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  1. lord-insan-E-O
    Michael chuckled when Angelina demanded not to be called a kid. "Please kid, with the things I've seen, I call a sixty year old kid." Michael replied. "Are you done? Because they're coming." Arthur rolled his eyes. Ice chunks came hurling from the hallway Arthur came from. The Golem charged at Arthur at full speed with enough force that he knocked him halfway across the room. The vampires circled Michael around and was hissing at him. "Nice shiner." Michael said when he saw the bloody eye Cole gave one of them. The one eyed vampire rushed at Michael. As soon as he was a arm's length away Michael slashed high with his machete. The machete cut halfway through the vampire's neck before he turned into a cloud of ash. Michael flipped the machete around his hand looked at the remaining vampires. "Next." both of the vampires pulled a Uzi out. "Cheaters.'' Michael ran as fast as he could to a desk near him and hopped over it to take cover. The vampires opened fire at Michael. Gezichten calmly walked over towards Angelina. He took out a pair of butterfly knives made out of silver (of course) and started flipping them around just to show off. "I'm guessing you won't just give up? I do hate killing another shifter."
    "End of the line." Martian said with enormous amounts of smugness as he took Cole by the neck. Chuck finally broke through the evidence door which took Martian by surprise. Chuck fired a few rounds into Martian forcing him to release Cole. Cole tripped Martian's legs as he staggered back from being shot.

    Elizabeth calmly walked into Timely Towers with the bloody bag in hand, she got a few strange looks. She got in the elevator and went to the top flour. She tossed the bag on Fisher's desk interrupting a phone call. "I'll call you back." Fisher said as he hung up the phone. "This it?" he asked. "Yep, the bones of protectors. Hopefully cops count as protectors." Elizabeth assured him. Rivers came into the office not too long after with two more bloody bags. Rivers tossed them on the desk. "The bones of holy men and teachers. As you wanted." Rivers said. "Good the spell is almost ready."
    "Rivers, I need you too go and bring a new asset of mine up to speed while we sprinkle the remaining touches on this spell." Fisher ordered as he handed him a folder. "Adhortantesque!" Fisher yelled as he blasted Rivers and he disappeared in a puff of smoke. "I hate when he does that." Rivers said as he dusted of his suit. Fisher teleported him to a warehouse near the docks. Inside the warehouse a single table with a chair on each side. A couple armed guards escorted Fisher's newest asset, a vampire named Sixx.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. lord-insan-E-O
    Morning OOC: Meant to post the morning part yesterday, but been busy.
    "Cole." Michael muttered when he heard the howl. Michael was about to press on but Arthur stopped him. "Something's coming." Arthur said. The shifter rounded the corner until they were in sight. "Aw stront." he sighed. He then ran back the way he came. "Damnnit Gezichten." Arthur groaned. "Who?" Michael asked. "Tell you later, let's just focus on the task at hand." Arthur ordered. Michael gave him a nod. "Alright Godzilla you take point. Me and the kid got your back." Michael ordered.
    "Well Cole it's your lucky day. You get the quick way out. Oh if we had the time." Martian mocked. Martian started to slowly stab his claws into Cole's chest. "Meh, sometimes you just need to treat yourself." Martian taunted. Cole grunted his teeth as Martian dug in. "Martian!" Gezichten yelled. "Arthur's here." he said with a bit of fear in his voice. Martian took his claws out of Cole and sighed. "Alright all of you go and handle them. I'll finish Cole." Martian ordered. The Golem released Cole and followed Gezichten as he lead it and the vampires to Arthur, Michael, and Angelina.
    Arthur went ahead towards where Gezichten was heading. It wasn't long until Martian's entourage stood in his path. Arthur made his right hand glow white and placed it on the flour. A layer of frost crept from his hand and towards them. The frost stopped a little ways away from them and formed a thick wall of ice between him and them. Arthur rushed back to Michael and Angelina. "We've got trouble. Gezichten, and The Golem are coming along with a trio of vampires I think." Arthur reported. "Well girly I hope you know how to use those toys I gave you." Michael said as he drew his machete.

