No Bolin! You stay with the creepy twins. It shall amuse me.
Morning "You keep talking like that......and I might think you cared about me or something." Cole smirked. But she was right, he could barely sit up straight. Cole pulled himself out of the driver's seat. When he did he fell to the ground. Stier tried to help him up but Cole pushed him away and limped over to the back seat. "Bird brain drives. Longhorn I'm going to need you to......" Cole couldn't even finished sentence before he passed out. Adler pressed his fingers down on his neck. "He's still alive. Tough son of a *****. But we need to get him back to the safe house soon." Adler said. Adler got in the driver's seat and revved the engines to signal that their leaving and then drove off. "Tenga you go too." Arthur ordered. "What? No! I'm not leaving you!" Tenga protested. "You can't shift, so your pretty much powerless." Arthur replied. Elizabeth blasted Arthur with another lightning bolt. Tenga growled before he went back to his bike. Arthur's hands started to glow and he shot Elizabeth with his own lightning. Arthur was one of the most powerful Elders, if not the most powerful, but his power was greatly reduced when in human form. They continued to trade blasts for quite awhile until she got one clean hit in right to Arthur's shoulder. Arthur was sure that they were out of danger by now so he didn't need to keep this fight going, no matter how much he wanted to. Arthur hobbled out into the woods and took cover behind some trees. "Come on, come on." Arthur muttered to himself. A pure white portal appeared in front of him. "About time." Arthur said as he hopped thru the portal. Elizabeth fired a lightning blast that tore the tree apart, but she was too late, he was gone.
Episode 14 Bleed July 14 2013 Morning Russell cringed when Angelina hugged. It hurt but he wasn't about to tell her that. Adler shifted back to normal and followed behind Angelina. When she dropped the guard he took his gun off of him. Adler whistled and Stier slowly came. He had to be sure Russell didn't fall off of him. Adler went ahead of them and saw Arthur and Elizabeth's battle raging on. Tenga came rushing in and unshifted. "Arthur can handle this. Cole's been shot up pretty bad. We need to leave now." Tenga ordered. Adler got on Stier's back to hold Russell in place as he picked the pace up and rushed back to the SUV. When Stier got back to the SUV Adler picked Russell up and gently placed him in the back of the vehicle. Russell glanced over at Cole and saw that Tenga wasn't kidding. " ok?" Russell barely got out. "Ah, a silver bullet a day keeps the doctor away. So I should be good for a month." Cole said with a bit of a laugh. "Ow. It hurts to laugh." Cole muttered. It took almost all of Cole's strength to turn the keys to start the car. Arthur and Elizabeth's battle was getting more violent. Fireballs, and lightning bolts were flying all over. Elizabeth attacks were strong, but not enough to do anything to Arthur while he was in dragon form. Tenga shifted and was coming right for her. "Screw this." She muttered. "Ostende te ipsum!" She yelled. A large purple shockwave shot from her hands and hit everyone in the room. The shockwave forced Arthur and Tenga to revert back to their human form.
Chapter 3 Refugees It has been one week since Cullen was released from his cell. He was put in a fairly nice apartment like building that wasn't to far from where he was held. Cullen has finally been able to relax a bit. He's been able to sleep, eat and all that good stuff. Things are finally looking up for him. After speaking with Spectis, he's agreed to wake up the others. Of course only after Temedimus has taken necessary security precautions, which Cullen can respect that. Cullen walked out of his bathroom and looked outside. He had his hair slicked back and was growing bit of a beard. He still couldn't believe everything that changed. It still looked similar but still different. There was still a few buildings from his time barely standing. The were just old scars now, reminders of what he's lost, his failure. Cullen rubbed where his right arm used to be. He heard stories about soldiers who could still feel their lost limbs. He never really believed them until now. A loud beep interrupted Cullen's reminiscing. The front door then opened. It was the same Kaiin that was watching him when he was locked up. "Your a little late today Doc." Cullen greeted her. The Kaiin was Dr. Karinee. A expert on the Preceders. She has been seeing Cullen everyday since he got out. "Yes, sorry Major." The doctor apologized as she stumbled in. She had tons of digital pads in her arms that she was constantly dropping and suitcase with her. Cullen grabbed a few pads she dropped and the suitcase and placed them on the kitchen table. Karinee dropped the pads on the table and let out a big sigh of relief. "More papers for me to review?" Cullen asked. Since he's been released she constantly takes him science articles about Preceders for him to point out anything wrong. Most of it was wrong. "Well yes. These are mostly about government. One by a very distinguished archeologist who believed your government was ruled by a hive mind.....this was when we believed you to be a insect-like race. Then there's a few about economics. For a while it was widely believed that you didn't have a currency system. That you traded for items." The Doctor pointed out. "Oh and I have something I think you'll like." She said as she opened the suitcase. Inside of the suitcase was a cybernetic arm. The arm was a little bulky and mostly white. "If you want we can give you implants so you can control this arm." Karinee pulled the arm out and laid it on the table for him to look at. Cullen picked it up and it was surprisingly light. "Great. When can they attach it?" Cullen asked. "Well we're still learning your physiology. I'm sure in a few days we'll be able to give you the implants Major." The doctor answered. "Any word on when my people can be woke up?" Cullen laid the arm back on the table and walked back over to the window. "That's the other reason why I'm here. They're ready now." Karinee replied. Cullen turned back to her and gave her a big smile. "That's great! Let's go now!" Cullen was ready to jump out the window to get to them. "Ok, ok calm down. We transferred them to the lab where you woke up. Spectis and the General are waiting on us." By the time she got finished with her sentence he was already out of the door. "You coming Doc?" The lab was just a five minute walk from the apartments. When they got there they took a elevator down to the lowest level. Cullen was already getting stir crazy by just waiting in the elevator. Karinee was just as excited. The elevator finally reached it's stopped after what felt to him like hours. The room was huge. All the pods were lined up next to each other. There was a ton of medical supplies along with several tables littered with food on them. "Ah, Major. They are ready to be woken. Shall you do the honors?" Spectis handed him a pad with a big button just begging to be pressed. Cullen was about to press it but stopped just before. "Here Doc. Chances are there is somebody in there that can