DAY 19Thursday, October 10th, 2013 Tyson woke up pretty early. Again his dreams were unclear, but at least he was able to sleep. He rubbed his eyes and walked into the bathroom. He splashed some cold water on his face and went into the living room. He didn't feel like eating so he turned the TV on and tuned in on the news. They were still shifting through the wreckage. They were saying it was one of the worst earthquakes in history. "What is the point Temeluchas? Why wreck England?" Tyson said to himself. He had a few hours to spare so he decided to practice some more with his powers. He set up a few cans like yesterday and went to work on them. He was getting better at using his powers, the headaches were mild and as long as he didn't focus too hard he wouldn't get a nose bleed. After awhile of moving cans around he stopped, he didn't want to wear himself out before work. He took a quick shower and got dressed for work. He got into his car and left for work.
Morning 2/6 Cole huffed and puffed as he tried to catch his breath. He and Arthur had been training all night and most of the day. "Oh come on, I've seen kittens with better fighting skills then you!" Arthur yelled. " I do alright." Cole huffed. Cole rubbed his eyes and looked out the window. 'Damn, I could swear it was the middle of the day.' Cole thought to himself. A chair flew at Cole's head and hit him while he was distracted. "Hey no sucker punches! Err....sucker chair." Cole said as he got up. "You don't thing any of Fisher's people wouldn't have done the same?" Arthur smugly asked. "You fight like some common street thug. No finesse, no skill, no tactic. You just do whatever you think MIGHT work. I'm surprised that your still alive." Arthur scolded. Cole rolled his eyes. "I didn't come to you remember." Cole replied. "Whatever. We're done for today." Arthur said as he left the hanger. "Oh before I forget, here catch." He said as he tossed a small brown bag over to Cole. "That'll keep you hidden from Fisher, and any other magic user. I left one on the table for your Gamma." Arthur said before he left. "Sir the SUV is registered to a....Albert Wilmarth." some cop said as he looked through a few papers. Price chuckled. "Oh that's clever." Price said. "Um Sir?" The cop asked. "It's a fake name. It's the main character's name in 'The Whisperer in Darkness'. A short story by H.P. Lovecraft." Price said with a grin. "You sure?" The cop asked. "Kid, when you've been on the job for 20 years you learn a thing or two about fake ID's." Price replied. He took the papers the cop had and started to look through them.
After a few hours of watching TV, Tyson fixed him something quick and microwavable for dinner. After he got done he went on to bed. His thoughts were on the quake in England. The question he kept asking was 'Why?' Why would Lucifer and his crew want to cause a quake in England? But those questions have to wait till later. So he went to sleep.
Episode 8 Trill of the HuntJuly 8 2013Morning 1/6"Damn lizard!" Fisher yelled in annoyance. "Sir something wrong?" Rivers asked as he walked into Fisher's office. "Yes, an old friend is causing trouble. We will need to deal with him and soon." Fisher said as he turned to the window. "Of course. I believe the would be Alpha is ready. I've taught him enough to be a real threat. He's a quick learner." Rivers gave him a nod and left. "Well old friend. Let our game continue." Fisher said staring intently out the window. "Ah ha! There you are you little SOB." Commissioner Price said as he was looking over security footage. It was footage of the outside of the warehouse that Cole, Martian, and the Golem had there fight in a few days ago. But when Cole, Martian, and any other creature was on camera there was a camera flare around their eyes, and it prevented them to be recognized. "Damn....Wait what's that?" Price said as he zoomed in on the corner of the screen. "That'll due." on the screen was Cole's SUV license plate.
