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  1. lord-insan-E-O
    Episode 18 Prey
    July 19 2013
    OOC: a hundred pardons for not posting in a while.

    "Alright you each know your parts. Skinwalkers, you guys get set up for tonight and Cole get ready, from my Intel your target should be at the best place for you. Remember quietly." Michael said. Then they all left the kitchen table. "Hey girly. Glad to know I don't have to hunt you down." Cole said. "Hey runt your on the clock." Michael interrupted. "Good thing your here. We're going to need all hands on deck with Arthur gone. We've got a big plan tonight to put a monkey wrench in Fisher's machine. Let's go Cole, we're on a time table." Michael said. Cole gave him a nod and followed him outside to his car.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Nov 6, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. lord-insan-E-O
    Johnny pulled up to the roadhouse and parked. He sat there for a second and sighed. He was hoping this wouldn't end in some kind of fight. He looked over at Lenny and at Luce, he was kind of hoping he would take her out. Johnny opened the SUV door and grabbed Sally from his cup holder and put it snugly in the back of his pants. He really didn't care if Zeke, Scott or any of Lenny's other kids saw him, he never hid the fact he thought this whole superpowered hunters thing stinks to high heaven.
    Johnny went over to the road house but not before giving Alexis and Cat a little wink, mostly to annoy them. Johnny went over to Lenny in the garage. He glared at Luce, he's still a little sore over her telekinetic superplex. "So didn't kill the rabid one huh? Or are you gonna let me do it? That would be a great gift." Johnny said smugly.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Nov 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. lord-insan-E-O
    Ok, due to me being EXTREMELY busy in the foreseeable future I'm extending the rp days. Instead of 6 days it will be 9, with 3 days to a cycle.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. lord-insan-E-O
    Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson

    Malcolm chuckled a little bit at Jax's threat. He does enjoy getting a rise out of people. "Now, now, blood pressure." Malcolm mocked. 'Alright boys follow our new deformed friends lead' Malcolm order to his selves. Malcolm glanced over at the whining civilian. "Please stop that. It's annoying." Malcolm said as he showed off his pistol to the civilian.

    Able 'Porter' Sanchez & Cindy 'Lotus Eater' Samson & Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders

    "Alright chill out Darcy." Ryder said as he was dragged into the limo. Able teleported himself and Cindy into the limo. "I could have walked you know?" Cindy said. "I know but this is more fun." Able replied. Able turned to Elaine "Ah Ms. Vitrusio, it's always a pleasure." Able said in his most charming tone. "Puedo decir, te ves tan hermosa como siempre." he said with a smile. Cindy rolled her eyes.
    Able turned to Darcy. "Darcy was it? Was your parents geologists or something?" Able asked. Both Ryder and Cindy had a confused look. "A Darcy is a unit in geology, it measures the ability of fluids to flow through rock." Able explained. Ryder and Cindy still had a confused look. "Really?"
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Nov 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. lord-insan-E-O
    Able 'Porter' Sanchez & Cindy 'Lotus Eater' Samson

    Cindy was walking back to her room when Able popped in before her. Cindy jumped a little bit until she realized it was Able. Cindy punched Able in the arm. "Damn, that hurt." Able said as he rubbed his shoulder. "I told you not to pop in on me like that! Need to put a bell around your neck or get a spray bottle like I did with my cat to get him to stop pouncing on me." Cindy said as she walked past him.
    "Well?" Able asked as he followed behind her. "No." She said in a stern voice. "Oh come on something's going on! The prof wouldn't call in Sigma AND Theta unless it wasn't important." Able pleaded. Cindy rolled her eyes. "Look, face facts, he asked for the A-Teams, not the C-Team. We aren't front line material. We are more stealth and recon. And you're basically a pacifist!" Cindy argued. Able teleported in front of her. "I don't want to fight. I just want to help people. Lotus please. It couldn't hurt to ask if there's anything we can do to help, could it?" Able asked.
    "Don't make me ask you in Spanish." Able said. Cindy rolled her eyes. "Fine, one to beam up you jerk." Cindy said as she held up her arm. "I owe you one." Able said. "Yeah, yeah, yeah just name you first born after me and we'll call it even." Cindy said. Able took her arm and they disappeared in a puff of yellow mist. They reappeared a few feet away from the limo everyone was piling into. Able adjusted the hoodie he was wearing and patted down his shirt. "Um, hey prof. I heard you needed Sigma and Theta, and I thought maybe you could use a little more help."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. lord-insan-E-O
    It's cool, I understand.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 28, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. lord-insan-E-O
    Can I have two more characters? And can they be in Gamma-G3 with Porter as the leader?