give you better answers then a broken down soldier." Cullen handed Karinee the pad. She was speechless. She took the pad and pressed the button. All the pods opened at once. The people all groaned almost simultaneously. Cullen walked around to see who was left. He saw the Doctor and Lieutenant he talked to before he went under was alive. That made him happy, they were good men. Cullen continued to look for someone special. "Damnnit." Cullen said when he realized he wasn't there. "Something wrong Major?" Karinee asked. "Yeah he's not here." Cullen replied. "Who isn't here?" She asked. "The President. He was with us. This isn't good." Cullen said in a worried tone. Everyone started to wake up and began freaking out. "Hey everyone!" Cullen yelled to get their attention. "Look I know this is confusing, but don't worry. You can trust them." Everybody then started to calm down a bit after that, they were still on edge but most of them trusted the Major's judgment. "Bayou? Is that you?" a Spanish woman about the same age as Cullen asked. "Trick Shot?" Cullen replied. She came over to Cullen he confirmed it was him. She gave him a salute before she noticed his lack of a right arm. "What the hell happened Bayou?" She asked him. "Long story. Tell you later. I'm glad at least one Guard Dog made it." Cullen said with a smile. "Oh, Trick Shot this is Dr. Karinee. Doc this is Corporal Zoe 'Trick Shot' Rivera. She was the Guard Dogs sniper. One of the best shots I've ever seen, next to me of course." Cullen almost forgot that Karinee was standing right next to him. "Your never going to let Singapore go are you Bayou?" Zoe gave Karinee a good once over before she turned back to Cullen. "She's a friendly." Cullen said. "Um, why do you keep calling the Major 'Bayou'?" Karinee asked. "That's my nickname. I grew up in the bayou of Louisiana. Most of us in Guard Dogs had nicknames so we mostly referred to each with our nicknames instead of our rank like we were suppose to." Cullen explained. Meanwhile on the other side of the world a bug-like alien forced a bunker's door open. There was several of them. They were tall, had grasshopper like legs, and two arms with mantis like scythes on each arm instead of hands. They had a thick natural armor plating covering their bodies. Their heads looked just like a Ant's. They spoke to each other with a series of clicking sounds that to anybody else sounded exactly the same. They came to a stasis pod. One of them rubbed the frost off of the pod and saw a human inside.
Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders Ryder watched the fight intently now. Since two of his teammates were involved now. "Sir, I know Lone is tough and all. But is three against one really fair for him?" Ryder commented to the doctor. Ryder was all about fair play. Ryder watched the match and was trying to figure out what Rachael's next move would be. She looked Lone in the eye so she obviously read his mind. "She's going to need to do something soon. Her telepathy can give her an edge, but his thoughts could change in a moment." Ryder commented, not even realizing he said it out loud. Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson "Sounds like a ton of fun." Malcolm said as he cracked his knuckles. He could already think of the mayhem he and his clones could cause. "Ah, mayhem is the best part of the job." Malcolm said. Malcolm took out a knife and twirled it around his hand. He now couldn't wait for them to get to the city. "I need bombs. An infinite number of suicide bombers could be useful. Maybe once we get back to our prison I could get some. According if they don't have our heads of course." Malcolm thought aloud. He liked to talk mostly to annoy people, great fun. "So any idea on the pets the good doctors will be sending?" Malcolm asked "I hope it's someone with cool powers like being able to grew the size of a skyscraper, or maybe a teleporter. I've always wanted to fight a teleporter." Malcolm speculated. Malcolm continued to twirl his knife around his hand.
Night Russell faded in and out of conciseness before he fully regained it. "Angel.....Angelina?" Russell muttered. "Wolf's......wolf's bane. They drugged me with......wolf's bane." Russell muttered. "I'm...sorry." Adler stayed shifted and lead them all to Russell's room. Cole stared at Gamma strung up like a slab of meat. It took one slash from Cole's claws to bring Russell down. Cole helped him up. "I'm.....sorry." Russell kept muttering. "No, I'm sorry buddy. This was my fault, not yours." Cole said as he helped him limp over to Stier. "Umschalttaste jetzt. Er kann sich nicht auf seine eigenen, zu verlassen." Cole ordered. Stier gave him a nod. Stier then shifted to his Bull form. Cole lifted Russell up and laid him on top of Stier. "Alright the stealth part of this mission is over. Angelina, and Adler will stay back with Russell and Stier while the rest of us clear a path." Arthur ordered. "Finally some action." Tenga said with excitement. Tenga then shifted to a large grizzly bear. "I'm going to make those bastards pay!" Cole growled. Cole left the room they were in and saw a guard right out of the gate. Cole loudly growled at him to get his attention, he wanted him to see this coming. The guard stood in shock for a moment until Cole charged at him. The guard tried to draw his gun but Cole was too fast for him. Cole dug his claws in his gut and let him fall where he stood. Cole pushed forward with Tenga, and Arthur not to far behind. Cole ripped right thru the guards. By now all kinds of alarms were going off. The trio made it to the main entrance where a whole lot of guards were there to greet them, along with Elizabeth. "You?" Arthur instantly recognized her. "You know her?" Cole asked. "He should. I've kill most of his children. Sorry for having to keep your Gamma here. I had to make sure he didn't know anything else that would help me get Arthur." Elizabeth answered. Cole's eyes flashed much brighter. "You did that to Russell!" Cole growled. "It was needed." Elizabeth replied in a calm voice. Cole let out a primal roar and charged at her. "Damnnit Cole!" Arthur yelled. The guards opened fire on Cole with guns full of silver. Cole shrugged the bullets off and pressed on. Cole was within striking distance to her before a purple lightning bolt shot out from her fingers that flung Cole back to Arthur and Tenga. Cole spit out some blood and then he got up. Arthur walked forward. "Go. I'll handle this." Arthur ordered. The guards then fired upon Arthur, of course the bullets didn't do a thing. Arthur then transformed into his dragon form. Arthur sent a large fireball towards them. The fireball hit the wall behind them and it exploded, taking a huge chunk of the wall out. Arthur then let out a huge gust of white wind that froze them all in place. Elizabeth blasted her way out of her incasing. She fired rapid lightning bolts at Arthur. There wasn't anymore guards left so it was a clear path back to the SUV. Cole carefully pulled himself in the driver's seat. He needed treatment and fast or else he would bleed out. "Tenga! Make sure they get out. Please." Cole asked one Alpha to another. Tenga gave him a nod and went back to the base.