    Elizabeth exited the station from the back with a bag that was dripping with blood. She calmly walked to the front of the station and got in one of the vans they pulled up in and drove off towards Timely Tower.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 10, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Another phone post. Will pretty it up later.
    Martian and Cole stared each other down for a good two minutes. Martian was the first to turn away when he heard Angelina, Arthur, and Michael enter the station. Cole saw this as his chance. Cole let out a huge howl that could be heard a few blocks away. The three vampires all rushed Cole at once. Cole kicked the one in the center in the kidney and slammed the other two too the ground by their necks. It was obvious to Cole that they were recently turned, they were too weak.
    Episode 16 Ghost of a Chance
    July 16 2013
    As soon as Cole brought down those fangers he was forced to un-shift. "Times up pup. Golem, give him a hug." Martian smirked. The Golem charged at Cole full speed. Cole slid between his legs. Cole gave it a swift kick to the back of the knee, which hurt Cole more then it did The Golem. Golem slammed Cole against the wall and pinned him against it. Martian looked over at the shifter who was in his normal form. "Go check out the noise." Martian ordered. The shifter gave him a nod and ran off.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 8, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Phone post and AWAY!
    "So what's the plan Michael? Your more adapt at this sort of thing." Arthur asked. "Arthur you go in first to check the coast. And Angelina I've got some presents for you." Michael hopped out of the car went to the trunk. "I've got a extra machete and some silver bullets for you Angelina." Michael handed her a gun with two full clips of silver bullets and a very sharp machete. Arthur got out and rushed into the station. As he walked in he saw the dead bodies of the cops. "Damn." Arthur muttered. Arthur leaned out of the door and signaled for them to come in.
    Meanwhile Cole decided to make his stand. Cole had a short wait before they caught up to him. "Alright Mutt let's finish this! Just you and me!" Cole shouted. Martian chuckled to himself. "As much fun as that would be, I need to get this done fast. So my boys are going to have to keep us company." Martian taunted. Two more vampires revealed themselves to Cole by showing their fangs off. The Golem stepped forward and cracked his massive knuckles. "Cute boy band." Cole quipped.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lord-insan-E-O
    Martian loudly growled at Cole as he dodged his bullets. One of his entourage disappeared in a blur and appeared in Cole's and Chuck's way. The guy revealed vampire teeth and hissed at Chuck. Chuck tried to stab at him with his end of the mop but he was way to slow, the vampire caught Chuck's arm. Cole turned around and as the vampire was distracted with Chuck, Cole rushed him. Cole shoved his end of the mop into the vampire's right eye. "Time's up *******s." Cole said with a smirk.
    Cole shifted as soon as he felt the moon go up. Cole lifted the half blind vampire over his head and sent him flying towards Martian. Cole and Chuck took this moment to get down to evidence as fast as humanly, or werewolfly as possible. Martian picked the half blind vampire up off of him and tossed him aside. Martian glared over at the rest of his entourage and gave them a sort of 'go get them' look.
    They got down to evidence with little trouble after that. "Alright get my silver knife. You'll need something to protect you." Cole ordered. Chuck gave him a reluctant nod and started to shift through the mountains of selves. Cole walked out of evidence and tore the door knob as he shut it. Chuck rushed over to the door after he closed it. "Hey what are you doing?!" the commissioner yelled as he pounded on the door. "Sorry Commish. But your out of your league. I'll get you out, if I live." Cole said and then he ran off to face Martian.

