Tyson was about a block away from the motel and he could already see the building horde. "Oh no." Tyson froze. He wasn't sure what to do, all he could think about is if the others are ok. "I need to think this one over. I can't just go in guns blazing." Tyson looked around to see what he had to work with. "Where's MacGyver when you need him? Hmmmmmm, maybe I could hot wire a car and send it towards the horde." Tyson said to himself. Tyson quietly got out of the truck and sneaked over to a near by car. Tyson used his powers to unlock the door and commenced to hot wire it. He kneeled down on the brake and used some of the bandages he got to tie a brick to the accelerator. Tyson made sure the car was lined up and then released the brake sending it to the horde. After Hawke was done with the delivery he returned to work. By the time he got back it was already quitting time. So he went back home and went to bed.
A moon rock tastes better than an earth rock because it's meteor.
5 Tyson hopped into the truck that he....procured and drove off. He was surprised Hana let him go without sending someone with, which he was kind of glad too. He'd move faster on his own. The first thing he did after he left was go to the place where the unit he was in was killed. As much as he didn't want to he need the ammo. He was thinking about grabbing a couple guns for the others, but he didn't like the idea of the others having guns since they're not trained. When Tyson got about a block near the location he hopped out the truck and sneaked over. He looked around and the coast was clear. He quickly grabbed 6 clips for the assault rife and hand gun. He also grabbed a extra hand gun just in case. He didn't like looting the bodies but he needs the ammo more then they do. Before he left he grabbed the dog tags, badges, and other items off of the people. He was going to give them somewhat of a burial. He snuck back to the truck and hopped back in. Tyson shoved the clips in the glove compartment, and one clip for each gun in his pants. Tyson started the truck back up and went on his way. Tyson arrived at one of those super stores that have about everything one would want. He parked the truck outside and snuck in. There were tons of dead bodies littered around. Tyson hopped in through a broken window. He looked around for a bit to be sure it was clear, it was. Tyson grabbed a shopping cart. He started off by grabbing bandages, some rubbing alcohol, and some pain pills. He then went for some food. He grabbed some can foods, bottle water, just about anything that could last for awhile. Next was the clothes. He wasn't sure about the others sizes or tastes so he just grabbed a couple of everything. T-shirts, pants, blouses, just anything he thought the others might wear. After he was done with the essentials he grabbed some other stuff. He saw the Samuel was a smoker so he grabbed him three packs of cigarettes for him and a lighter. And finally he grabbed a couple CDs of Kansas, Journey, Blue Oyster Cult, and Foreigner, then he left.
Episode 11 What I Need July 11, 2013 OOC: Just putting the EP title.
9 "Bandages got it. I was going to grab some food, and cloths too. I've got a truck ready over there. I'm surprised I still remember how to hot wire." Tyson gave them a nod and walked over to the room he and Brandon were staying. He opened the door and grabbed his assault rife. Before he went out he walked back over to Hana. "I should be back in 30 minutes. When I get back we should probably pack up. We can leave in the morning. If that's ok with you." Hawke as usually rode his bike as reckless as ever. Cutting in front of other vehicles, tapping on the driver's windows just to annoy them. Hawke eventually made it to a suburb. He glanced down on his GPS that he kept on his bike's handle. He looked around until he found the right house. Hawke leaned his bike next to the door and rang the door bell. He grabbed the package out of his bag and a clipboard. He looked at who the package was addressed to, someone name Martha. The door opened after a couple minutes. "LiMarta zhit' po etomu adresu? (Does a Martha live at this address?)" Hawke asked not even looking up from the package. "Da, eto ya. (Yes, that's me.)" A beautiful woman about Hawke's age answered. Hawke looked up at her surprised. He'd figure a Martha would some old woman. Hawke looked her up and down. "Kak dela? (How you doing?)" He gave her a nod. "Net. (No)" She rolled her eyes. She took the clipboard Hawke had, signed it and took the package and slammed the door in his face.