Night Adler followed Angelina by staying up high above her until she reached the base. When the guard let her in Adler quickly flew in without anyone knowing. He made sure Angelina saw him fly up in the rafters so she'd know he wasn't far. He scouted on ahead to look for Russell. It didn't take long before he found a few rooms that might hold Russell. They didn't have time to check them all so he had to rely on his enhanced hearing to find Russ. It was hard to tell if the sounds he heard was Russell or the guards going about their night. Finally he caught a break when he heard faint, inconsistent heart beats of someone injured. The heart beat was coming from a room at the end of a long hallway. Adler quickly looked around to be sure no one was there, it was clear. Adler shifted back to human form and peaked inside the room. Russell was beaten and battered. He was chained up and hung up by his hands. Adler shut the door and sent a message to Stier telling him he found Russell. "Sie haben ihn gefunden." Stier informed Cole, Arthur, and Tenga. "Gut." Cole replied. Stier was surprised that Cole spoke German. Cole lead them to a side entrance to the base. "Sagen Sie ihm, diese Tür zu öffnen." Cole ordered. Stier gave him a nod. Stier sent Adler a message for them to let them in through the side entrance.
Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders When everything was floating caught Ryder a little off guard. He looked around the stands and saw Rachael. Well it made sense now, she always did have trouble with her powers. Ryder sympathized with her. Although he does have control over his powers for the most part, if his heart rate goes up so high he will amp uncontrollably. Which is why he is usually so calm most of the time. Ryder went over to Jace and Rachael. "Everything ok Rachael?" Ryder asked. He normally doesn't see her have this much trouble with her powers, well sure she would accidently read somebodies mind but never like this. Or at least that he's seen. "Darcy's doing pretty good huh? If it were me I would keep that shotgun thing out. It packs quite the kick." Ryder commented on the ongoing fight. "And I would probably aim more for the ground too. Make it harder for Lone to get to me." Ryder added. Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson "Hey, hey, hey be gentle!" Malcolm yelled as Jax pulled him into the SUV. Dani quickly drove off. Payne returned to Jax by turning into smoke and going through his ear. Ok. And Reaper climbed in from on top the vehicle. "Have I ever told you that your powers creep me out?" Malcolm said as he crawled into the back seat. "So, where are we going? I'd like to think your smarter then to steal from the big boss for something as simple as a donut run, Jax." Malcolm commented. "So what is it? Viking rape quest? No, no, no. You said something about if Scales here didn't come he would hunt you down. So it must be something the boss won't approve of." Malcolm guessed.
Night "Malcolm Pond? I'm sorry I can't say I have. But I'm sure the Elder Shape-shifter has. You see all Elders take care of our 'children'. We just watch over them, making sure they don't reveal themselves to too many people and don't get into too much trouble." Arthur explained. "Well most of us do. The Werewolf Elder, and the Skinwalker Elder don't. Since most werewolves and skinwalkers are in packs, they tend to take care of that thing themselves." Arthur continued. "I could ask the Elder Shape-shifter about him if you want. Hell I'm sure you've probably meet her already without even knowing it. She unlike other shifters can't be seen for her true form. Not even an Elder can see her true form. I'm not sure if she's a she, she just prefers to be a she. Wow I really got off topic." Arthur said. Cole was a little curious about this Malcolm Pond. But he could tell that was a difficult subject, and he can respect that. It didn't take long for them to get to the woods. They parked a couple miles away so the outpost couldn't see them coming. Tenga was there waiting for them. "Alright, Angelina, Adler, your up." Cole ordered. "Right. I'll shift and draw a guard out. Angelina you take his form." Adler said. Adler got out of the SUV. Feathers started to form all over his body and he began to shrink down. He was now a Golden Eagle. He squawked and flew off towards the base. "I'll take him out so you can take his form. It might be a little strange for the same guards to be walking around the base." Cole said. Cole shifted and leaped up in the tree line, where he seemingly disappeared. Adler got to the base. It was pretty large. It may be more difficult then they thought. Adler tapped on the door a few times with his beak until a guard opened the door. Adler looked the guard over. He was a male, about 6 feet tall, and pretty muscular. Adler's eyes were draw to the wedding ring on his finger. Prefect. Adler flew up and started pecked and scratching and clawing at him until he got the ring off. Adler picked the ring up with his beak and flew off with the guard chasing after him. Adler made sure to fly low and slow enough for the guard to keep up. After they were a good ways away Adler dropped the ring. The guard huffed and puffed as he bent down to pick the ring up. The guard looked at the ring and could see the reflection of something above him. It was Cole. Cole dropped down on the guard, bringing him to the ground. Cole rolled him over on his back and gave him one swift punch to the face and he was out. "Your lucky your married pal. Good work Eagle-eye." Cole said. Adler flew back down and perched himself on a tree branch above Cole. Adler squeaked with happiness.