    Username: lord-insan-E-O
    Character Name: Able 'Porter' Sanchez
    Age: 16
    Physical Appearance: He is hispanic, about 5'1 and with a wiry build. He has a drak brown frohawk.
    Powers and Abilities: Teleportation. He disappears in a yellow mist. His range is about five milies. For the most part he has control of his powers but sometimes he teleports uncontrolably when he is in danger. When teleporting he still gains the momentum of running over to his destination. He can take up to four others on a trip, but they must be touching him. He is also very acrobatic.
    Short Biography: Able had what most would call a pretty crappy childhood. He grew up in a orphanage where everyday he got beaten by the caretakers or other kids and he still has scars of. Then he was sold off to the scientists and was there for quite awhile until the break out. After the riot he finally felt wanted. He is surprisingly chill given what he's been through. He is always in a good mood and is rarely mad. He prefers to solve things peacefully without violence. But when push comes to shove he knows how to handle himself.
    Enhancemorph Type: Artifical.

    Username: lord-insan-E-O
    Designation: OmegaTech
    Character Name: Cindy 'Lotus Eater' Samson
    Age: 15
    Physical Appearance: She is short and very petite looking. She has bright purple hair that she has dyed.
    Powers and Abilities: Hallucination manipulation. She releases gases from her hands which cause hallucinations. The hallucination is good or bad depending on which hand she uses, right for good and left for bad. She has no control over what her victim sees. The effect only last ten minutes but to the person under it's more like ten hours.
    Short Biography: She had a fairly good childhood until her powers manifested. When they first showed up she was in school, she put the whole school under. Her parents scared contacted OmegaTech and she's been there ever since. She is outgoing, short tempered, and her mouth is almost allways moving.
    Enhancemorph Type: Born
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. lord-insan-E-O
    Cole returned to the safe house after he walked around the block a couple times. Cole crushed his cigarette in his hand and dusted the ashes of on his pants. The burn on his hand quickly healed. Cole entered the safe house and sat down on the couch next to the twins. Tenga was in a metal folding chair and they were all watching soccer. "Can't we watch football or something less boring?" Cole asked. The skinwalkers all glared at Cole before turning back to the game. Michael came down the stairs and put his cell phone in his pocket. "That was Arthur. Somethings come up and he won't be back for a few days. He's left me in charge. Now who says we go on the offensive?" Michael asked. Tenga and Cole looked at each other and then grined.
    Michael cleared the kitchen table and laid several files on it. "Ok we need to be smart about this. I've called in a few favors and got this info." Michael said. Michael took out a couple of photos from the files. "Now we can't go after the more important associates of Fisher, namely Rivers due to being to guarded and just all around too hard to kill. But there are others we can take out that can slow his operation down." Michael put forward a picture a 40ish fat man. "This man here, Samuel Jakobs is in charge of getting Fisher's men his weapons. He makes the deals with the weapons dealers. The dealers are a paranoid bunch, they don't like meeting new people. Take this guy out and we cut off his weapons supply for a few months. We need to do this silently, I've got a special cocktail for you. Just inject him and it will look like a heart attack." Michael said. He next took out a picture of a semi-truck. "This truck will be transporting some 'product' of Fisher's side business. We hit this and we take about 2 million out of Fisher's pocket." Michael took out one last picture, this one was of a 40ish bald spanish man. "Victor Gomez, Rivers second in command. Killing him is more of a message then anything. So any questions?"
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 26, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Sorry another short post.
    After breakfast was done Cole stepped outside for a bit. Cole took out a box of cigarates and took one out. Cole rarely smokes, usually when he has to stay in a heavily populated. They distract his sense of smell, he doesn't like to smell what Joe Average had for dinner last week on his breath, over 2 miles away. Cole lit up and took a big puff in. Cole exhauled the smoke and sighed with relief. After a bit Cole decided to take a walk, the change of environment would do him some good.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 24, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. lord-insan-E-O
    Ryder 'Muscle' Sanders

    "So what, these Ult Mali rejects are defecters or something? Or is this some kind message to us?" Ryder pondered. Well he knew that whatever the answer it really didn't matter. "I swear to god if these is some kind of giant cosmic chest game, I'm just going quit. I hate chest." Ryder muttered.
    Ryder rolled his eyes at the AI's knock knock joke. "It's antimatter, when have you known that crap to be stable?" Ryder said. "Anyways, do we have any ID's on the Ult Mali team? I can't say I'm too comfortable with not knowing what we're getting into."