Tyson saw Hana come out of the room in the corner of his eye. 'Bout time.' he thought. "Looks like our Kenobi's awake, we'll continue this later young Skywalker." Tyson said as he patted Brandon on the shoulder. Yeah he's bit more of a nerd then he let's on. Tyson walked over to Hana who was talking to Samuel. "Sleep well Hana? How bout you Sammy?" Tyson asked. "I was thinking about heading out to get some food and supplies. Is there anything your low on or need?" While Tyson was normally against looting and such, but he was gonna try to save the world so screw it.
"Yeah kid I guess this is kind of cool." Tyson replied. Brandon seemed a little too excited about all this but he seems like a good enough guy. Tyson was sure he could be depend on him if needed. "Fighting is all fine and dandy when needed, just don't rely on it too much." Tyson said. "Yeah sure we can practice." Tyson looked down at his wand. "Ok go-go gadget angel sword." Tyson said and then the wand turned into a long skinny sword. "Holy crap that worked?" Tyson muttered to himself. Tyson spun the sword around his hand. "When Hana get's up I should ask her my sword's name." Tyson said as he continued to spin it around. Hawke was sitting down on the couch in the break station bored out of his mind. When not out on a deliver he was always pretty much beating his head against a wall. "Hawke, poluchil paket dlya vas , chtoby postavit'.(Hawke, got a package for you to deliver.)" Anton called out. "But vremeni. Vot ya dumal, litso vashe " velikaya lichnost' " yekhal vsekh kliyentov otelya.(Bout time. Here I thought your 'great personality' face was driving all the customers away.)" Hawke said in a smug tone. "Prosto voz'mite proklyatyy paket po adresu!(Just take the damn package to the address!)" Anton yelled. Hawke gave him a small joking salute and took the package.
What did the green grape say to the purple grape? Breathe you idiot!
"Ah, just like riding a bike." Tyson said as he shut the truck off. He was just making sure he remembered how to hot wire a car, he hasn't done it in years. He got out of the truck and glanced over to Brandon practicing. 'Glad someone's up.' Tyson thought as he walked over to the teenager. "Hey, have a good nights rest?" Tyson greeted. "Guess it's just you and me up huh? Should we wake up the others? But then again Hana seems a little....tense to me. Maybe she needs to sleep in for a little while. All this end of the world business can't be good for ones stress level." Hawke made it in to work on time for once. An impressive feat for him. "Hawke? Vash ..... v vovremya? (Your....in on time?)" Anton had a puzzled look. Hawke is FAR from the model employee, he's rude to most co-workers and customers, and almost always late, but Anton keeps him around due to him being one of the fastest couriers he has and he works for considerably less. "Prosto oznachayet, chto vy poluchite bol'she vremeni provodit' so mnoy. Vy schastlivchik.(Just means you get more time to spend with me. You lucky bastard.)" Hawke said in a smug tone. Anton just rolled his eyes.
Night "What the?!" Cole yelled as Angelina stepped out of the portal. Arthur suddenly took a huge breath in and was unfrozen. "I'm fine." Arthur said as he took in quick deep breaths. "What just happened?" Russell asked. Cole stared at Arthur, he was just trying to figure out what happened. Cole's eyes widened. "Your not some run of the mill dragon are you? Your an Elder aren't you?" Cole asked. Cole had his suspensions, but the Elders are only legend or so he thought. "Elder? Impossible! They are just fairy tales, like Unicorns, or Bigfoot." Eva replied. Arthur sighed. "No, he is right. I am the Elder Dragon. The first Dragon." Arthur confessed. Cole was speechless, he's never even heard of anyone meeting a Elder before. And here one was before his very eyes. "So.....if this is Elder matter, then why come to us?" Cole asked. "Because as powerful as an Elder may be, we can't take these odds. Especially since we've recently found out that Fisher is just a puppet and a Elder is pulling the strings. So we must stop this plan before it is complete. Before a war starts. This is the most crucial stage of the plan. We can easily stop it and let the Elder council clean the mess. But before we can do anything, you all must be prepared."