    "So, um Angelina was it? I'm Michael if you didn't catch it." Michael said trying to make small talk. They were almost at the station and he was just trying to make this less awkward, which he was doing the opposite. "I....uh....what the hell?" Michael said as they approached the station. He saw the vans parked in front of it and nobody in sight. It just felt off to him. "Something's not right. Arthur see anything out of the ordinary?" Michael asked. Arthur closed his and opened them back up, they were now his dragon yellow eyes. "Oh yeah got some magic going into the station. It looks like....Elizabeth. Got some Vampires, another Werewolf, and........a shape-shifter."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 7, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lord-insan-E-O
    Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson
    Time: 10:49 am
    Location: Tenebris City
    Mood: Intrigued

    Malcolm watched the new player enter the game. 'Looks like Jaxie needs some help' Malcolm thought to his selves. 'Alright ten of me should be good enough. Ten go and give Jax some back up.' Malcolm mentally ordered. Ten of his clones rushed over to Jax and Dani. Malcolm dispersed the other ten clones, he wanted to keep his focus on the masked stranger.
    The copies all formed a circle around the stranger and each had a pair laser pistols aimed at him. "So you the new sheriff in town?" They said in unison. "Come to clean out the outlaws? Your going to need am army friend, too bad for you I'm my own army." They smirked.

    Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders
    Time: 10:49 am
    Location: Battle Hall
    Mood: Excited

    "Looks like there playing my song." Ryder got up and exited the Battle Hall. He was a little excited, they wouldn't have been called if it wasn't important. Ryder amped up and leaped towards the entrance. In a couple of bounds he was there. Ryder un-amped and stopped to catch his breath. Leaping like that was a little tiresome. "Sir what's all the hub-bub about?" Ryder asked.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lord-insan-E-O
    Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders
    Time: 10:03 am
    Location: Battle Hall
    Mood: Sports Fan mode

    Ryder watched Rachael fling a bunch of random crap that was laying around the battle field at Lone. She looked a little afraid. "What is she doing? Come on let lose some real telekinetic muscle! He'll be fine!" Ryder shouted. She most likely didn't hear him but Ryder's one of those guys who would yell sports players while watching them on TV. "Come on blitz him! Blitz him!" Ryder continued to shout.

    Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson
    Time: Mayhem time
    Location: Tenebris City
    Mood: Ecstatic/ a little bored

    Malcolm and his clones were wreaking all kinds of havoc. Malcolm himself was high up on the roof of a building while his clones got all the fun. He had about twenty out and about in the city which is why he can't be joining his copies. Using his powers as he would describe is like juggling, the more copies he has the more he has to keep track of.
    After a few minutes he was getting bored. As much fun as shooting up a city is, it loses it's appeal with nobody to challenge him. "Ok Jaxie when is some real challenge coming? When is OmegaTech coming?" All of his clones said in unison. "As much fun as this is, killing those beneath us loses it's charm when they don't fight back." They stated.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lord-insan-E-O
    Cole got them into a janitor's closet. "Anybody got a cell?" Cole asked. "Right I'll call back up." Chuck said as he got his cell phone out. Cole yanked it out of his hand. Cole flipped it open, yes it was a flip phone. There was no signal, it was being jammed. "Dammnit." Cole muttered. "Anybody know how they got in? And who they are?" Cole asked. He already knew the answer, he could smell the spilled blood, he just wanted to see there reactions to make sure he wouldn't need to expect a shot in the back. "I have no idea." Chuck said. Cole listened carefully to his heartbeat, he was telling the truth. "Me-e ether." the corrupt cop stuttered. Cole listened to his heartbeat as well, his heart rate was higher then it should even considering what's happening.
    Cole looked around the closet to see what he had to work with. He grabbed a mop. "This'll do." Cole said as he checked the mop out. "Fo-for what?" the corrupt cop asked. Cole looked at him and grinned. Cole broke the mop's handle over his head. Then he took him by the neck and slammed him against the wall. "Hey! Let him go!" Chuck said has he took aim at Cole. "This piece of crap is working with 'em! Aren't you!?" Cole had an end of the mop pressed against his neck. "No.....I.." "Don't you lie!" Cole interrupted. "...Yes! Ok, I work for Fisher!" The cop admitted. Cole released him. "Why? Who's Fisher......wait you don't mean Marcus Fisher do you?" Chuck asked. "Yes. I was ordered to be on the look out for Cole and a few others. When I found him I called Rivers, Fishers right hand. I don't know why he wants you." The cop admitted. "Why does he want you?" Chuck asked. "Long story and I don't have time for 'the truth is out there' speech." Cole replied. While they were talking the cop grabbed the other end of the mop. The end was fairly sharp. The cop lunged at Cole when his back was turned and stabbed him clean through. Cole looked down at the wound. "Damn." He muttered. Cole pulled the mop right through him. Cole pulled out of the front of his pants the pistol that the shifter was using and shot the cop in the head. The Commissioner stood there with his gun drawn unsure what to do. "What? He stabbed me first."
    "Alright we need to get to evidence. I've got a knife that will help get us out of here." Cole said. Cole took the part of the handle that the cop stabbed him with and handed it to Chuck. "That'll help you a lot more then your gun." Cole said. Chuck looked down at the bloody stick. "Uh, I'll take the other end." Cole rolled his eyes and handed him the other end. "hey your wound is healed?" Chuck noticed. "Like I said I don't have time for 'the truth is out there' speech. I'll tell you when we get out. Let's go. We don't have long till they find us. We need to get my knife." Cole ordered. Cole ducked his out to check the coast. Outside Martian, and his entourage were heading towards them. "Damn." Cole muttered. "Come on!" Cole stepped out and fired a few shots at Martian.

