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  1. lord-insan-E-O
    My common sense is tingling!
    Status Update by lord-insan-E-O, Sep 11, 2013
  2. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Feels like forever since I've posted here. BIC:
    "Ok Zeke nice to meet ya." Johnny said with forced niceness. "So, you guys got any good hunting stories?" Johnny asked making idle small talk. He loved to talk about his more memorable hunts. They usually got him free drinks when his path would cross with another hunter. "This one time awhile back I had a vamp job. This paranoid nut job named Clay saw the signs too and did most of the leg work. He thought it was some kind government super soldier. Well the fangers didn't like being investigated too well."
    "About three of 'em came to shut him up. He was lucky I was watching him. A fanger backed us up in a corner, but Clay had a armory that makes a military base look like a toy store. He had grenades, land mines, and about everything in between." Johnny continued. "This was one of my first hunts, so my vampire wrestling wasn't perfected. So I took a grenade, shoved it done the fangers gullet, and tossed him over to his buddies." Johnny chuckled a little bit, he realized what a sociopath this made him look. "The fanger's head just turned to pudding, and the shrapnel torn up his buddies arms. The remaining vamps were in shock, sacred shitless. I went over and chopped one of 'ems head and the other bolted. He didn't get far, Clay came back with a friggin' Rotary cannon. He turned the vamp into a big chunky stain."
    "I don't know how long it took to convince him they weren't some government made super men. When all was said and done he decided to help me out. He's my weapons suppler now. Good man, grows on you after a while." That was probably Johnny's favorite story.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lord-insan-E-O
  4. lord-insan-E-O
    Bryan was staring down his scope aimed at a huge buck. His mouth was already watering at the prime venison he'd get off it. But then a soft yell in the distance spooked it off. "Damnnit!" Bryan yelled. He probably could have made the shot while it was running, but he didn't want to shoot unless he was absolutely sure he could make the shot. 'Well might as well see what scared off my dinner for like a week.' he thought to himself.
    It wasn't too long until he could see Fae and Zane. He silently climbed a tree to get a better view of what was going on. He stared down his scope to see what was up. He recognized Fae from base, although he wasn't sure what her name was. He knew it started with a F. But he really isn't good with names, nor does he care. He's an ass like that. But Zane he didn't know. He focused in on their lips to see what they were saying. Something about poisoned berries, but berries weren't poison. But it turned out to be a big joke on her. 'Fantastic, I missed out on some venison because of a stupid prank. It had better been hilarious.'
    Bryan hopped out the tree, making a lot of noise when he got to the ground. He didn't care. He went on about his way, hoping to pick up the deer's trail.