I was addicted to soap. But I got clean.
Noon Colin gave Angelina a gentle smile. "Yes, well you will need to converse with the Elder in Gelamen. He's gathering up a few others to help. I believe you've already met most of them." Colin flicked his wrist and another portal appeared in front of them. "On the other side of that portal is Mr. Cole Jackson's hanger. That's where they have met up. No need to worry about explaining anything to tell the Elder about our conversion or anything he already knows." "Ah Gale is here." Arthur glanced back at Gale. "Welcome to the party." Russell walked over by Gale, with Arthur here he didn't need to stay in the middle of Cole and Eva. "Yeah, we got a regular rainbow of species." Cole added. "Yes, yes now let's get to the pla.........." Before Arthur could finish the sentence, his eyes turned bright yellow and he stood frozen for a minute. Then a white portal appeared in the hanger. Arthur's eyes turned back to normal and he unfroze. "Arrgh! You let them escape!" Fisher yelled as he paced around in front of Martian, the Golem, and Rivers. "I didn't let them-" Martian tried to explain. "Did I ask you to speak!" Fisher yelled. As he yelled the lights in the office flared up. A chill went up Fisher's spine. "Leave. Now." Fisher ordered. They all left in a hurry. A dark shadow suddenly appeared behind Fisher. The shadow slowly creped around him. "Master! I.." Before Fisher could say another word a shadow tossed him across the room. A shadow wrapped itself around Fisher and lifted him up and began to squeeze him tight. Two bright red eyes opened up in the shadows. "I will destroy this world before I allow my plans to fail." A deep ominous said. "Never forget, I plucked you out of the gutter. I can always put you right back." A black arm took Fisher by the neck. Fisher then began to wither. Turning much, much older. Then Fisher was released and turned back to normal. And in a blink of a eye the room returned into normal, as if nothing ever happened.
DAY 24Tuesday, October 15th, 2013Tyson woke up pretty early. He slept in the same room as Brandon. Tyson got up and went outside. He cracked his knuckle and let out a loud yawn. He looked down at the wand that Hana gave him last night. Tyson stared over at the pile of dead zombies. "Do I even deserve this?" Tyson asked himself. "How does this thing even work?" Tyson pondered as he twirled the wand around his hand. Tyson walked over to a abandoned truck. There was several of the fallen here and when they got ready to move out he was sure not everyone waited to be packed into one vehicle. Besides he prefers to have a vehicle of his own. So this truck will due for now. Tyson tried to open the driver door, but it was locked. Of course. Tyson closed his eyes and took a deep breath in and out. Tyson held out his hand and he used his powers to unlock the door. He opened up the door, and kneeled down under the wheel. He took out a couple of wires and was able to hot wire it. Tyson revved up the engine, forgetting about everyone else and laughed in victory. Hawke woke up about 10 minutes after his clock went off. He tossed the clock across the room and went into the bathroom. After he got a shower down and all that good stuff he got dressed. He grabbed himself a couple pieces of toast and went on out to work.
"Rocketfingers?" Darcy asked, "What kind of name is Rocketfingers? A guy who plays with explosives and he blew his hands off?" "I would think he is a pyrokinetic." Said Dr. Shankman, "And a very bad attitude to match." "Yeah I've never liked the guy too well myself." Ryder added. "Oh great, so that means all the battalions like to try to heat on each others skulls?" Darcy said. "Natural rivalry, yes." Shankman replies, "But in the end, every battalion fight alongsides whenever there is danger, although Lambda never usually had a clean record." "That's an understatement." Ryder chuckled. "Whatever." Darcy mutters, turning to Ryder. "Is there any arcade around here by any chance?" Ryder had to think that one over for a second. He never has been one for arcades. "Yeah, the battle sims. Most of us train using them. Although I myself prefer something more real. Blame my old man for that. He's a museum curator, obsessed with old stuff. He still sends me old books, comics, workout equipment, and stuff like that. He even sends me baseball cards and action figures for some reason. Heck I bet some of the crap he sends me is worth enough to make another OmegaTech facility." "Eh?" Some albino guy said as he walked in. Ryder recognized this guy. He was the artificial guy. Jace or Jason or something with a J was his name. "Did I miss class?" He asked aloud. "No worries. The teacher was late so he ended class early. Although me and Darcy here stayed and fought this robot lion thing for extra credit. It's....uh......Jace right?"