    "Alright let's go." Michael impatiently said. He was a little uncomfortable around shapeshifters, mostly because he's never sure if that's there real form or what. Michael got into his old clunker of a car. Arthur got in the passenger seat.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lord-insan-E-O
    "Sir, Cole's here in the station. How should we proceed?" the cop who brought said on a cell phone. "We'll handle him." Rivers said on the other end. The cop quickly hung up the phone when Commissioner Price entered the station. "Where is he?" Chuck asked. "He's.....uh in lock up." the cop said nervously. The Commissioner gave him a nod and went to lock up. In the lock up Cole and the others in his cell were all singing Don't Stop Believing. "Enough." Chuck said in a stern voice. "So I take it your the head pig here?" Cole smirked. Chuck rolled his eyes.
    Outside of the station two large vans pulled up to the station. Martian, the Golem, Elizabeth, and several heavily armed men got out of the vans. "Ok we do this quick, clean, and quiet." Elizabeth order. She turned to a slim ginger haired man. "Go put on a good face." She ordered. He gave her a grin and went inside. He had a pistol with a suppresser hidden on him. Inside there was ten cops in there just going about there day. he went to the closet cop to him. "Excuse me ma'am?" He said in a polite voice. She turned to him. The man put his hand on her shoulder and changed into her form. The shapeshifter smiled and took out his pistol and fired a shot into her head. He fired about more shots into the other cops in the room before they even knew what was happening. With everyone down he went to the front door and signaled for them to come in.
    Cole ears flicked as Chuck was reading down a list of Cole's charges. He could here the pings that were coming from the suppressed gunfire. "****." Cole muttered. "What was that?" Chuck asked. "I'd like to make a confession. Just take me to a interrogation room." Cole demanded. "Why the sudden change of heart?" Chuck gave him a skeptic look. He's handled guys like Cole before, or so he thought. Cole could hear them coming towards them. "Screw it." Cole muttered. Cole grabbed the corrupt cop's gun through the cell's bars. Chunk drew his gun as well. "Put it down. Now!" Chuck demanded. Cole looked over and saw the shapeshifter about to round a corner. Cole fired at the shapeshifter. Of course without silver those bullets might as well be rubber bands. Chuck shot at Cole. The bullet went into Cole's gut. The other guys in the Cell with him were staying on the walls. The corrupt cop backed away.
    The shapeshifter came storming towards Chuck and took aim at him. Cole acted quickly, he grabbed Chuck's tie and pulled up against the cell door causing the shifter to miss. Cole fired a few shots over Chuck's shoulder. "Let me out and we both might get out of this!" Cole demanded. Cole continued to shoot at the shifter until he was empty. Chuck reluctantly opened the cell door. Cole tossed the pistol at the shifter and it hit him square on the head. Cole tackled the shifter and forced him against the wall. Cole stared him in the eyes and saw his true face. His face was completely burned. Cole gave him a huge right hook that knocked him out. "Follow me." Cole ordered. Chuck and the corrupt cop followed him.
    Martian and two guys rushed into the lock up. "Where is he?!" Martian growled to the guys in the cell. They all pointed to where they went. Martian took a pistol from one of the guys with him and shoot the three men in the cell.

