Ooohhhhh!! The ending!! Hope you like It! ^^ ~Endings~ I have to stop writing, and help them Thought Roxas Maybe....Maybe I can write something that wont get me dead, and wont get them dead either Girly pulled the chain "Keep on going" She said. Roxas sighed and tried to think of what to write. He looked up and saw Kitty getting trapped by a spider...Thats It! Suddenly, Kitty found a whip on the ground, a black and brown thick whip that almost called to her... Roxas looked up and saw Kitty picking up the whip, and whipping the spider The spider grew afraid of Kitty and the whip, and fled away... "What?" Girly looked at Roxas "What are you writing? Where'd that whip come from? Roxas!" Girly pulled the chain again, and Roxas winced. Now what? Umm.... Roxas saw Arc and Darky, fighting another spider, then he saw K a i r i and Xaldin and...what he never wanted to see, Roseys body on the ground. No...I'm so sorry Rosey.... Now he was angry The spiders backed away from the people, and bumped Into each other, getting Into a fight... "ROXAS!!" Girly pulled the chain very hard that time. He winced In pain and suddenly a hand banged on his book "Why bother helping them? They banned you too...When that site was your life" CFF looked at Roxas "Well, If that site was my life, why bother hurting them? They were the people who ma-" CFF growled "Keep writing, NOW!" and looked away. Suddenly, all of the spiders became scared of the humans... "STOP IT! NOW!" Screamed Girly ...and they backed away, wanting to flee out of the dark room... "ROXAS!!!" Girly looked at the spiders In shock ...they realized who was making them stay, and fight... "Whats happening?" RvR looked at the spiders, frowning ...all of the remaining spiders turned to look at the three people, at the front of the room... "Roxas...Stop...Now...Or I'll KILL you!" CFF shouted, almost scared. The chain that Girly was holding, was shaking ...and they realized, It was them, who made their clan fight, and die... "He's...risking his life..." Angel looked In owe ...and then.... "Roxas..." Sara frowned "He couldn't..." ...they.... "GIRLY WE MUST JUMP! LEAVE ROXAS!" CFF got ready, and Girly dropped the chain ...attacked. The spiders all jumped towards CFF, Girly and Roxas. Good Luck KHV... CFF and Girly jumped out of the way, and the spiders killed Roxas, the book and pen dropped on the ground, almost In slow motion Sara couldn't believe her eyes. Once an S. Mod, who got banned, risked his life for a site, for his friends. "You've killed too many people..." Said DS, frowning at CFF and Girly "FOR KHV!!" He yelled and the KHV Army yelled back "FOR KHV!!!!!" The KHV Army ran at the two people Vivi looked at everyone as they ran, he saw the spiders joining In, only to kill 2 people. It went so slow, but fast at the same time. Girly and CFF tried to run and fight, but people kept cutting them off, and hurting them until they were... "You'll pay for this! You'll never destroy CFF! NEVER!" CFF fell next to Girly, eyes open and dead. The whole of the KHV Army shouted In delight and suddenly the cave began to cave In. Everyone fled to the big doors, but couldn't get them open "Oh no!" someone shouted but CtR and Cocohints ran In with a key, unlocking the door "CtR? Coco?" Vivi frowned "Hurry up!" Coco shouted, everyone scrambled out of the door, CtR picking up Rosey's body, OWH picking up TCO's body and Sara picking up Roxas' body. Once outside of the door, they all looked up at the big hole "Ready?" DS looked at the Army. "Lets go..." The Army climbed up the latter looking Into the outside world. Forsaken sighed, but heard a noise "What? DS?!? SARA?!" everyone looked In surprise "We're okay..." Said DA, sitting down. Suddenly the cave crashed Into bits. Everyone looked at the cave then back back the exhausted Army "What happened?" Forsaken asked, and the Army told the whole story, of the worlds, deaths, Roxas' book, Spiders, CFF and Girly. Everything. Once they finished, Forsaken looked In owe "Wow....Thats some story..." the others nodded A couple of days later, KHV had a funeral. For Trigger, Mish, SJ, Rosey, Roxas and TCO, there were tears and hope, hope for KHV, hope for everyone. "...we shall miss them dearly" Darky finished off. After the funeral Jordie sighed "Whats wrong Jordie?" Angel asked, she sat down next to her "Y'know, I still haven't thought of a story, and Its getting really annoying" Angel laughed as CtR came over "Silly, you just wrote one! The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know!" Jordie smiled "I guess your right" Jordie dropped her pen and book, and the three went to join the others In the darkness, CFF lifted himself up "No one ruins my plans...NO ONE!" he shouted Into the night The End... ...Or Is It?