Tyson sighed. "Yeah, one, maybe two. I'm not sure if the last one will take. What do you want me to say? 'Ops sorry for helping to end the world, my bad.'? Actions speak louder then words, nothing I say will make up for it!" Tyson said as he stared at the destruction of the city. "Sorry. I just.....I wanted to believe that Temeluchas could bring my fiancé back. I guess it's easier to believe a lie then the cold hard truth." "So how will you purge that Mist of Hellfire? If it's like a poison then what's the antidote?" Tyson asked. "Do I have to sweat it out or something?"
"Thanks." Darcy said, "I have to admit that that was really tough. And I can understand why Elle would leave. Being a leader an be time consuming. Give her a break. She may be fearless, but even the ice queen can get tired." Ryder gave Darcy a nod. "Yeah I know. I don't mean to be hard on her." "Yes but at least she's got hell of a recruit to look after." Came Banshee's voice as she landed next to Darcy along with some guy, John or something like that was his name. "This guy's John. John Doe. He's able to feign death periodically." Ryder glared at the two. "What do you want Banshee?" Ryder asked. "And why so friendly now?" Darcy added, "And I thought that I was your average new fish." Ryder's eyes darted between the two. "Banshee's got a knack of being wrong." John said quietly. "That's an understatement." Ryder retorted. "If anything your little 'initiation' is one of the few things that impress her. If anything, she loves to fight." John continued. "What he said." Banshee went on. "So, I'm sorry." "Sorry? Riiiggghhhhttttttttt." Ryder commented. "You can do better then that. And I know exactly how." Darcy grunted, "It's kind of a shame that for cute gal like you, you literally blew me away." Ryder raised a eyebrow. "Dude, seriously?" Ryder asked. "Very charming, Tintop." Banshee said with a smirk. "But for me to even consider accepting your advances, your gonna need to try harder then that." She walked out the Battle Hall, John tailing her. "At least I get the notion that she might like me. What battalion is she in?" Darcy asked. "Lambda C-2, I think Rocketfingers is the current leader."
Tyson followed Hana outside. Tyson made sure that he had a fresh full clip in his assault rife, and hand gun. Then hopped into the front sent. He glanced over at Hana who was rubbing her neck. "You ok? I could drive if you want." She seemed a little out of it about something. "So after we get the swords, what then? Go after more fallen? Or do we get to take the fight to the 'Hell's Angels?'" Tyson asked. Tyson was hoping the latter, he just couldn't wait to get his hands on Temeluchas. "If you want my opinion, I say we take care of some of Lucifer's Lieutenants. Like Temeluchas and Danel. That might derail their plans for at least a little while and give us more time to our troops on order."