    "Ok good news." Arthur said as he came down the stairs. "I just got off the phone and I can get Cole bailed out. Angelina, Michael will you come with me if you please?"
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lord-insan-E-O
    A young police officer escorted Cole to a jail cell in the station. Along with him in the cell was a obviously drunk guy who was fading in and out of conciseness, a rather large guy with tattoos that covered his body, and very slim pale white guy who was shaking all over. "Hey Barney Fife where's my phone call?" Cole asked with annoyance. "Barney who?" the cop had a puzzled look. "Barney Fife? Don Knotts? You know 'The Andy Griffith Show'? Oh come on that's classic television!" Cole replied. The officer rolled his eyes and handed Cole a cell phone. Cole not sure who to call, he called Michael.
    Michael's cell was downstairs in the living room when it rang. Michael was still upstairs so Stier answered it. "Hallo?" Stier answered. "Stier? ist Michael? Ich muss mit ihm reden, ich bin ..... im Gefängnis." Cole asked. "Gefängnis?!" Stier yelled. Adler came into the living room with a bowl of cereal. "Wer ist im Gefängnis?" Adler asked as he took a sip of cereal. "Cole." Stier whispered to his brother. "Stier, legte Michael Arthur oder am Telefon." Cole ordered. Adler gave him a nod and went up stairs.
    Adler pounded on Arthur's door. "Cole's in trouble!" Adler yelled through the door. Arthur opened the door. "Cole's in jail. He's on Michael's phone." Adler said. "Damnnit." Arthur said as he went downstairs. Arthur jerked the phone out of Stier's hand. "What happened?!" Arthur asked. "I was pulled over and they took me in. They were talking about vandalism and murder charges." Cole replied. "Ugh. Let me make a few calls. Don't do anything stupid." Arthur sighed then hung up the phone. Cole looked around the cell and at the others in it. "So....anybody know any good show tones?"
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. lord-insan-E-O
    Episode 15 Lock Up
    July 15 2013

    "Alright I'm going to take Russ home. I'm sure your parents have a missing persons out on you." Cole said as he got down the stairs. "I'll go with you kiddo." Michael said. "No, we'll just go alone. Give us time to talk." Cole snapped. Michael looked like he was about to say something but didn't. "Let's go Russ." Cole ordered. Russell gave him a nod and followed him outside. Michael sighed. "Damn, he's still angry." Michael muttered to himself. Michael then went upstairs and into Arthur's room.

    "Does the term **** storm mean anything to you? I was counting on you!" Fisher yelled at Elizabeth. "Too hell with slow and careful, I want there heads on my desk! Take Martian, the Golem, and my latest troops and get it done." Fisher ordered. "Gabriel is already sharping his sword to take my head." Fisher sighed. He was worried, which is something that doesn't happen often. "You know you don't have to do this? There are places for you to hide out of Gabriel reach." Elizabeth pleaded. "There is only one place I know that I can hide from him and I would be dead as soon as I set foot on that damned island. This is for the best, not just for me but for all of us. Now go."