Jeezums that girl Is popular <.> Hurray for CtR! =D (See, Told ya I was gonna make the thread ;D) EDIT: Darn >.< VGN Beat me
Think You Have Enough Threads There?
Had to be done
=O! SO CLOSE TO THE END!!! ~Reveal~ "W-what was that?" TCO said after a minute of silence "Maybe this Is an Illusion...and your all evil!" Screamed someone and other screams could be heard "Oh shut up! We all know we're not Illusions and we're not evil!" Said RvR In anger and got up "Its probably just outside.." Sara got up too "Uhh...." Xaldin frowned at Jordie "Whats wrong Jordie?" He asked "B-big...Uhh...VERY B-big...Uhh..." Xaldin felt a drip of water on his shoulder and realized It was spit. He turned around and looked In shock "SPIDER!!!!!!!" RRMS shouted and the KHV members scattered. This spider wasn't one of those regular spiders, It was probably the MOTHER of all spiders, seriously. "W-what do we do now?" Asked the scared Misty "SPOT!!" Someone shouted from behind the spider, and the spider turned around and suddenly started acting like...a dog? "Good Boy Spot!" said a girls voice, the spider rolled over onto Its back, then, Mish came up from behind the spider, except It was the ghost of Mish "Mish...? I thought..." RvR got Interrupted by her "You DID kill me, I'm just a ghost, or a spirit or what ever you want t-" "YOU KILLED HER?!" Kitty shouted at RvR, outraged "Well...It was...I didn't mean to...It just...I was trying to..." Mish laughed "Doesn't matter, anyway, Roxas Is making this all up, he was forced and chained by a man and Girly and got handed a book and pen, so he's writing all of this" DA frowned "You mean...The places...he wrote that?" Mish nodded "And the spiders?? He wrote them?" Vivi asked and Mish nodded once more. "Then who Is this man?" Rosey asked "I'm not sure...but he has some kind of connection with KHV" The members in the room looked In shock "Mish? Whats happening to you?" HigherBeing asked "Its my time to leave, Good luck everyone!" Mish smiled and waved as a dust of white took her away CtR got up slowly "Ow..." and realized Cocohints was next to her "Coco?" She said, a little dizzy "Man...What happened?" CtR looked around In the dark brown room. The ceiling, floor and walls were a dark brown cement "CtR?" Coco looked at CtR, obviously she was a little dizzy too "Where are we? What happened?" CtR shook her head "I'm not sure Coco" Soon enough, the spider was attacking again "What was his name again?" DS asked the others "Spike? No...Spoch? No...Wait....SPOT!" Annie shouted, and the spider stopped "Good boy!" Angel said "Its too late to run now..." Said a deep voice, and suddenly a man In black and Girly, with Roxas chained by the neck, and Girly holding It, appeared. "Girly?!" Darky frowned "Roxas?" So did Cin "Who are you?" Jordie asked the man In black. The man just laughed "I'm am no one Important, as you guys would put It" OWH lifted an eye brow "What do you mean by that?" The man laughed again "I'm sure DS, Sara, DA and...Oh look...Cin has been de-admined and so has Darky, and look who's In their place...RvR" The man laughed once more "I'm sure they can tell you who i am, or have you forgotten about me already?" Sara frowned "Wait a minute...CFF (Cloudfinalfantasy)?" The man removed his hood, only to reveal CFF's face "Thats right..." CFF smiled "Ive come for my revenge..." He began walking up and down the room "...You banned me from KHV for no reason at all....just thought I was annoying..." Sara shook her head "No we banned you for lots of reasons....but you want to get revenge because your banned from" CFF looked sharply at her "That site...I didn't have anything else...My family...all hated me, or were don't know..." You could see CFF was getting angry "Well we're sorry, but you don't just go around ruining a site" DA replied "...." CFF looked at him In anger "ATTACK!" He said after 5 minutes of silence Crono didn't know what happened next, a whole army of spiders came out from the shadows, and started attacking. The KHV Army tried to fight them off, getting hurt along the way. A spider approached Crono and Kitty threw him a quarterstaff "Lets fight..." Crono nodded and the two started attacking the spider TCO was having trouble fighting off this spider on his own "GAH!" The spider broke the quarterstaff in half "Guns...Guns..." He grabbed the guns from his pockets and pointed them to the spider "Get...Away..." his hands were shaking. Suddenly TCO pulled the trigger, but nothing happened "What?!" He pulled them again "Oh ****" TCO