Noon "Till next mutt." The man gave Martian a wink and leaped through the portal. On the other side of the portal was what looked like a huge warehouse. In front of them was an ancient looking man in a motorized wheelchair. The elderly man flicked his wrist and the portal disappeared. "I see you got the files William." The elderly man spoke with a kind sounding voice. "Yeah, and as for my money?" William asked in a impatient tone. "Yes, yes the money is in your account." The elderly man said in a irritated tone. William took out his cellphone and smiled. "Always a pleasure Colin. Till next time girl." William said in a sarcastic tone, and blew Angelina a kiss and then he left. "Vulture. But he does have his uses, as human who can sense the supernatural he is extremely rare. Now my dear..." Colin rolled his wheelchair until he was in front of Angelina. He stared deeply into her eyes. "Ah...yes so Miss. Angelina you wish to stop Fisher from causing any more bloodshed? Commendable." Colin had the files in hand and placed them on the desk near by. He opened the folder and took only one glance at everything and then he shut it. He let out a loud sigh. "I was afraid of this." He was troubled by what he read. "Some part of me knew he was involved, but I just didn't want believe it. Fisher is only the face of this plan, not the brains." Colin was about to come to tears. "Gabriel, my son. The others will not take this news lightly. He has betrayed the council." He said with a heavy heart. "Oh my apologies. You have no idea of what I'm talking about do you? Well I suppose the others won't mind me telling you. The others are a council of Elders. An Elder if you don't is the first and most powerful one of any given race. I myself am the Elder witch of light. There are many others, a Elder werewolf, vampire, shape-shifter, and so on. We keep our 'children' in line. We make sure they don't reveal themselves to the world. For those who try to reveal themselves we make them.....disappear." "The council was founded shortly after the lost war. You see long, long ago humans and creatures lived together in harmony. But the creatures grew arrogant and believed themselves above the humans. Eventually the humans rose up against them. The creatures fought the humans in a long seemly unending war." Colin continued "But due to in fighting amongst themselves the creatures lost...badly. After it seemed the humans were about to wipe the creatures from the face of the earth, the Elders intervened. We struck a deal with the humans. We taught the humans how to defend themselves from us which was the founding of the Protectors and in return they aloud us to live, but we had to stay in the shadows." "Gabriel is my actual son. He is an Elder, so to speak. You see us witches are either born with magical talent or learn it. But only humans with an affinity for the supernatural, like William, can learn magic. Gabriel is the second witch, he unlike me was born with the talent. I taught him everything I know, in return he wasn't allowed to teach others. Which of course he didn't follow. He found Fisher, and took him under his wing." Colin continued. "Magic is an addiction. As most witches get older they rely more and more on the magic. Which in turn causes the magic to turn dark and twisted. Gabriel depends to much on magic, so he became the first dark witch."
Morning "Da hell you just call me Casper?! Them's fighting words!" Cole growled. "Right, because punching a ghost will work soooo well." Eva snorted. Cole glared at Eva and his eye's turned red and Eva revealed her fangs. "Hey knock it off! Go to your neutral corners!" Russell yelled as he got in the middle of the two. "Good the smart ones here." Eva said in a smug voice. Cole replied by growling at her. "Jesus, act civilized will you!" Russell continued to yell. "Well this about as civilized as we can act. Fangers just have some smell to them that werewolves just can't stand, it's like a month old dead opossum. Give it a while and you'll smell it." Cole said. "We smell?! Please fleabag your the ones who smell, it's like cat piss." Eva retorted. "Oh you are so lucky it's not night!" Cole growled. "Well maybe I won't wait till then! What's stopping me?" Eva hissed. "Well I'm so glad my charges are getting along so well." Arthur said with a bit of a chuckle. "About time." Eva said finally taking her eyes away from Cole. "You stupid goddamn lizard! Where's my SUV?!" Cole growled at Arthur. "Watch your tone pup. It's outside." Arthur tossed the keys to Cole. "Thanks. Now what the hell are you doing sending people to MY home?! Don't you have a cave or whatever you dragons live in?" Cole asked. "Aw, and here I thought we got along so well."
"Hey sweetheart you ok?" Tyson asked Joslyn. She seemed a little out of sorts and talking to herself. "Why wait to get the swords? We should get them now and check for any survivors while we're at it. I'm sure there's tons of survivors out there, and what's the point having these powers if we can't help anyone with them?" Tyson just couldn't stand there talking if there's people that needs help.