    Mitch raised an eyebrow at Fall when she spoke. 'Was she always here?' he thought to himself. Fall was probably the most unsettling of all the passing. And given who's in it that's something. "Orders?" Mitch asked as well.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lord-insan-E-O
    The other guards tossed their weapons on the ground as soon as Eva and Angelina came in. Eva had her fangs out to be more intimating, so they could tell what she was, and they weren't even gonna risk Angelina, they weren't that high on the food chain to know all the movers and shakers. One of the guards looked around to see if Martian was coming to their rescue. He and The Golem was no where to be found.
    Cole ignored what Angelina was saying and went straight for one of the guards. He slammed him against wall and held him up by his neck. "Tell me where Russell is, NOW!" Cole demanded. "I...I.....can't." The guard gasped for air. " you know.....what Fisher to me?" The man began to struggle. "That your final answer?" Cole asked and then released him. The guard nodded yes as he rubbed his neck. "Your lost." Cole said in a cold voice. Then Cole pulled out his pocket knife and stabbed him in the chest. The guard struggled a bit before he went limp. Eva stood there in shock. She didn't think Cole had it in him.
    Cole pulled the knife out of the guards chest and rubbed the blood off on his pants leg. He went over to the next guard. He took him by the neck and slammed him against the wall like he did the other. "Tell me, now." Cole ordered with his eyes flaring red. "A small station in the woods. That's where he was taken." The guard said in a terrified voice. Cole released him and looked towards the remaining guards. "Anything else to add?" The other three guards quickly shock their heads no. Cole quickly took the assault rifle he had and shot all three in the head. Cole turned to the remaining guard. "Thank you for your cooperation." Cole said and then he walked away from him. Eva couldn't do anything but watch. She was in complete shock, utterly speechless.
    "Well that was brutal, cold, and heartless. I'm so proud of you pup." Martian said as he leaped down from the rafters. The Golem stood in their way to the exit. Martian walked over to the remaining guard. "Missed one. Don't worry I got it." Martian then snapped the guys neck like a twig. Cole got out his revolver and took aim at Martian. "I'm beginning to think you don't like me." Martian then looked over at Eva. "Vampires? Really? You must be taking help from anything you find under a rock huh?" Martian smirked. "Excuse me?!" Eva hissed. "Although I got to say, it does have some mighty fine packaging. But of course you always did have a thing for beauties haven't you? What was that one blonde girl's know the one that you turned then I ripped her throat in two? Mmm, she was a pretty thing. You know Angelina you remind me a lot of her. Ah memories." Cole's rage was boiling over. "Shut up!" Martian then glanced over and saw the knife Cole had in his hand. "Oh how cute you kept my knife. You sentimental skimp you." Martian said with a huge grin. "I kept it so I could drive it into your chest you Mutt!" Cole yelled. "Temper, temper pup, there are ladies present."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lord-insan-E-O
    "Sir we have the package and are en route to drop off B." The guard driving the van with Russell in it said over a radio. They were a good ten miles away from the warehouse Cole was at. "Good, the arrow on the doorstep is in place." Fisher replied over the radio. "But sir, I thought Martian was to finish the Alpha? Doesn't that make the arrow useless?" The guard questioned. "You need a back up plan when dealing with this Alpha. Especially given his allies. Fisher out." Fisher said before signing off. Russell began to stir. "Hey! Where are you taking me!?" Russell shouted. The guards just ignored him.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lord-insan-E-O
    "I am loyal to the king. No one else. As long as you rule I am bound to follow your orders. I have always made that clear." Mitch replied in calm monotone voice. He didn't fear Vex and wasn't intimated at his little hissy fit. "As for most of your army, their loyalty lies with the highest price."

    Bryan left the base pretty quickly. He wanted to be along for a while. It feels like anymore that's a luxury. That and he feels a little unless, he is one of the few non magic users. Although a straight up fist fight and a long range assassination is where he shines. That makes him feel a little bit better about his usefulness.
    He walked through the forest and reminisced about some of the better times with his family. He could remember when his old man would drop him and his brother off in the forest for survival training. While that seems pretty harsh to drop off a eight year old and a fifth teen year old in the woods alone, it was good brotherly bonding time.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lord-insan-E-O
    Bryan leaned against the wall in the back of the room and listened to Caleb and Sasha's speeches. They were quite the speakers. He hasn't been in the resistance for longer the a month, and for the most part they all have been making him feel welcome despite his family. He looked around the room at the others. He wondered if any of them had any sort of combat training. He himself was trained most of his life. His family was sworn to protect whoever was the king.
    After everyone was done speaking he went back to his room. He grabbed his pistols and sniper rife. He went outside of the base. He was getting a little stir crazy, he had to get out.