    "So, umm you want to talk about it? I'm sure a good cry would help you." Cole said half joking while he was taking Russell home. "You are such an ass." Russell said with a chuckle. Cole parked about a block away from Russell's house. "Alright, just tell them that a couple of punks from school thought that keeping you in the woods a few days would be a funny prank." Cole ordered. "And they'd believe that?" Russell skeptically asked. "Well then make them." Cole said. Russell opened the door but before he got out he turned to Cole. "Where's Eva?" Russell asked. "She....uh.....she's gone." Cole sighed. "By gone do you mean?" Russell began to ask. Cole looked at him without a word. "Don't blame yourself. It's Martian to blame." Cole reassured him. Russell didn't say a word and went to his house.
    Cole started back to the safe house. It wasn't to long after he dropped Russell off was he pulled over by the cops. "Is there a problem officer?" Cole asked the officer that pulled him over. "Cole Jackson?" the officer replied. "Oh this ain't good." Cole sighed. The officer pulled Cole out of his SUV and read him his rights.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lord-insan-E-O
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lord-insan-E-O
    Due to my ever illusive past catching up to me I will be moving on Friday. My net will be coming back on the 10th. But I'll stalk them relentlessly to see if I can't get that sooner. So you guys can just do whatever till I get my net back. I'll get the story back rolling when I get it back.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lord-insan-E-O