Tyson got home from a fairly average day. Though it was a little bitter sweet for him, he got a call from that woman from a few days ago and she was pregnant. He wished he could be more happy that he was one step closer to getting Jen back, but he couldn't forget the price he has to pay, the price everyone has to pay for her to come back. "Ok Temeluchas one down." Tyson said as he grabbed a beer out of frig. Although he expected that she knew even before he did. He set up a few cans to practice his powers with. He was able to move one of the cans. He was trying to get it to smoothly move to his hand but instead it beamed him in the head. "Damn! Stupid angel powers! Stupid can!" Tyson yelled out as he was rubbing his forehead. He needed to practice more on accuracy, but other then it hitting him in the head he was getting a bit better. The migraines were mild and no nose bleeds this time. Tyson focused in on a different can. He closed his eyes and blocked everything else out. He was totally in his zen-zone. He took in a few deep breaths and held out his hand. The can lifted up in the air and slowly floated over to his hand. "Suck it Yoda!" Tyson yelled in victory. Tyson focused in on the last can. "Alright let's try something a little different this time." Tyson lifted up the can with his powers. He took a deep breath in and exhaled. He closed his eyes and clenched his hand into a fist and crushed the can. Blood began to drip down from his nose, causing him to loss focus from the flattened can and he dropped it. "Well good enough." Tyson said as he wiped his nose. After a little more of training Tyson sat down on the couch and tuned in on the news. The only thing that was on was coverage of the huge earthquake in England. They were showing footage of some buildings being turned to rubble. It almost looked like they just disappeared. "Are the Hell's Angels behind this? They have to be. No natural quake would do this much damage. What is that lot up too?" Tyson pondered.
"Thanks chuckles." Archer said over the com to Operator. He's seen him work a few times and all he really knew was that he wasn't a talker. Which is a nice change of pace compared to some of the other AEGIS agents he works with. Archer got up and cracked his knuckles. "Alright Jumping Bean those identity discs are in place. My voice commanded arrows are in place too, give me the word when your ready and I'll give word for it to blow." Archer walked over to Dragoness and Phantom. "Hey Gasbag, if this doesn't work I have another idea that you'd be prefect for." Archer said with a grin. "If we can't blow this this thing sky high, do you think you can do your gas cloud thing and get inside of it and take it apart from the inside? We need a plan C, just in case." there were plenty of entre points for her to get into. "Or do any of you have a better idea?" Archer didn't want to take command or come off as bossy, he just wanted to get this done and over.
Inbox message? I haven't sent you any inbox message.
"So glad to be home." Tyson said as he opened the apartment door. Work was uneventful. He was just glad to be home, the sun was just annoying. That and he felt like he was being watched, but that was more since he learned their was a God. When he got in he decided to try and practice with his powers some more. After a few hours of moving a couple cans Tyson wore himself out and went on to bed.
Ah, like I came to you, begging to cook meth. 'Oh, hey, nerdiest old dude I know, you wanna come cook crystal?' Please.
Day: 3/6 Morning "Well your a great and powerful Dragon, why don't you go all Godzilla on his ass?" Cole smugly said. "Well as I'm sure your well aware Fisher is much too powerful then he should be. And besides Fisher is smart, his plan will go on without him." Arthur said. He began looking around the forest, he could sense they weren't alone. Dragon's senses were just as strong as werewolves, but Arthur wasn't the average dragon either. "So how would the would be king's plan go on without him?" Cole asked. "Is their someplace more private we can discuss this?" Arthur said as he continued to look around. "Yeah, follow me." Noon It was noon by the time they got back to the den. As soon as they entered Arthur went over to a wall and pressed his finger against it. Arthur's hand began to glow a bright yellowish red. He traced a Y like symbol on the wall. His hands burnt the symbol into the wall. "That's better. Now we won't have any eavesdroppers." Arthur explained to the confused Cole. "I've got a question, I've read about Dragons and they were only about the size of a horse. So why are you about the size of one of those double decker buses?" Cole asked. "Well.....I take my vitamins." Arthur said dodging the question.
As soon as Tyson got to work he went to his computer. He would easily be able to get some more in depth info on the recent crash. He looked through the crew log, and passengers, just hoping to maybe see what would this plane be of interest to Temeluchas and her people. The plane crash was still too fresh, the wreckage was still being sorted and not even all the bodies were accounted for. The wreckage didn't hit anything of strategic value, and the people were just people. No one of importance, just a bunch of regular Joes. 'Why go to all this trouble to crash this plane? Their must of been some former angels on that plane. I can't tell by name, but maybe if I had some pictures....' Tyson thought to himself. "Yo Ty." James called out. "What are you doing here so early?" James asked as he leaned against Tyson's desk. "Just getting some work done. You ready to go out?" Tyson replied. "Yeah sure."