Night "Right now. Cole you take these three out and show them where the outpost is. I need to have a talk with Angelina." Arthur ordered. Cole looked at Angelina then back at Arthur and gave them a nod. "Alright mutts you heard him." Cole motioned for them to follow him outside. After they left Arthur turned to Angelina. "I just wanted to tell you that I have faith in you. Even if you don't." Arthur said with a smile. He could sense her doubts. "I know your shape-shifting powers aren't as diverse as a skinwalker, and your not as strong as Cole, but trust me I've seen shapeshifters that could drop those boys in 10 seconds. Plus if you haven't noticed these boys are a few cards short of a full deck. Well that's all the touchy feely stuff I've got for today. Let's go before Cole leaves us behind." Arthur walked out of the house. Cole was talking to the skinwalkers with a map spread out on the SUV's hood. "We good?" Cole asked. "Yeah." Arthur replied. "Alright, we can take my ride. We should be able to pile in there." Cole said. "Whatever Teen Wolf. I've got my own ride." Tenga said as he pulled a tarp off of his motorcycle. "I'll meet you there." Tenga said and then he drive off. Cole got behind the wheel, Arthur got in the passenger seat, and the twins got in the back seat.
Night "Trust me being a eagle isn't all it's cracked up to be. Especially when it's time to molt, very messy. And don't get me started on their digestive system, very, very gross." Adler replied to Angelina. "Alright let's get the nickel tour underway." Adler said with a big goofy smile. "This room is the living room of course. We have a flat screen TV, cable, and a couch. But you can see that. We have a fully stocked kitchen the next room over. Anything you want chances are we have it." Adler explained. Stier looked as though he was about to say something before Adler interrupted him. "Yes, yes I'm getting to that little brother." Adler interrupted. "Po tol'ko pyat' minut!" Stier replied. "Yes five minutes you'll never have!" Adler said. He turned back to Angelina. "Um, sorry. He was just reminding me that I'm only five minutes older. We, uh...have a sort of telepathic link. That's how he knows what your saying. It's very hard to explain, I'll tell you about it later if you want." Adler said. Stier looked at Adler. "I'm sure she knows I meant we will explain. Your such a narcissist. Besides you can't speak English." Adler argued. He has a tendency to speak his replies when they have a telepathic argument, even if it defeats the purpose of having telepathic arguments. "I'm not even going to dignify that." Adler replied to an insult that Stier gave him that he would rather not say in company. "Sorry. We tend to get carried away. Hope you don't think we're too insane. Anyways up stairs is the bedrooms. There are a lot of them. I think this place used to be a orphanage or something, Arthur kind of just put us in here when we arrived in the city." Adler continued. "Then we have the basement. It's our training room. We've got lifting weights, treadmills, a couple of punching bags, and a pretty large area for combat practice. Then we have a rather large back yard. If you want we can show you our abilities. His isn't really indoors friendly." "That'll have to wait." Arthur said as he and Cole came down the steps. "We have a plan. Tenga get in here!" Arthur ordered. Tenga came in but not before he stomped on a cigarette. "We've found the outpost where Fisher has Russell. This will need stealth." Arthur explained. "And this plan is?" Tenga asked. "Unlike Mr. Jackson's plan before we don't go in guns blazing. We go in smart. Most of the people there will be regular humans, so Angelina shouldn't have a problem getting us in. And with Adler's shapeshifting abilities he'll go in with her and watch her back." Arthur continued. "After you get the door unlocked you two will scout ahead and find Russell. Once you find him, Adler will give us the location and we'll take it from there. Any questions?" OOC: I just realized how much I've neglected the Commissioner. "Look at this mess! What the hell happened?" The Commissioner said as he shifted through the wreckage of what used to be Cole's hanger. "Well this handy work is C-4. And a lot of it. Somebody wanted this place to be ash bad." A bomb disposer reported to the Commissioner. "Hey Commish! We found a basement. It.....looks like a sex dungeon." A police officer shouted. Commissioner Price patted the bomb disposal on the back and went over to the officer who shouted at him. He looked inside the basement. All that was left was the burnt chains on the walls. "Who was the owner?" Commissioner Price asked. "The deed said a John Smith. But we questioned the guy who sold it and he folded like a cheap suit. A Cole Jackson is the owner." The officer replied. "I want everything we can get on Cole Jackson."