    New Earth

    Chapter 5 Time Capsule
    Cullen, Zoe, and the Lieutenant met with Temedimus and Karinee in a hanger bay. "Is this all your taking?" Temedimus looked over Zoe and the Lieutenant. "I trust Trick Shot with my life. And as for Lieutenant Jack Michaels here, he's a good soldier. You said we might run into trouble out in the Badlands. We can handle trouble." Cullen assured him. "Sir, I don't see any point in going back to that bunker for these 'time capsules'." A male Quin'sin pilot stated to the General. "Well if you don't have the balls, or whatever you have for balls, for it then I'll fly. I'm not that bad of a pilot myself you know." Jack interrupted. "Nobody flies my bird." The Quin'sin replied. "Enough. I asked for you personally Qiuan because your one of the best pilots I've seen. I wouldn't have asked if I didn't think you couldn't handle it." The General interrupted. "Fine. Let's just get this over with."
    They all got into a large heavily armed gunship and took off. They flew out of the cities walls and into the Badlands. The Badlands is overgrew with vegetation and over run with the large mutated beasts that once lived there. The Quin'sin and the Kaiin have been slowly but steadily extending their borders into the Badlands, but the wildlife hasn't made that easy. After they were a good ways out Temedimus decided that they need some new toys. He grabbed a sniper rifle first. "For you Corporal I have one of the best sniper models we have." Zoe took the rifle and checked it out. It's scope had different modes to it. It had night vision, and thermal vision. Very cutting edge. Temedimus next grabbed a standard issue energy assault rifle his own troops have. "For you Lieutenant. It's standard issue. I'm sure the Major can vouch for it's fire power." Jack took the assault rifle gladly, he felt a little naked without a weapon. Temedimus was about to reach for another assault rifle but Cullen interrupted him. "I don't need a weapon thanks to my arm. I had a couple engineers mod it. But I wouldn't say no to a pistol if you have one." Temedimus gave him a nod and a energy pistol. He also gave Karinee a pistol too. "I'm not too comfortable with guns. Or weapons of any kind." The doctor tried to give the gun back. "You'll need more then your telekinetic abilities if we run into trouble Doctor." The doctor reluctantly took the pistol.
    "We're approaching the LZ sir." Qiuan announced over the comm channel. Qiuan landed perfectly near the bunker. Cullen was the first one out of the Gunship. When he stepped out he took a big deep breath in. He looked around at the decimated bunker. Plants have mostly cover the bunker. Temedimus signaled for them to follow behind him. He lead them to the entrance of the bunker. The entrance was blasted open when it was first discovered. Cullen took the lead from then on, he probably knew the place better then anyone there, he was there when it was first built. He lead them to the eastern part of the complex, that was where the capsules were stored. They were about to round a corner before Temedimus stopped them. He pointed for them to look ahead. Ahead of them were four large armadillo like creatures. Cullen smugly pushed Temedimus aside and went ahead of him. Cullen whistled to get there attention. They growled at him and charged. Cullen fired at them with the laser in his new arm. But he only hit there near-invulnerable armor plating. "Damn." Cullen muttered. The leading one leaped onto the Major. Cullen was using his left arm to hold the beast at bay. "Screw this." Cullen held out his robot arm and a pure blue energy blade came out from his knuckles. Cullen drove the blade up it's skull, killing it. The beast collapsed on Cullen. The other three creatures came charging at him. "Damn it. Come on get off!" Cullen muttered as he tried to move the creature to naval. Temedimus walked from around the corner and tossed a grenade in the beasts way. The grenade let out a low hum that they couldn't stand. They ran off shortly after. Temedimus and Jack helped move the dead creature off of Cullen. "You had that grenade the whole time and didn't use it?!" Cullen yelled. "Yes. I wanted to see what would happen. I'm pleasantly surprised you weren't disemboweled." Temedimus helped Cullen up and then went on.
    It wasn't long after that did they find the capsules. Some of them had been forced over by animals, but for the most part they were intact. "Alright Qiuan we're good. Get as close to us as you can." Cullen said over the comm. Cullen looked around and found his pod. "What did you leave in your capsule Major?" Karinee asked. "The most important thing to me." Cullen replied. "Oh don't tell me." Zoe rolled her eyes. "My music." Cullen said with great pride. "Ugh." Zoe grunted. "He only listens to the same bands. And they were like fifty years old back then." Zoe stated. "Hey! Black Sabbath is timeless!" Cullen was very serious about his music.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: Archives
  15. lord-insan-E-O
  16. lord-insan-E-O
    "I think I could arrange that. But I don't know when she could get here." Arthur said before he went to his room. Downstairs Cole was regaining conciseness. He looked around and saw Michael. "Uncle Mike? What are you doing here?" Cole asked. "Nice to see you too kid. Arthur called me here." Michael replied. Cole rubbed the back of his neck. He was sore all over. "Russ you ok?" Cole asked in a worried tone. "I'm fine. How about you?" Russell replied. "Nothing years of repressed anger only to come out in violent outbursts can't fix." Cole said with a chuckle.
    Cole got up off the couch. "You might want to go upstairs and change your shirt. It's kind of bloody. I think Tenga is about the same size as you." Russell suggested. Cole looked down at his shirt, yeah it had a few bullet holes and was drenched in bloody. Cole took it off and tossed it in the trash. He then went upstairs. "Hey Angelina." Cole greeted before he got a shirt. "Thanks for helping me with Russ. If you need anything don't hesitate to call. You can consider yourself an honorary member of my pack." Cole gave her a faint smile.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 25, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. lord-insan-E-O
    Michael looked Cole over to check his wounds. They were completely healed now. While he was checking him over he saw Cole's necklace. "Good. I'm glad he got it back." Michael said to himself. "Arthur, I'm sure you have important business to talk to me about, but I'd like to spend time with my godson. I haven't seen him years." Michael said. Arthur gave him a nod. "Very well. I'll be upstairs in my room if you need me." Arthur went upstairs. "Angelina." Arthur greeted as he went to his room.
    "You said you haven't seen Cole in years? Why?" Russell asked. Michael sighed. "Cole carries a lot of guilt. He blamed himself after Tommy and his pack died. I thought he needed space. So I gave it to him." Michael said with much regret. "I'm what is called a Watch Dog among the Protectors. The Watch Dogs watch over a werewolf and skinwalker packs and Vampire clans. Only the longest and most powerful ones are watched." Michael continued. "Martian said something about Cole having his own body count. What did he mean?" Russell asked. "Purebloods like Cole first shift when they are about twelve or thirteen years old. And when they do they are all but feral. By the time they reach that age they are taught to control that feral side during the first shift. But every once in awhile a pureblood shifts early." Michael explained. "Cole was one of those purebloods. He was ten years old. Too young to control that side of himself. He........killed his mother and father. Cole blames himself."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. lord-insan-E-O
    "No you should get some rest. I tend to forget that most of us here need only a couple hours of sleep." Arthur said as he took the towels. "You may want to cover your ears. This is about to get loud." Arthur took out a couple of pocket knifes. Arthur gave the guys a nod and they got held Cole's limbs down. Arthur poured the bottle of liquid down his gullet. "Ok, here we go." Arthur then started to dig out the bullet logged in Cole's shoulder. Cole shot up and started screaming. The skinwalkers struggled to keep him down. "One down. Eight more to go." Arthur said then he continued.
    It was about an hour before he finished. Cole was passed out and the skinwalkers were just as exhausted from holding him down. Russell was fully healed by now. A knock came from the door. Russell got up and sniffed the door. The guy behind it was a normal human. Russell cracked the door open and saw a older looking guy. He was in his sixties and was very gruff looking. "Can I help you with something?" Russell asked. "Is Arthur here?" The man replied. "Let him in." Arthur said as he walked in to the living room. Russell opened the door and let him. The man first saw Cole passed out on the couch. "Christ, Arthur. What the hell did you do to Cole?" The man asked. "Nice to see you too Michael. This was his own bullheaded fault. But he'll be just fine." Arthur replied. Russell stared at this man. "You know Cole?" Russell asked. "I should, he's my godson."