Oh mama, I'm in fear for my life from the long arm of the law. Lawman has put an end to my running and I'm so far from my home.
So a New Jersey town moves to ban Snooki, maybe there is hope for humanity after all.
Night "Yeah, sounds bad. But I wouldn't worry. There have been plenty like him and they have always been stopped." Eva said after Cole explained the situation. "Yeah, but something is different about Fisher. He's way too powerful for a witch." Cole said. He looked outside and now noticed it was night. "Crap. I've got to go. Show yourself out." Cole said as he ran over to his SUV. Eva rolled her eyes and put on her helmet and drove off on her motorcycle. Cole drove out into the forest. He wasn't sure if anything was even going to happen, but he had to make sure. Cole walked around a bit, sniffing the air and listening for anything. The only thing he could hear was Nate and Angelina, but other then that it was unnaturally quiet. There were no animals. "All right I'm here! Now who are you and what do you want!" Cole yelled out. His eyes darted all around him, he was prepared for anything. A loud roar, that sounded like the T-Rex from Jurassic Park, came from what seemed like everywhere at once. Cole kept turning in every direction, just trying to zero in on the creature. Then a large fireball shot out from the sky down at him. Cole rolled out of the way and shifted. He let a loud roar towards the sky. He sniffed around, and he couldn't smell anything. He listened and all he could hear was faint movements. He couldn't make out what was out there, and that worried him. Not much could fool werewolves senses. Another fireball rained down towards him. Cole dodged this one the same way, but this time he could see it came from the pitch black night sky. All he saw was two bright yellow eyes in the sky. Cole growled and looked around for something to use. He found a log, and picked it up and thru it towards the eyes. The log hit something but Cole couldn't tell what. Then the creature came down in front of Cole. It was a dragon. It was huge, it's scales were as black as coal, it's had large spikes going up the length of it's body ending at it's spiky tail, a single long horn at the tip of it's face, and it had mandibles around it's mouth. "I'm so boned." Cole stood there in shock, until the creature got ready for another fireball. Cole leaped out of the way as another fireball came towards him. Cole leaped towards the creature, but before he could connect the massive creature knocked him away with it's front legs. It hit him into a tree so hard that it knocked the tree down. Cole got up, and glared at the monster. Cole roared at it and then lifted the large tree up over his head and tossed it at the creature. The dragon just incinerated the tree with it's fire. Cole took the chance and hopped on a near by tree to get some height, and leaped towards the dragon. He was able to get one thunderous punch to the dragon's face. Cole began slashing at it's legs, but it's scales were to thick for him to do anything. The dragon stomped it's foot down on Cole, trapping him under it's foot. It lifted up it's center claw on it's foot and pushed it down towards his throat. Cole was able to free his arms and grabbed the claw. The dragon was bringing it closer and closer to his throat, while Cole was using every bit of strength he had to stop it. Cole's eyes flashed a much brighter red, and he was able to lift the foot up off him. Cole rolled back, putting some distance between them. Then the dragon let out a loud laugh. Cole looked at it confused. Then the dragon began to shrink down and turn into a human. He looked about 40-ish and had short black hair. He continued to laugh. "Oh, it's been a while since I've had a decent fight little one." the dragon said, finally stopped laughing. "And....who or what...are you?" Cole panted. "Call me Arthur, I'm a dragon if you haven't gathered." Arthur replied. "Dragon? Impossible they're extinct." Cole said. "Yes, we are few. I doubt that we're even in the triple digits. But that's not important right now. What is, is Fisher."[DOUBLEPOST=1374581570][/DOUBLEPOST] Episode 7 Hopelessly Monster July 7 2013 OOC: Just putting the Ep title
As soon as Tyson got up he went into the bathroom and splashed some cool water on his face to wake himself up. After that he fixed himself something quick for breakfast and took a quick shower. When he got dressed he turned on the news for a minute. There wasn't much new about the crash. Tyson still had a good while until he needed to be into work so he decided to practice a little more with his powers. He set up the same beer can and tried to move it. Finally the can moved a couple inches, but a siring pain spread through his head and blood began to pour from his nose. "Son a whore! Damn it!" Tyson yelled out in pain. After his pain subsided he went on out to work. When he got outside covered his eyes from the sun, even though it was early in the morning and it wasn't that bright out. He felt for lack of a better word weird, like his skin was about to jump off him and run back inside. He got into his car. He pressed down on his Hellboy bobble head and started the car up and went on to work. While on the way he turned on the radio. Of course the only thing on was more plane crash coverage. "Like I can't keep it off my mind anyways." Tyson said as he turned the stations hoping to find some music. "Come on, I'd take some dumb pop music." But after a few minutes he gave up and turned the radio off.