dropped the guns as the spider came closer "I guess...This Is It..." The spider punched a hole In his stomach... TCO will be remembered as number 5 In the KHV Army... Arc didn't know what to do next, the spider was attacking him and Darky, and they were trapped "On the count of three....jump under the spider..." Darky said to Arc "What? But-" Arc was Interrupted "Just do It..." Arc nodded "One...Two...THREE!" The two threw them selfs under the spider and Darky stabbed the Spider In the stomach. It didn't do much, except anger the spider, and the two jumped away from It. Then, from out of no where, OWH, Christhor and Annie were all on the spiders back, shooting and cutting the spider "I get it...You were distracting the spider..." Darky nodded The spider fell Sara had just finished killing a spider when she sighed and saw a spider behind her "Theres too many...Ive fought too many..." She was about to collapse when Rosey, K a i r i and Xaldin came to help her "Go somewhere safe Sara, you've done enough for one day" Sara hesitated then ran for cover Rosey looked at the spider In front of them "Ready?" Xaldin and K a i r i nodded and the 3 started attacking and hacking at the spider, the spider suddenly grabbed Rosey "ROSEY!" It was grabbing her tight, and she threw up blood. Oh I'm going to die...this Is It... K a i r i couldn't believe her eyes when Roseys body landed on the ground "No..." she looked up at the spider and clenched her fist "DIE SPIDER!" Both Xaldin and K a i r i yelled, and they ran at It, killing the spider Rosey, a Super Villain, Mod and best friend, would be remembered, always DS shook his head "Useless...We cant do anything" 2 spiders were surrounding Him, Angel, DA and Jordie "C'mon...We cant just die right here and now..." Jordie said, although It was kind of Impossible to fight the two of them. The four had already killed 3 spiders, and all their strength was gone "What will happen now?" Angel asked "Well...usually the hero comes at the last minute.." Vivi and Misty said, running and jumping on the spider, stabbing It "Thanks..." DA said "No problem" The two looked at the four "Their doing too well..." Girly said to CFF "Roxas...make more!" CFF shouted at Roxas, and Roxas wrote away To Be Continued....
*Rolls up sleeves* Who is this girl that stole my name? And where Is she? #5 on Jordie's rule list....NO ONE and I mean NO ONE steels my ORIGINAL name that I MADE UP MYSELF I'm just happy she Isn't active <.>
Whats do you think of polls? xD Only making this thread because I'm bored
Looks like this story Is nearing an end! =O Credit To: OWH Thanks OWH!! =D ~Illusions can Trick~ "Its been over an hour!" "The cave has eaten our friends!" "We cant just let them die!" "What are you doing!? Don't just stand there!!" "Forsaken!! If you don't do anything, I'll start ripping down the cave!" "Yeah! Me too!" "Same!" "Everybody get a stick!" Well I don't know what to do! If I go In there I may-as-well just die!...Forsaken sighed then looked at the angry mob with sticks and anything they could find, walking towards the cave "Now come on! They are still In there! You ca-" Too late. The mob was on top of the cave, banging and ripping It down, dirt and rocks fell from the cave, onto the ground "OH ****! STOP! ****ing hell.." They're still In there!!! "WHOA!" Rosey fell down from the shaking ground, and falling rocks "Whats happening?" DS ran towards Rosey "WATCH OUT!" He shouted, grabbing Rosey and leaping onto the ground, a big BANG shook the ground even more, and Rosey realized It was a big rock, about to squish her "T-thank you.." Rosey stuttered to DS "Are you guys okay?" K a i r i asked, running over "Yeah..." The two got up "We have to get out of he-" a sound Interrupted K a i r i's words. The sound was a sound of breaking glass, shuttering glass "What the...?" DS looked around, as the desert scene began to break Into little tiny piece's, just like glass. Blue, yellow, pink, Orange. All colours from the desert fell onto the ground, Into one big mess, and thats when the sky began to fall "THE SKY'S FALLING!" Shouted Rosey, but It was too late...the sky fell, except It didn't land on them...It disappeared Into thin air once It was about to touch them The three were ducking on the ground. Is It over? Am I dead? Is that It?!? Rosey thought, scared "Rosey...We're still alive.." DS said, almost happily. Rosey opened her eyes and realized they were In a completely white room "Where..?" K a i r i helped Rosey up "You mean...It was all an Illusion?" Rosey