    "Ok sir here is all we got on Cole Jackson." A officer said as he handed Chuck a folder. "Ok let's see....born near Lexington Kentucky. Second child to Jason Jackson and Marie Jackson. Both were mauled by a unidentified animal when he was ten." The commissioner read in the folder. "He and his sister, Amy were raised by their older brother Tommy. Both were killed a few years ago. Amy as mauled by the same type of animal as her parents, and Tommy was stabbed to death. His killer is still unknown." he continued to read. "Then he just dropped of the map. Hmm there are a few reports here of a suspect matching his description linked to several murders across the country."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. lord-insan-E-O

    New Earth

    Chapter 4 By Right
    "I don't like this Major. These Aliens taking our home. What we bled for." A man in a very expensive suit stated to Cullen while he looked out his window. This man just oozed slime. "What we destroyed. Don't forget that part." Cullen said as he folded his arm over his new cybernetic arm. It still had that new robot arm smell to it. "They haven't done anything that says we shouldn't trust them. They've given our people homes, and are helping them get jobs, Senator. That's about as friendly somebody can get." Cullen really disliked politicians. The Senator was William Burke. A real up and coming way back when. "And just because your the only politician left, praise the lord, doesn't make you the goddamn president!" Cullen shouted. "Remember your place Major!" Burke replied.
    "Nah, I know what this is about." Cullen said with a chuckle. "Oh? What's that?" Burke asked. "This is some racist-ass **** that we put behind us years before the war." Cullen stated. "No, this is about what's ours." Burke said with annoyance. "Whatever. Dress it up however you want to. Now I respectfully ask you to get your ass the hell out of my home and go play president someplace else." Cullen barked. "Fine. But just know that I'm looking after the best interests of humanity. And us being on the same page will benefit everyone." Burke said before he left. "I really hate politicians."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 23, 2013 in forum: Archives
  20. lord-insan-E-O
    Adler got them back to the safe house with Tenga not to far behind. "Get Cole inside." Tenga barked. Adler got out and helped Stier gently get him out of the car. The twins got Cole to the door but before they could open it, Arthur opened it from the other side. "Get them inside, I'm ready for them." Arthur ordered. They gave him a nod and placed him on the couch. Tenga helped Russell get inside. He was getting a bit better, the wolf's bane was starting to wear off.
    Arthur took a bottle of some kind of red liquid in it and began to shake it up. "This will get Cole's healing abilities working. But I'll still need to get the bullets out. Angelina get some towels from the bath room. Boys I'm going to need you to hold his arms and legs. When I start he's going to thrash around something awful." Arthur ordered. He took of his belt and he put in Cole's mouth. "And you." Arthur looked over at Russell. "Eat this." Arthur tossed him a white and blue flower. "That'll help get the wolf's bane out of your system."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Sep 22, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home