Warning: Contains violence, and swearing. Prologue The rapid fire of a assault rifle rushed past a muscular man with shaggy blond hair that came right above his eyes. He was wearing a military uniform, and his right arm was all bloody and torn up. He was running through a large metal building. He would turn back and fire a few shots from his pistol every so often. "Close the doors! Now!" He yelled. He got through a large metal door just in time before it closed. "Sir what now?" The man who closed the door asked. "We continue as planned lieutenant. Computer give me an estimated time before detonation." The man ordered. "Estimated time in two minutes." A automated voice said seemly out of nowhere. "That's not a lot of time Major." The lieutenant stated. "Yeah if we keep screwing around. Make sure everyone is in their pods. This is going to be close." the Major ordered. The lieutenant gave him a salute and went on his way. After he left a man in medical attire and a med kit ran over to the Major. "Bloody hell, your arm. What happened?" He asked. The medic spoke with a British voice. "I'll be fine. Get to your pod Doctor." The Major commanded as they walked pass a bunch of people getting in small pods. "At least let me stich you up." The doctor replied. "No time. I've stopped the bleeding for now, and the stasis pods should keep me from bleeding out." the Major then turned to the doctor and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Go. We'll need a doctor more then they need a soldier." The doctor gave him a nod, and then went on to a pod. The major made it to his pod and carefully got in. He was in a ton of pain and was trying his best to hide it. "Computer how much longer?" The major asked. "Twenty seconds." the computer replied. "Is everyone in their pods?" the major asked. "All pods except for yours are active." The major smiled then he pressed a few buttons on his pod and laid back as the pod closed. "Error. System error. Automatic activation is off line." The computer warned. "What! Open my pod!" The major demanded. "That action is ill-advised. Detonation in ten...nine....eight...." as the computer counted down the major struggled to try to get out. "Open this pod up! That is an order! Command code Alpha-72894-Delt.....Delt...." a gas filled the pod and the major just couldn't keep awake to finish the code. "" That was the world we came from. We were in the middle of a third world war. My name is Major Trevor Cullen, commanding officer of the Guard Dog unit. The war was in a stand still for years, until the enemy started waving the WMD's around. The allies, which consisted of The United North America, The United Kingdom, most of South America and several smaller European countries, formed a taskforce with the sole purpose of preventing the WMDs from going off, my unit was the taskforce. We consisted of the best that the allies had to offer, some were defectors from the enemy. We all had our own special trait we brought to the team. Our enemy was the allied forces of Russia, most of Asia, Korea, and a lot of the Middle East. I don't remember what caused the war, I'm just a soldier, I just shoot at what I'm told to. In the final years of the war, the WMD's were too many for my unit to handle....I lost a lot of good men. With the increased WMDs and Guard Dog being stretched too thin the allies came up with a plan. They built several bunkers that would protect us from the nukes and would put us in stasis for about a hundred years. The enemy found out and they did everything in their power to sabotage us. The remainder of Guard Dog was sent to protect the bunkers. So here we are. We were meant to wake up a hundred years later, but now.....We ether die peacefully in our sleep when the pods energy runs out, which won't happen for a very long time or be waken up by someone or something else. Not sure which is worse. Chapter 1: Welcome to the New Age Cullen's eyes started to open. His vision was blurry, he could see moving shapes, and bright lights. He was laying flat on some sort of operating table. He blinked his eyes several times to clear his vision. He looked up and saw two.....people. They were both a violet color, with their hair a even darker shade of color, they had three fingers, and three eyes. Their eyes were pitch black, the had two eyes on each side of their nose like a human but they had a third eye on their four head. They were talking to each other in some language he couldn't understand. He glanced over to his right, he saw his right arm was missing. A bunch of monitors began to make a lot of noise. They pressed buttons on it and then looked down at Cullen. By their tone they were surprised. "Where am I? What's going on!?" The major shouted. The aliens looked at each other in confusion. One of them, it appeared to be a female, grabbed a needle like object. She reached for his neck. Cullen grabbed her hand forced her to drop the needle. The other alien, he appeared to be a male, tried to hold him down. Cullen gave him a swift back hand that knocked him to the floor. The woman stared right into his eyes, she was trying something and she was surprised nothing was happening. She then ran over to a panel on the wall, but before she could get to it Cullen took a tray that had a bunch of scalpel like tools, and smacked her upside her head, knocking her out. The man started to get up, before he could Cullen rushed over and kicked him in the head, knocking him out. Cullen was still disoriented from just waking up. Looked around and saw his pistol, he grabbed it. Then hobbled over to what looked like a door. The door opened as soon as he got near it. On the other side was another alien, a different alien. This one was very muscular and had a cat like face. It was obviously a male. He was completely bald, and had two long pointed ears. He had two fangs that showed even with his mouth shut. He had some sort of rifle in his hand. The alien pointed his weapon at Cullen and started shouting the same language that the two before spoke in. Cullen fired two shots in his chest, but the body armor he was wearing was too thick so the bullets just bounced off. The alien took aim and fired at Cullen. The weapon fired a blue energy beam. Cullen ducked just in time. The Major pistol whipped the alien and continued to do so until the guard went down. Cullen grabbed the energy rife and went forward. It wasn't to long until more aliens blocked his way. Their were four of them. Three were the cat like aliens and the fourth was a violet alien. The cat aliens were different colors then the last one. Two were females, one of the females was a light pink color, and the other was a cyan color. The male was tall and more muscular then the first one he met, he is also a dark blue color. By the way he stood he was the leader. The violet alien was another female, she stood behind them. She was talking to the leader in a worried tone. She appeared to be some sort of scientist. The two female cat aliens fired upon Cullen. Cullen ran around a corner to take cover. The violet alien took the leaders arm and her tone was angry. When Cullen heard a brake in the fire he leaned out of cover and fired at them. He didn't hit them, he just couldn't aim well without his right arm. The leader yelled at the scientist and forced her back. The two females continued to shoot at the major. When he heard a cease fire he decided to rush them. He charged at them and shot at them as he went. When he got close enough he tackled one of the females. He quickly got up on one knee and shot at the other one. The shot hit her shoulder and brought her to the ground. The leader grabbed the barrel of Cullen's gun and yanked it out of his hand with enough force that he almost took Cullen's