asked the two "Probably..." DS was frowning "Well lets go...we better get out of here" The three ran towards the white door Kitty opened her eyes and looked around "I'm...not dead?!?" Vivi laughed "Me neither!" Misty ran over to the two "You guys are alright?!!" Asked Misty, watching the two get out from the completely harmless water, shallow now, and not red "That was all an Illusion..." said Crono, stunned. The 6 looked around at the white room with only a pool and them. The last Cin remembered was the sound of breaking glass, and tiny glass pieces of the forest, falling down and then the sky, about to squish them, but they weren't dead, were they? "Well lets get out of here..." said the now, wet Vivi The six walked together towards the white door Sara got up from the ground, slowly. She looked around at the white room, then at the door "Illusion? Wait...If that was an Illusion...then...SJ!!" She span around, but her mood sunk down again "The lava pit...wasn't an...Illusion..." Sara clenched her fist tightly, her nails digging Into her palms "N-no fair..." tears fell from Sara's eyes. She wiped them away "I have to kill the person who did this...None of my friends die when I'm around....NONE!" She ran towards the door In anger RvR, Angel, Jordie and Hissora all got up "What the hell was that?" RvR asked, almost shocked. Glass.. Jordie thought...It was an Illusion "So If this was an Illusion...then...TRIGGERS ALIVE!!" Angel shouted happily "Theres no Trigger..." said the Insane Hissora "Illusion...I tried to tell...Illusion..." RvR frowned at Hissora with Jordie, while Angel sighed "Good-bye Trigger..." she muttered and started walking to the door, when she noticed a giant dead spider "What...?" RvR ran over "So Triggers gone...and Mish Is still dead..." Jordie came over "She got squished by a spider?" RvR nodded After a couple of minutes of silence the four agreed to get out of here. They walked towards the door Christhor, Sora13, OWH, RRMS, Annie, Ienzo and everyone else In the KHV Army all got up and looked around "You guys are alright?" Annie asked Christhor. He nodded and frowned "Glass..." Jaxed laughed "So It was all an Illusion...Great" TCO tipped his head a bit "So...where are the others?" HB answered him "Probably safe...If It was just an Illusion" Coco was still no where to be found "Wheres Coco?" Sora13 looked around for the missing Cocohints "I don't know...she just...disappeared" HB sighed "I looked everywhere for her..." Annie smiled "I'm sure she's fine...lets go..." The Army headed towards the door Darky, DA and Arc frowned a bit "White...." Darky walked towards the white door "Illusion...I knew It!" DA shouted "Yeah...Lets just hope this Isn't an Illusion too..." Arc replied, walking with DA to where Darky was "I wonder whats at the other side of this door..." Darky pressed his hand against It "A new adventure...A new Journey..." The three opened It... Rat, Muffin and Roxma hadn't been In anything, or seen anything except for a shake of th ground. They came up to a circular room, the fine walls shimmering from the golden lamps "Theres lots of doors..." Said Rat "Look! Ones opening!!" Muffin shouted, and saw Rosey, DS and K a i r i come out "MUFFIN!!" Rosey shouted "ROSEY! K A I R I! DS!" Muffin sounded almost relieved. Rat smiled So that blackboard was right... Roxma and Muffin chatted to the three when another door opened. Kitty, Vivi, Xaldin, Crono, Cin and Misty came out, looked at DS, Rosey, Muffin, K a i r i, Rat and Roxma, shocked. Soon more doors opened and half of KHV were In this circular room. Rat found out that SJ, Mish and Trigger were dead (As the blackboard said) and that Coco was missing. Suddenly, all the talk stopped once a big BANG shook the ground "STOP IT!" Forsaken spread his arms out wide, back to the half wreaked cave. "They are still In there!! You cant" The left over members sighed and dropped their sticks and other stuff Hurry up Coco... ...Times running out Thought the man In black "We will have to take action earlier then I thought..." he said, In a deep voice "All the Illusions have broken...Roxas didn't make them strong enough..." He walked up to the chained Roxas with a pencil In his hand and a book "You didn't make them strong enough!!" The man shouted "I-I'm sorry...I couldn't think of what to write..." Stuttered Roxas "He's useless..." Girly smiled evilly "We should get rid of him" Roxas was shocked at that "N-no!! NO I'm sorry!!!" The man and Girly laughed at the helpless Roxas To Be Continued....