    Mitch stood quite and at attention as Vex gave his speak. He didn't like this army he had gathered. He didn't trust any of them. They were mostly here for money, no loyalty. Except for Xera, but she always rubbed him the wrong way. While he himself didn't approve of Vex's plans, it wasn't his place to question orders.
    Xera came in and kneeled before Vex and asked permission to leave the town to search for the resistance base. "My lord with your blessing I would like to accompany her. If she does find the base, she will need back up." Mitch said as he bowed down.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lord-insan-E-O
    "Thanks." Cole muttered under his voice. He wasn't accustomed to getting help from anyone. Night was almost up, they only had a little while till he was powerless. Cole drove as fast as he could, his eyes were still red. He was able to sense Russell in the warehouses near the docks.
    He parked the SUV not too far away. He couldn't sense Russell anymore, but this was as good as a place as any to start. Cole looked around to see any way in. He didn't have time to find an entrance. He glanced over at a truck parked near by. "That'll do." Cole said to himself. "Ok, I go in and do as much as I can before the sun comes up. As soon as the sun comes up, you girls come in. Angelina and I will give cover fire while Eva skirts around and takes them out from behind." Cole said as he got a small revolver out of the glove box. The revolver had five silver bullets in it. He also grabbed a silver pocket knife.
    Cole quickly sneaked over to the truck he saw and ripped the driver's door off. He kneeled down under the wheel and quickly hot wired it. Cole is very skilled at hot wiring, and he did under a minute, a personal best for him. Cole got in and slammed down on the accelerator. He drove the truck straight into the warehouse doors. It scared the hell out of the six guards there. Cole rolled out of the truck bloody and all kinds of messed up. His wounds were quickly healing. "Who first?" Cole said as he popped him shoulder into place. He then cracked his knuckles. The guards looked at him and then at each other, never taking there assault rifle's aim off of him.
    Cole lunged at the nearest guard, digging his claws right through the bullet proof vests they were wearing. The five other guards started to open fire on him. A few shots grazed Cole before he used the guard he had has a human shield. When he heard a cease fire he lifted the guard above his head and tossed him at another guard, knocking him out. Cole looked around and grabbed the guard's assault rifle. Cole let out a bone chilling howl.
    Episode 12 Hidden and Seeking
    July 12 2013
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lord-insan-E-O
  11. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Sorry for not posting in a while. Been real busy. Day ends tomorrow.
    "Hey what are you doing!?" Russell shouted when Martian got out of his chair and moved behind him. "Just bringing Cole here." Martian then dug his claw into the back of Russell's neck. "Hey pup, I've got your pup. Come and get me you little *****." Martian whispered into Russell's ear. "Guards!" Martian shouted. Two guards came rushing in a minute later. "Take him away. Just in case this doesn't work. Oh and give him another dose of wolf's bane." The two men let Russell down and handcuffed his hands and injected him with wolf's bane.

    "It's cool. I think everyone has those times that they wish they were Human. I know I have." Cole began to look around. Something was wrong. "Hey pup, I've got your pup. Come and get me you little *****." Martian's words echoed through his mind. Cole's eyes glowed red. "Damn it!" Cole got up and went to his SUV and got behind the wheel. But before he could leave Eva arrived. "Hey fleabag what's going on?" She asked as she walked in. "Martian he has Russell." Cole said as he backed his SUV out of the hanger. "What?! Well I'm coming with you." Eva insisted. "Why do you care fanger?" Cole asked. "Well I may not like you, Russell is bearable. So you going unlock the door or what?" She replied. Cole rolled his eyes and unlocked the doors. "If you two want to come as well, then get in."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lord-insan-E-O
    Username: lord-insan-E-O
    Name: Bryan Conway
    Age: 18
    Side: The Resistance
    Appearance: This
    Personality: Brash, rebellious, sarcastic, and outspoken. He wants to do what he believes is right for the country, which he thinks the Resistance is.
    Brief Bio: He was born in a long line of guards for the ruler of Rivelle, who follow duty above all else. So they are all loyal to whoever is the ruler. We'll most loved the former king and fought to keep him alive, they bowed to Vex just the same and are fiercely loyal to him. Bryan however wasn't too fond of him. So when he turned eighteen he wrote his family off as fools and denounced them. Not to long after he found himself in the Resistance.
    Magic/Powers: None
    Weapon: Carries two pistols, and a sniper rifle.
    Additional Information: Very talented in hand to hand combat, and marksman.
    Name: Mitch Conway
    Age: 23
    Side: The Passing
    Appearance: This
    Personality: Idealistic, loyal, and always serious. He also has a strong sense of honor.
    Brief Bio: He is Bryan's older brother. Unlike his sibling however he is loyal to the ruler of Rivelle. Although he hasn't lost hope in his brother like the rest of the family. But if must be he will not hesitate to kill him for Rivelle.
    Magic/Powers: None
    Weapon: The family sword, and a pistol.
    Additional Information: Extremely talented in hand to hand combat.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lord-insan-E-O
    "Would you mind terribly if I joined you, Master Wolf?" Avira asked. "Sure, why not." Cole replied. He didn't mind any of them staying here, well except Eva, but that's a species thing. "What exactly is it?" Angelina asked as she looked at the pouch Arthur gave her. "I don't know the official name for it. But what the it contains is the important part. It's some serious juju. But like he said, don't open it. Opening it turns off the effect." Cole explained. "As soon as I get answers I will be out of your hair. I can tell I am not wanted here." Angelina assured Cole. "What...I don't mind if your here or not. Is this about me and the fanger's fighting or something? Trust me it's a species thing, nothing personal."