arm with it. Cullen gave him a huge uppercut that staggered him back. Cullen then gave him a bunch of rapid punches to the face. The alien blocked one punch and in that opening he gave Cullen a huge right hook. The punch brought Cullen down to his knees. He spit some blood out, and then got back up. The alien then gave him a bunch of quick jabs. After about ten punches to the face Cullen finally went down. And he blacked out. Cullen woke up in a pure white room. He was the only thing in there was a table and a chair. He woke up in the chair and his arm was cuffed to the table. The cuff was a metal band on his waist and a long blue energy cord that attached it to the table. He looked around the room. There was no door, no windows, nothing. He didn't like it. This looked like some kind of interrogation room. "Hey! Where am I?! Let me out!" Cullen yelled. Finally a door appeared. The alien that knocked him out entered the room. The door he entered in closed. The alien walked around Cullen, observing him. "Who....or what are you?" the major asked. "Can you understand me?" Cullen asked. The alien said nothing as he continued to circle around him. He stopped behind him. The alien took off his gloves. He had four fingers on each hand. The alien placed his hands on each side of Cullen's head. Cullen struggled until the alien pressed down on him. Images flashed in the aliens eyes, as did Cullen's. The alien was 'downloading' information from Cullen's mind and in turn Cullen was getting a few images from the alien. But for Cullen they were jumbled and unclear. After a few minutes the alien released Cullen. Cullen gasped for air when he was done. "Major Trevor Cullen. Human. Born in what was know as New Orleans Louisiana." The alien spoke perfect English now. "How many survived?" Cullen asked. The alien said nothing and went to where the door he came in was. "How many?!" Cullen demanded to know. The door open and the alien stepped through. The alien looked back at Cullen. "Sixty." He said then he left.[DOUBLEPOST=1379591236][/DOUBLEPOST]Chapter 2 Trust It has been three days since the aliens locked Cullen up. He hasn't ate or drank anything since he woke up nor has he slept, he is a tough SOB. It's not that they haven't gave him food or water, it's just he refuses to take it until he gets answers. The only person that has been in contact with him is the alien that probed his mind. When he probed his mind Cullen got a few images from him. At first they were jumbled and unclear but now that he's had time to sort through them he understands a little bit better. The images he saw were of massive spaceships, a sun exploding, a planet turning into ash. And he got the aliens name as well, Temdimus. A door opened in the room. Temdimus came through, but this time he wasn't alone. One of those violet aliens came behind him. He looked outside the door, this room was heavily guarded. He saw the same violet alien that was with Temdimus when he first captured him. "Temedimus." Cullen greeted. The alien with him was surprised that Cullen knew his name. The alien with him looked at Temedimus who didn't give a reaction. The alien with him was a male, he looked some what older. Temedimus brought a chair in and sat it across the table Cullen was strapped to. The violet alien sat down and stared Cullen in the eyes. "Hello, Trevor is it? How do you know Temedimus's name?" The alien spoke with a soft, calm voice, like a grandfather. "Well when he 'Vulcan mind melded' with me I got a few things from him. And don't call me Trevor. My friends call me Trevor. And your pretty damn far from being one. So call me Major or Cullen." Cullen answered with a bit of annoyance in his voice. The two aliens looked at each other when he mentioned the Vulcan mind meld. "Well I would like to be your friend Major. My name is Spectis. And you already know the General." Spectis said with a smile. "What else do you know?" Temedimus asked with a stern voice. "I saw images. A sun exploding. A planet burning. Massive spaceships." Cullen answered. "Look I don't care about that, just tell me about the survivors. Please." he pleaded. Spectis and the General looked at each other. "Your people are still in stasis. You were injured, we treated you and then we would see what threat you and your people pose to us. Your people are known as the Preceders to us." Spectis answered. "And who is 'us'?" Cullen asked. "My people are known as the Quin'sin. Spectis's people are known as the Kaiin." Temedimus answered. He obviously didn't trust him. "Fine, whatever. So what now? You just going to kill us is that? Why exactly are you keeping me prisoner?" Cullen was a bit irritable due to lack of sleep. "Normally we wouldn't keep you here. You see my people have the ability to read minds. But for some reason we can't read your mind. Your brain waves are unlike anything we've ever seen. The General here wanted to keep you locked up until we knew what danger you pose. Normally we would read your mind or Quin'sin would 'Vulcan mind meld' as you put it." Spectis answered. "My people have the ability to read the history of nearly anything. Be it objects or people. Reading you was very difficult." Temedimus added. "What are you going to do with me?" Cullen asked. "That depends on you. What will your people do?" Spectis was a little optimistic about him, while Temedimus was more cautious. "I...I don't know. I'm just a soldier. But I do believe that you should give us a chance." Cullen suggested. "Why should we give you a chance? You are a failed species that destroyed yourself! We should just wipe you out and get it over with!" Temedimus shouted. "General! Enough!" Spectis yelled. "Un-cuff me first pussycat. Then we'll see who's a failed species!" Cullen slammed him hand on the table. "With pleasure." Temedimus walked towards Cullen with his hand in a fist. "I said enough!" Spectis held his hand forward and Temedimus was tossed across the room, all without touching him. Spectis pinned the General to the wall. "Stop. We have enough problems as it is." Spectis then released him. "Forgive Temedimus. The Quin'sin and Kaiin have a symbiotic relationship of sorts. His people are the soldiers, the protectors. While mine are the diplomats, the leaders. Temedimus is the High General, the leader of the whole military. His duty is to protect us. And I am the leader of our people." Spectis explained. "Oh well I forgive you. Why don't you un-cuff me so we can hug it out?" Cullen mockingly said. "You must really want to die human." Temedimus growled. "Go deepthroat a knife!" Cullen yelled back. "We must get going now. It has been very enlightening Major." Spectis gave him a small bow and the door appeared. Cullen looked out the door as they left and saw that same Kaiin from before. Spectis and Temedimus rounded the corner and went into a small room. In the room was a large window that looked into Cullen's cell. "General, do you believe we should awaken them?" Spectis asked. "After talking to the Major I believe we.....should." Temedimus replied. Spectis was happily surprised. "Really? Why is that old friend?" Spectis has known him for as long as anyone, and he still find new ways to surprise him. "The Major is a warrior. A respectable one. From what I can tell he was very respected among his people, a hero. He commanded great warriors. I can't speak for the other humans but I believe he may be an asset." Temedimus explained. "Very well then. But for a sign of good faith I think it best if we move the Major to more....hospitable room. And see what the engineers can do about his right arm. Maybe we can give him some cybernetics." Spectis ordered. "As you wish." Temedimus placed his right hand on his chest and gave a small and then left.
Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson Malcolm entered the launch bay after everything was said and done. He was just passing by when he heard some ruckus. He hid behind a corner and peaked in to see what was going on. It looked like his teammates were ether bored and killing for no reason or they were having a jailbreak. "Oh what fun." Malcolm muttered to himself. "So Jefe where ya' going?" Malcolm said as he came from the corner. "For ice cream?" Another Malcolm said as he came from the same corner. "Your taking the creepy snake man and not me?" A third said. "Got room for four more?" a fourth asked. "Maybe five?" "Or six?" two more said. Then they all just disappeared in thin air, and the real one came from the corner. You could tell he was the real one, he has a certain arrogant-******* swagger to him. "So where are you bunch of psychos going?" the real one asked. Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders Ryder over slept and was late for class. Which is unusual for him. He came in class and tried to make the least amount of noise and sat in the very back. It was Darcy going up against Lone, a pretty tough opponent even for Muscle. Keeping at distance seems like a good idea. If it were him he would use slower more accurate attacks, picking his shots carefully. Slow and steady wins the race. Or at least in his experience. Ryder looked around the stadium. Ult Mati was still on his mind. They were informed about them awhile ago and they still haven't had any missions against them. In fact they haven't even seen one of them. He wondered how much info the Prof had on them, how many they had under their banner, and how well equipped they are. The only real fight most people here had was during that liberating riot so many years ago. Every thing else has been in training.
Noon "Alright enough talk. We need to find Russ. Every second we spend here Fisher is doing God knows what to him." Cole said while still staring Tenga down. "Agreed. The longer Fisher has him the better his leverage." Arthur replied. Cole glared at him with intense anger. "Do you even care about Russell?!" Cole yelled. "Care is irrelevant. Besides your a Werewolf, you can always make more." Tenga chimed in. Cole glared back at Tenga and gave him a huge right hook straight to his jaw. Tenga rubbed his chin and got all up in Cole's face. "Enough! Tenga go cool off." Arthur shouted as he separated the two. Tenga gave him a confused look and then went off outside. "Cole come with me. We have planning to do. Angelina make yourself comfortable." Arthur then gestured for Cole to follow him up stairs. One of the twins went over to Angelina. "Traurig über unsere Alpha. Er ist wirklich ein guter Mann, wenn Sie ihn kennen lernen." He said. The other one was not too far behind. "Forgive my brother here. He doesn't speak English and tends to forget that most people here don't speak German. He said 'Sorry about our Alpha. He's really a good man when you get to know him.' I'm Adler and he's Stier, if you can't tell who is who." Adler explained. "I must admit I'm a little jealous of you. You can shift into any person you want. While we are limited to one animal." Adler went on. "Wie haben Sie viel zu meckern. Sie können fliegen!" Stier interrupted. He knew exactly what Adler was saying, they have a sort of mental link to each other. Very rare for a skinwalker who weren't Alphas. "My brother was just reminding me how I shouldn't complain about what I shift to. I shift to a Eagle. He's just jealous that he can't fly. He shifts into a Bull. So are you staying here like us? If you are we could show you around, if that's ok with you."
Oh sorry.
Morning Arthur made sure to avoid the cops by taking the back roads. He eventually got them into the city. Arthur took them out to the suburbs of the city. It was a relativity normal looking neighborhood. He pulled up to a large older looking two story house. Cole sniffed the air, he could smell something inside, he just couldn't tell what just yet. Arthur got out of the SUV and walked over to the door. He knocked twice then waited ten seconds and knocked two more times then the door opened. "Well come on in and meet the others." Cole looked at Angelina. "Others?" He then got out of the vehicle and went inside. He now knew what that smell was. "So you got yourself some pets huh Arthur?" Cole said with a bit of smugness. There were three men inside. They all were about in their 20's, two were blond twins and the other one looked Spanish. "What the hell Arthur? Why go to the knock offs?" the Spanish guy asked, he was obviously the leader of the three. "Knock offs? Oh a skinwalker calling a Werewolf and a Shape-shifter knock offs is rich. Seriously Arthur why are the mutts here?" Cole replied. "Yeah, skinwalkers are what happens when a Werewolf and Shape-shifter 'Voltron' up. The senses and strength of werewolves, well when we're not shifted, and your guys shape-shifting abilities. But unlike you they can only turn into a animal, and only one animal per costumer." Cole explained to Angelina. The Spanish guy replied with a low bear like growl. "Meet Tenga, and the twins, Adler and Stier. These are the ones I've been telling you about boys." "I don't like this. You should have told us about them." Cole said with a bit of annoyance. "You lost that right when you went behind my back to face Martian. Besides they haven't been in town for that long." Arthur replied. Cole growled at him. "Ok whatever. We need to find Russ and now." Cole demanded. "Who?" Tenga asked. "My pack member." Cole replied. Tenga laughed. "Some alpha you are. Can't even keep your people safe." Tenga smirked. "You want to go mutt? I'm happy to oblige!" Cole growled. Cole and Tenga then began to stare each other down. "Alright zip 'em up and put the rulers away! There's enough room for two Alphas." Arthur said as he got in the middle of the two. "I had him! I had him!" Martian yelled as he sat down in Fisher's office. "Where the hell is that dragon expect at?! We can't handle that thing!" Martian continued to yell. "Right here my impatient pup." A raven haired British 40ish woman said as she entered. "Hello Elizabeth." Fisher said in a annoyed voice. "Hello Fisher. Keeping interesting company are we?" Elizabeth greeted. "Leave us. Now." Fisher ordered. Martian gave him a annoyed look and left. "Mm, you always have the best company." Elizabeth said after Martian left. "I'm surprised you came. We didn't leave things on the most civil terms." Fisher said. "Yes well when the great Marcus Fisher has a favor to ask I just had to come. Now what is it you want?" Elizabeth asked. "Draconem is here, he goes by Arthur now. I need you to deal with him." Fisher answered. Elizabeth laughed until she realized he was serious, then she laughed even harder. "You've got to be kidding? Even if he wasn't an Elder he would be hard to kill, and since he is don't you know the back lash? The Elders don't take to kindly to killing one of there own." Elizabeth replied. "You've killed more dragons then anyone, you can handle him. And as for the back lash, I'll take care of it. You owe me, or should I tell your new husband about what you owe me, and your past life?" Fisher said with a grin. "He has nothing to do with this, he has no idea of what I've done and I plan to keep it that way. Fine I'll do it, but tell me this, is Gabriel still having you do your dirty work?" Elizabeth replied. Fisher didn't give her an answer. "That's what I thought. I'll handle it." She said as she left. "Thank you." Fisher said with a lot of smugness. Elizabeth glared back at him and then left.