Oh My Golly Gosh... I DIDN'T WRITE NUMBER 9 LAST NIGHT!! *Drastic Music plays* But... *Music stops* Looks like I'm writing It NOW! =O Sorry about the delay everyone who reads my story xD I wasn't feeling myself last night and even tonight I didn't really want to write It, but lots of credit to Lightwatch and Angel for making me write It Credit To: Angel Lightwatch Thanks a heap guys! =D Oh and...Because of the name changes, I suppose your expecting me to change all the names? LOL too bad =P I cant be stuffed, Its late, and I'm going to watch a movie after this ~Continue~ Forsaken sighed In annoyance "Forsaken!" "Forsaken?" "Forsaken?!" "FORSAKEN!!" "Fooooorrrrrsaaaakkkkeeeennnnn" "FORSA-" "If you say my name one more time, I'll break your neck" Forsaken said finally to Phisoxa who shut up after that "Now, what do you want?" Phisoxa grinned "Hiya!" Forsaken looked blankly at her "Uhh...I might...err...go?" He nodded "That would be a good Idea" and Phisoxa ran off Why did Coco have to pick me to look after everyone? he thought In anger "FORSAKEN!" Thats It... "WHAT?!?!?!?!" Forsaken yelled at the person calling his name "Uhh...I just wanted to uhh...No Never mind" Forsaken sighed at the stuttering eastercat and shook his head "C'mon Coco...Hurry up..." Forsaken looked at the sky Xaldin was glad to be out of the dark and away from Cin, Crono and Vivi teasing the girls, he stretched a bit then looked at Kitty who had come over to him "Something Isn't right..." She said, not looking at him, but at the forest around the 6 "Whats wrong Kitty?" Xaldin asked, frowning "Blood..." and soon enough, rain was falling, but not just any rain, red rain...blood rain "What the...?" Cin looked the everyone "Its blood..." said Kitty, walking towards the sound of a river "Its...It Is blood..." Everyone rushed over to her, only to see the lake, thick and red as blood. Misty chocked on shock, Crono stared at the deep red lake, Cin and himself looked at Kitty, who was looking around again...and Vivi..."VIVI!!" Suddenly, something, almost like a hand, pulled Vivi Into the lake and he didn't even have time to yell "We have to get him out!" yelled Crono almost at the same time as Misty "How...How...Think Kitty...Think!" Kitty suddenly grabbed a piece of rope from her belt pocket and tied It around her hips "Hold onto this...Tightly!" Kitty thrashed the rope to Xaldin and jumped Into the red water By the time Xaldin realized that she wasn't coming back up, he pulled the rope except It was stuck. He pulled until the rope lifted out of the water, and onto the ground, only to reveal a large rock, that had been In the rope "Kittys a rock?" Asked Cin, half shocked Christhor and Sora13 walked together, not making a sound except for the tap tap tap of their shoes "Its quiet.." said Christhor, finally "It Is quiet..." Sora13 replied Suddenly something came running towards them "Who..?" Christhor got his Daggers out, while Sora13 got his gun out "Guys! Guys Its only us!" It was OWH and RRMS "We saw you on our screens..." Thats right.. Christhor thought The screens.. "I don't think anyone else Is too far away, I think we are all pretty much in the same area" OWH looked around "Because we thought we saw more flashing red lights the other way, but you guys were closer" The four started walking together. The tap tap tap of the shoes continued again, except this time It was more like a tap ta-tap tappity tap ta-tap tappity ta- Why the hell am I listening to shoe noises? Christhor asked himself. Then a thought came to him "I wonder who's gone psycho yet..." he muttered, feeling eyes upon him Arc, DA and Darky roamed the streets of 'Nowhere', as they called It, but found nothing but shops and houses "Does this