Tyson got into the station and it was a little more empty then normal. Turns out quite a few officers had been called out to help out over in London. Galway was in Northern Ireland and Northern Ireland was apart of the UK after all. "Hey Ty." James called out to his partner. "Hey, you ready to go?" Tyson asked. "Yeah." James replied. "Something wrong man?" James asked Tyson. Tyson was a little distracted. He was thinking about what Temeluchas's plans, and what she is going to do to the Nephilim. Also he was wondering how many of the fallen are out there, maybe he could get some real answers from them. If they even knew, would they even talk to him? He has fell pretty far. "Huh, um no I'm fine. Just thinking about stuff." Tyson replied. After a few hours of driving around they finally find something to do. "Finally, I'm about to die from boredom." James said. As they came down a street, two guys were robbing a convince store. Tyson pulled the car over and James bolted out. He was able to catch one of the guys. Tyson got out of the car and ran after the other guy. But the robber had a too far head start on him. "Stop!.....Please?" Tyson yelled out as he tried to catch up. 'Screw this.' He thought to himself. Tyson took a deep breath in and held out his arm. He focused in on the robber's leg, and he pulled it from under him, bringing him to the ground. For anyone watching it just looked like the robber tripped. Tyson dug him knee into the guy's back and took out his cuffs and put them on the robber. "Bet your wishing you stopped now huh?" Tyson smugly said as he brought the guy up to his feet. Using his powers like that gave him a headache but well worth it. Tyson dragged the robber back over to the squad car. "Let's see what ya' got here buddy." Tyson said as he patted him down. Tyson pulled a small gun out of the back of the robber's pants. "Well, all this much did they get?" Tyson asked James. "Not enough for the trouble." James replied. "Alright get in the car." Tyson demanded as he shoved the robber's in the car.
If he's crazy, what does that make you?