    Russell woke up chained up on the ceiling of some warehouse. "What? Where.....where am I? Hey! What's going on!" Russell yelled as he thrashed around in the chains. "Hello pup." Martian came out from the shadows. "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Martian. I'm sure Cole has told you loads about me." Martian said with a sinister smile. "Mart....Martian?!" Russell was terrified. "What do you want?" Russell asked. "We'll get to that in a minute. Let's first have a little chat." Martian pulled up a folding chair and sat down.
    "So, what has Cole been gossiping about me?" Martian asked in a mocking tone. "He told me you killed his family." Russell said with a bit of fear in his voice. Martian laughed. "Is that all? That's not even the juicy stuff. You know has been an Alpha for little over a year now right? Well don't you think in that time he would have a bigger pack?" Russell gave him a curious look. He wasn't sure if he was lying, or not, Cole is kind of secretive. "I killed them too. About, oh how many was it now? Ah yes about 16. Every single one he has turned. Oh damn I forgot the jar that I keep their fangs in. All well maybe at the next show and tell." Martian gave him a prideful smile. "You..." Russell couldn't even get the words out. "You see that caused more pain then finding his little sister with her throat torn out, as Alphas have a very special connection to the ones they create. I'm surprised I haven't drove him to suicide. But you know what Russell, I like you. You won't suffer the same fate as them. All you have to do is bring Cole to me." Martian gave Russell a smile. "Like I'll do that!" Russell shouted. Martian grinned. "Like you have a choice."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 30, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lord-insan-E-O
    "So, um anybody want something to eat? The frig is over there so help yourself." Cole pointed over to the frig and then hopped down on his couch. He turned his TV on and began surfing through the channels until he came upon a classic movie marathon. Currently 'Abbott and Costello Meet the Mummy' was playing. "Nice." Cole leaned back on his couch and propped his feet up on the coffee table in front of the couch.

    Russell was almost home now. Everything about Fisher and stuff was racing through his mind. He liked Cole and being a werewolf but this isn't what he signed on for. Then out of nowhere a large van came barreling towards Russell. It slammed into Russell knocking him a good few feet away. Russell's bones were bent in a unnatural way. But they were already starting to heal. A man in a ski mask got out of the passengers seat and ran over to Russell. The man took out a inhaler and forced Russell to inhale. The inhaler was laced with wolf's bane so it knocked him out. The man dragged Russell over to the back of the van and tossed him in. He got back into the van and it left before anyone could notice.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Sorry for not posting lately. My grandmother got out of the hospital and I was the only one available to take care of her.
    "Yeah I better get going to before my parents wake up. See ya later." Russell said as he went back to his bike. "Oh before you go I have a present for you." Arthur handed Angelina a small leather pouch like the ones he gave Cole and Russell. "This will keep you hidden from Fisher and any other magic user. Just don't open it. I have one for you too as well Gale." Arthur handed Gale one as well. "Well how about we meet back here tonight? I have business to tend to." Arthur said before he left, but instead of taking Cole's SUV he disappeared in a white portal.
    "If anybody needs a place to stay for a while your welcome here. I guess you can stay here too fanger." Cole said. "I don't need your charity fleabag. Besides I don't want that werewolf stank around me for any longer then need be. I'll be back tonight." Eva said as she put her helmet on and got on her motorcycle. "Thanks for the warning." Cole smirked. Eva glared at him and drove off.