    Malcolm 'Plus' Johnson

    Malcolm grunted when his clones died. He took a deep breath in and all of the clones gore disappeared. Malcolm calmly got into the skyscraper's elevator and pressed the button to get to the ground flour. He hummed along with the elevator music as he waited.
    Malcolm walked out of the buliding as if nothing was wrong. He created 15 clones and he went to back to where the action is. "Alright you beautiful sons of bitches, he might kill some of you but he can't kill.....well he probably will kill all of you, but you are expendable." Malcolm said to his troops, of course they didn't say anything. The clones took out a pair of pistols and took aim at Payne.
    Malcolm walked over to Jax. "So any ideas Jefe? This seems to be right up your alley." Malcolm said. "Or without knuckles over there can you even do anything?" Malcolm said in a mocking tone.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 23, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. lord-insan-E-O
    OOC: Sorry I haven't posted since.......Wedensday? It didn't feel that long. Well a family member has died recently and I had to do that whole song and dance, and this is the first moment that I've had time to post or give a update. Anyways instead of having another episode the beginging of this day I'm just going to keep the current one going, which means nothing other then no EP title.

    Cole woke up and gave a well rested yawn. Cole got up and slid down the railing of the stairs. Cole went in the kitchen and started to fix some eggs and bacon. The skinwalkers followed Cole down not shortly after. "Yo, what'cha fixing?" Tenga asked. "Some bacon and eggs. Don't worry I'll fix you guys some."
    "You did what?!" Martian yelled. "I can handle Cole! You don't need some mercenary!" Martian shouted. "Your track recond says otherwise." Fisher said in a calm voice. "I'll take care him, just give me a location." Martian demanded. "No! If you go you will ruin it!" Fisher ordered. Martian snarled at him and left his office. 'I'll show you old man.' Martian thought to himself.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. lord-insan-E-O
    Cole was a surprised at Angelina. "No, I consider you my friend and I'm not going to let you die. Your going to live weather you like it or not. I'm a selfish prick that way." Cole said with a bit of anger. Cole went inside the safe house. "Hey something's come up, I've gotta go." Arthur said as he walked out the door. A white portal appeared outside and he entered it. "Yeah, I'm going to get some rest. Yell for me if you need, so try not to need me." Cole said as he went up stairs.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. lord-insan-E-O
    Cole started to head inside but he saw Angelina start to walk away. "Hey your not really going to walk away are you?" Cole asked her. "I don't think you leaving is the best opinion. Fisher almost got me, think of what would happen to you without any back up. We need to have each others back." Cole said in a genuine worried tone. "I know how you feel. Every person that I've bitten has been killed by Martian. They were good people, they didn't deserve to die the way they did. Trust me shutting yourself out isn't the way. I know you've lost people too, but would they want you to close yourself off like this?" Cole asked. "Please just think it over."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. lord-insan-E-O
    Episode 17 Predators
    July 17 2013

    Cole got in the back seat along with Angelina in Michael's beat up old SUV while Michael and Arthur got in the front. "Sorry I couldn't be more help..." Angelina said quietly. "Hey it's alright. Your doing better then when I first got into this supernatural stuff. I was a little older then you when I had my first experience being a card carrying Protector I had to deal with a eight year old Witch. That little brat tossed me around for a good hour before my trainer calmed her down." Michael tried to reassure her. "And the shifter was Gezichten. He's extremely dangerous." Arthur chimed in.
    It didn't take long till they were at the safe house, well they may have been a little above the speed limit, they were involved in the death of over a dozen cops. They pulled in and saw Tenga poking around the house and the twins making tons of noise. "This is what happens when you leave skinwalkers in charge." Cole sighed. Cole hopped out and walked over to Tenga who was crawling around. "Um, looking for a picnic basket Yogi?" Cole asked. "I heard a noise." Tenga replied. "Was it the German twins rocking to heavy metal inside?" Cole smirked. "What? No...I....ah never mind."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. lord-insan-E-O
    "Alright I think we've been here long enough. Commissioner I'm sure you have lots of questions, we'll be happy to answer them but only after this station is in the rear view mirror. We don't need to be accessories to the murder of over a dozen cops." Arthur said. "Fine, but I lost too many people and I'm GOING TO get answers." Chuck stated. Michael and Arthur gave him a nod and went out. Cole started out but turned back. "My knife?" Cole held out his hand. Chuck reluctantly gave him the knife. Cole gave him a nod and a smile. "Hey kids you done with the police station tour? Because more cops are about to show up!" Michael yelled at Angelina and Cole. "Hey shut it old man I'm coming!"