Episode 13 Domus Dulcis Domus July 13 2013 Morning Cole approached the smoldering wreckage of what used to be his home. Most of it was still ablaze. Before he could shift through it to see if anything was salvageable a large snow white gust of air blasted from the clouds above the wreckage. The gust put out the flames and left a thin layer of frost on the wreckage. From the clouds that the gust came down came Arthur. He shifted into human form and went over to Cole. Arthur gave Cole a huge right hook. "You stupid son of a *****!" Arthur yelled as he gave another right hook to Cole. "You should have waited for me you dumbass! Because of you Fisher has the upper hand!" Arthur continued to yell. "I had to! Fisher had Russell!" Cole yelled back. "Oh? Well where is he? Look around here, was the cost worth it?" Arthur asked. Sirens could be heard off in the distant. "Let's go before the authorities show up. I have a safehouse near by where we can plan our next move." Arthur ordered. Cole got in the back seat of the SUV and Arthur got in the drivers seat. He drove off towards the city.
Shitz just got real Korra.
OOC: Yeah I just realized that today should have been the end of day. So let it be tomorrow. Night Cole was speeding away from the warehouse and towards the hanger. Eva was dead because he rushed in blindly. He had to get home and come up with a plan. If he would have waited for Arthur to come back then maybe....well it's best to keep moving forward. Arthur kept the heat on Martian and The Golem until he was sure Cole and Angelina were far enough. He stopped the steady stream of fire and flu off. The Golem stood up, it's rocky skin was heated, it's shirt was burned off and it's pants as well. Although it didn't need pants because it's like a Ken doll down there, wearing cloths made it feel good. The Golem tried to help Martian up but Martian pushed him aside and got up himself. Martian was pissed to say the least. He was slamming his fist against walls and columns. He took out his cell phone and called Fisher. "Yeah he got away." Martian said with anger in his voice. "As expected." Fisher smirked. Martian snarled in the phone. "This was but one battle in a war. More will come." Fisher said before he hung up. Cole didn't say a word until they were almost out of the city. "Are you ok?" Cole asked. "I'm.....sorry. This was my fault. I rushed in blindly and got Eva killed. We'll get to the hanger and I'll drop you off. That guard said Russ is being held in the forest, I'll start there." Cole said. He didn't want anyone else getting hurt because of his mistakes. They neared the hanger and something was off. Cole stopped the SUV a few feet away from the hanger. Cole's ears flicked and he sniffed the air. His eyes widened when he realized what was happening. Cole quickly put the SUV in reverse and backed up. Then the hanger exploded. Cole's eyes turned red as he watched everything he had go up in smoke. "Fisher." Cole growled.
Noon Martian took Angelina's shots in the stomach. He was surprised she shot him, it was little more then a bug bite but still. The bullets in his stomach dropped out one by one. He then began to laugh uncontrollably. "Nothing is off limits for me. I take what I want, like how I'm going to take Cole's still beating heart." Martian said in a sinister tone. Cole looked out a window, he still had awhile before nightfall. Cole took out his revolver and fired at him. Martian dodged them all with ease. Martian marched over to Cole and grabbed him by the neck. Eva quickly took Martian's arm and broke it, she then tossed Martian a few feet away. She knew she was the only one that stood a chance against him. The Golem moved behind them. Cole took his assault rifle and emptied a clip into it. But the bullets just bounced off his near invincible skin. Cole charged at the Golem and swung the rifle at it. The rifle broke in half on it's arm. "I'm boned." Cole muttered. Meanwhile Martian and Eva started their battle. It wasn't anything spectacular just a bunch of heavy punches exchanged between each other, and Eva was losing. Martian caught a punch from Eva and broke her arm. Martian then began to slash at her wildly. Cole tried to get to her but the Golem clotheslined him with those tree trunks it called arms. "Hold him! I want him to watch." Martian ordered. Martian stabbed his claws in the back of Eva's skull. He took one finger on his other hand and slit her throat. He then released her. She kneeled down and tried to keep some of the blood from spilling out to no avail. Martian gave her a good kick that rolled her on her back. He placed his hand above her heart and then slowly dug his claws toward it. She was too weak from blood lost to stop him. He finally stopped and quickly pulled his hand out. As soon as he did she turned to dust, he killed her. Martian took a deep breath, he wanted to saver the moment. "It's been a long time coming pup." Martian said as he walked towards Cole. Before he could get to him Arthur crashed through the ceiling in his dragon form. "The hell?!" Martian shouted. Arthur slammed down his front leg on the Golem, pinning it down and releasing Cole. Arthur stared at Cole and Angelina, his eyes glowing yellow. 'Run! Now!' he telepathically said to them. Arthur swung his tail around sending Martian flying. Cole stared at Eva's ashes for a moment then he ran back to his SUV. He wanted to stay and fight but Arthur's words....that's all he could think about doing. The Golem was able do lift up Arthur's leg and get out from under him. Arthur took a huge breath in and fire formed around his mouth. The Golem quickly used it's body to shield Martian from the flames.