    "Sir, I believe we found one of them." one of Fisher's many employees said over a phone as he watched a computer screen with a traffic cam on it. Russell had went by on the camera on his bike. Despite just leaving the hanger Russell was already in the city due to his enhanced strength and stamina. "Yes, understood."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. lord-insan-E-O
    I take online classes. I've got a lot of medical problems.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Sorry for not posting lately. My grandmother got out of the hospital Friday, and so I had to take care of her all weekend.

    Tyson remained silent the whole time until Alistair mentioned Temeluchas. Her name made his blood boil over with rage. Tyson did all he could to prevent the mists of hellfire to come out. He was tired and would confront Alistair tomorrow about. And so he went to sleep in the hotel room.

    Hawke entered his apartment and tossed his messenger bag on the couch and collapsed on it. He was too wore out from work to walk like 4 feet to his bed, and fell asleep.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 27, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  18. lord-insan-E-O
    Tyson glanced over at Joslyn who was looking over Samuel's wound and talking to herself. Tyson didn't pay any attention to what she was saying, he was just trying to grasp what was going on. Those three girls were missing, probably kidnapped by 'Hell's Angels'. Something has to be done. 'Ok so what can we do? I could call Temeluchas and force her to tell us where they are. But would she even come? Wait does Joslyn still have that compass?' Tyson thought to himself. "Joslyn was it? Do you still have that compass Hana gave you?" Tyson asked.

    Hawke woke up about ten minutes after his alarm went off. He got up, took a shower and all that good stuff. He grabbed a couple of pop tarts and rode off to work.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  19. lord-insan-E-O
    "So I'm suppose to believe you are some Angel, boy?" Theodosius mocked. "Tis the truth. You've gone so far to bring Christianity to Rome but yet you still don't believe your own eyes." Zadkiel remarked. "The Empire is in civil war, Maximus as began to invade Italy, so forgive me for being a little skeptical. Now why are you fighting in my army?" Theodosius replied. "That is a long story. I would be tempted to tell you if you call off the guards that are about to interrupt us." Zadkiel said with a grin. Theodosius was interested, so he gave him a nod.

    The scream of Samuel jogged Tyson up. "What....what's going on?" Tyson asked. He looked around the room. "Is everyone ok? Wait where's Hana?" Tyson continued to ask. He used his sword to help him up. He staggered into the bathroom and washed some of the blood off his face. Tyson looked at Samuel. "I got some bandages and other stuff back in the truck if you want them."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame
  20. lord-insan-E-O
    The car Tyson sent hit quite a lot of them. But the rest didn't even seem to notice, they pushed on to the motel room. Tyson ran over and saw all of the zombies breaking into the room. Tyson shot at a bunch of them with his assault rife. "Hey you stupid ugly sons of bitches! how about you try a Archangel! I'm rich in fiber!" Tyson yelled out. The only thing he could think about was keeping them away from the others.
    A few them broke off from the main horde. Tyson continued to fire at them. "Come on you demonic *******s, you gotta work for your dinner!" Tyson kept shooing at them until his clip ran out. "Son of a-" Tyson tried to get another clip in but a zombie got to him before he could. Tyson bashed the zombie in the head with the rife. Tyson grabbed his sword and finished the zombie with it. Tyson pulled out his pistol and continued to fire at them. Finally a theyke off from the attack and ran after Tyson. "Alright let's do this!" Tyson put his gun back in his holster and readied his sword.
    After a whole lot of hacking and slashing The last one fell. Tyson forced the door open and entered the room. He was covered in blood. "Ugh..." Tyson moaned before he collapsed from exhaustion
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Aug 23, 2013 in forum: Hall of Fame