    Tenga was asleep on the couch with the TV on the weather channel when he woke up and heard a noise. The twins were coming down the steps after he woke up. "Hey was ist draußen. Make some noise, so kann ich check it out." Tenga ordered. The twins gave him a nod. Adler hopped down the couch and turned the TV on a heavy metal music station and turned the volume up on high. Stier took a tennis ball from out of his pocket and tossed it against the wall, making even more noise. Tenga crawled into the kitchen and went out the back door. Tenga then circled around the house.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. lord-insan-E-O
  17. lord-insan-E-O
    The Golem picked Arthur up by the back of his neck and began pounding him in the stomach. Arthur took the arm the Golem had on him and flipped him over his shoulder. Arthur glanced over and saw Michael pinned down by the vampires. Arthur rushed over and shoved one vampire into the other. Michael hopped over the desk and shot at the Golem who was trying to sneak behind Arthur. Arthur turned around and with one arm he tossed the Golem across the room. One of the vampires jumped on Arthur's back and tried to choke him. Arthur made his hands glow orange and he grabbed the vampire's head and pushed down on his head. The vampire's skin turned black and started to crack, he then turned to ash. Michael took his machete and swung at the remaining vampire. The vampire rolled behind him under his slash. The vampire kicked Michael in the back of the knee.
    Gezichten fell down on the ground from Angelina's shots. He got back up and opened his shirt, he had a bullet proof vest on. "Aim for the head next time." Gezichten taunted. Gezichten rushed over and yanked the gun from her hand and scratched her on the check with a knife. Gezichten rolled away from her. He took out the clip in the gun and the one in the chamber and tossed it across the room.
    Cole shifted and tried to slam his fist into Martian's head but he moved his head. Cole's fist cracked the flour. Martian took Cole's arm and flipped him over. Martian got up and sat down on Cole's chest and began to punch him. Chuck fired at Martian. Cole pushed Martian off of him and got back up. Martian got and looked at both of them. "Till next time pup." Martian then ran off.
    Martian ran into the room where everyone else was. "We're leaving. Now!" Martian ordered. The vampire took Michael's head and slammed him against a desk. The Golem took a desk and pounded Arthur with it. "Tot de volgende keer." Gezichten then took out a flash grenade. He tossed it on the ground and it went off. By the time the smoke cleared they were gone. Cole and Chuck came into the room. "Shucks did you guys come all this way for little o' me?"

    "A Protector my friend isn't a species. It's a group. They are a group of humans who fight the supernatural. They make sure the beasties don't kill humans. Don't underestimate him, he's killed a lot of creatures. And as for Arthur you shouldn't have to worry about him. We'll distract him. He's way out of your league." Rivers said. "You don't have a time limit or anything like that. And as for the location we haven't been able to find them, but we do have a general location. We believe they have a safe house somewhere downtown. We've gotten a two mile radius." Rivers continued. "If you can get this job done then we will most certainly have more business opportunities."

    Fisher placed the bones in a large bowl along with several plants and other things. He was in a large empty room. "Vocat animas defunctorum ornare! Vocat animas defunctorum ornare!" Fisher chanted. His chants echoed around the room. Green smoke blasted upward from the bowl. Then people started appearing in the room, not just people, spirits. Fisher smiled.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 12, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. lord-insan-E-O
    "Well yes it is nice to meet you too." Rivers said in a sarcastic tone. "Your target, is Cole Jackson." Rivers opened the folder Fisher gave him and laid pictures of Cole and his associates. "Cole Jackson here has been a pain in my employer's plans for awhile, but we need him alive. He is a Werewolf, an Alpha to boot." Rivers said as he pushed Cole's picture forward. "He has one pack member, a local teenager Russell Wagner. Threat minimal." Rivers pushed Russell's photo forward. "The biggest threat other then Cole is the company he keeps. A small pack of Skinwalkers. The Alpha is Tenga, alias real name we are working on. He can shapeshift into a grizzly bear. The other two Skinwalkers are twins, Adler and Stier, alias as well. Adler turns into a eagle while Stier turns into a bull." Rivers slid the Skinwalkers pictures forward. "Then there's the shape-shifter, Angelina. She may be a bit of a problem, but nothing you can't handle. Also we've gotten word of a Protector hanging around them, Michael Travis. Fairly dangerous." Rivers pushed their pictures forward as well. "Then last but not least the biggest problem you'd face, Arthur. He's a dragon, and not just any dragon he's the Elder dragon. An Elder incase your not sure is the first of any given species and the most powerful."
    "As for your pay you'll be half before and half after." Rivers said. He snapped his fingers and a guard brought him a briefcase. Rivers opened it up and laid it on the table. "Six million now and six million later. We've been relying on another Werewolf with a grudge against Cole to finish him but to no avail." Rivers chuckled a little bit. "In fact he's trying to kill him as we speak. But trust me Martian is very good, just not better then Cole even given the enhancements we gave him. But if somehow he does succeed we'll give you a new business venture. We have very big plans and someone with your skills could gain a lot by working with us."
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. lord-insan-E-O
    Glad to hear it! I added on to my last post so you can go ahead and start. I don't know if you know what's going on with the rp but I'll give you a rundown in my next post.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. lord-insan-E-O

    Accepted! I'll post a intro for you later.
    Post by: lord-insan-E-O, Oct 11, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home