After Tyson got done with his shower and got some clothes on he planned on going on tonight, but he turned on the TV and saw all the news coverage of the plane crash. "Another one? Did they do this one too?" Tyson pondered to himself. So he decided to stay in tonight, besides he wanted to make sure that his first seeds got planted. That and he wanted to do a little research on the recent plane crashes. He already knew enough of the 'he rises' crash, it was apart of his angel research. But the new didn't have anything that obvious. Or at least none that was found, it was still a pretty fresh crash so the details wasn't released yet. "Maybe I'm just growing paranoid. Other then it being a plane it doesn't have anything in common with the New York one." Tyson said as he looked through a few online articles. "The New York one seemed less like a attack. More like a taunt. But that served a purpose, and if this is apart of all this then what purpose could this serve?" Tyson asked himself. He was a auditory learner, he works faster when he can talk aloud. "Maybe sacrifices? Maybe, but it'd be more about the body count, I think. And besides there's got to be a better way then a plane crash for that." "Although it could be about the passengers. Maybe more former angels, but if Temeluchas wants Nephillims then it'd be better if she had more sources. Unless they refused her, but wouldn't she just kill them on spot if they refused? Ugh, I miss the days when I wasn't sure if there was a God and the world was just a big random violent mud ball, and now I keep seeing things tied together when there probably not and every Kansas song is painfully ironic." Tyson signed, now realizing how out of his element he was. And it wasn't like there is some fallen angel support group or someone to talk to about this. Well there was Temeluchas, but her idea of therapy is probably him roasting over a fire or something like that. After few more hours of thinking it over and finding a new found sympathy for those end of the world nuts, Tyson calls it day and heads of to bed. The plane crash was still going through his head, so he decided that tomorrow he'll go into work and use the office computer, It could get him a lot more info then his five year old laptop.
They're hopelessly human, both inside and out.
Noon "Martian, is he still alive?" Cole asked as he walked over to the frig. "Not sure. We didn't have time to check." Russell replied. "But you did drop a building on him." Eva added. Cole grabbed him a coke from out of the frig. "He'll be back. I've certainly done worse to him." Cole said as he opened the soda. "Russ go on home. I'm sure your parents are going to be worried." Cole said as he took a big swig of the soda. Russell's eyes darted between Cole and Eva. "You sure?" he said looking at Eva. Cole gave him a nod and he left. "So Eva, what's your story?" Cole asked as he sat down on the couch and finished his drink. "Look Fido, I don't need a friend. I don't know why I helped you but don't look too much into it. I'm going to be on my way now." She said as she picked up her helmet. "Wait, Fisher has got his gaze on you. And that's not good." Cole said grabbing her arm. "I can take care of myself! I'm not afraid of some two bit magician!" Eva said pushing Cole back. "Look, I know our kind haven't always gotten along. But Fisher is planning something big. We need to work together. At least let me explain the situation." Cole said. Eva rolled her eyes and allowed Cole to go on. "Ugh...." Martian said waking up on the floor of Fisher's office. "What happened?" Martian asked looking around the office. "You got beaten by Cole. Not just that but you were humiliated! You had the enhanced power AND my Golem! But yet you still failed!" Fisher yelled. "It won't happen again." Martian said as he got up off the floor. "See to it you don't. Now leave us, I must speak with Mr. Rivers." Fisher ordered. Martian gave him a nod and left his office, pretty much with his tail between his legs. "Well, at least you some what succeeded my friend." Fisher said as he looked down at the vial of vampire blood Rivers got. "What about your meeting sir? How did it go?" Rivers asked. "Not well. I'm afraid we must move up our time table. Forces are moving to oppose us. But this might give us the edge we need." Fisher said with a faint grin.