Island seem familiar?" DA asked, finally "No...Not really...Why?" Arc replied "Roxas' story..." DA looked around, frowning "KHV Battle Royal...Is this the Island...?" Darky shook his head "What are you talking about? A story cant become real" Although, you could see In Darky's face, that he wasn't too sure either "But...DA has a point...This does seem like the Island off-" Darky sighed and Interrupted "Explain to me, how a story Item can become real life?" DA and Arc looked at each other and shook their heads "We're not sure...but...Isn't weird how an Island can fit In a cave?" Darky laughed "We're probably not even In the cave anymore" The three agreed on that one Jordie, Angel, Hissora and RvR all sighed and slumped against a big tree "I give up...No food...the water might be Nothing!" Angel complained. Hissora was looking more pale every single day "Well we cant give up..." Jordie laughed "We cant just die here..." RvR looked away "We probably will" The three girls looked towards him and sighed "I hate to admit It...but he might be right" Muttered Angel to Jordie. But Jordie shook her head "If we haven't died yet, we wont die now...." Angel got up and started walking away, thinking "I wonder If we will die....Trigger died...Mish died...Who's next?" She was still to discover SJ [P.S This wont be a long chapter, I'm about to fall asleep] To Be Continued...
I just realized, you can be your own friend... But you cant Ignore yourself, If you try It says: Sorry, no matter how much you try, you can not ignore yourself. XDDDD I laughed so hard at that This Is probably old news....XD But i love It
Lol I'm only showing this to show you all that my best friend Is a nutter xD But she's awesome (P.S I moved to a different state so thats why she sent me this) (P.P.S I have No Idea what a Egsetas Is, Office works Is a shop and 'Lead for the pencils', because we have these pens that you put pencil leads In them, you have to refill and sometimes she doesn't make sense xD) : Hay Jordie, BEFORE I CAN LET YOU READ ANYMORE OF THIS REALLY RANDOM E-MAIL I HAVE TO WARN YOU THAT WHAT YOUR ABOUT TO SEE IS THE MOST RANDOMEST THING IN EGSETAS SO BRACE YOUR SELF Whats up? umm yeah anyway how are you going and hows school and all of that jazz, lol? so instead of like umm sending you a REALLY long text I'm going to send you a REALLY long e-mail because well yeah e-mails are FREE yay! and yeah so yeah umm yep. I here you saying "hmm?, i wonder what becks been up to lately?" I'm glad you asked, lol so i'll tell you. first omg i FINISHED my bear YAY GO ME and it's going to be a.... wait for it wait for it a BUDDHA BEAR (like my dp, but bear style), and like i think it was on the second friday 'till the end of term so like umm 2 weeks 'till the hoildays, anyway on that friday, last hour we were doing this play thingy and it was a play about a play and it was so cool cause there was like the star of the play, her partner then the back up for the leading lady, umm the cleaner and the 2 poilce officer's and anyway i got to be the back up and the back up and the partner of the leading lady were going out, and she was blond right? and Micheal was the partner and it was so funny cause he couldn't do it, cause he just started laughing because he had to say like umm " i love you so much and if only we could be together on stage" it was so funny the whole grade was cracking up lol. anyway omg I was having the BIGGEST blond day yesterday cause we went to office works the day before that and got some lead for the pencils and we got the wrong one so we had to go back and i go up to this guy, he looked like he worked there so i'm like" hi, sorry could you help me" and he gives me this weird look "no sorry i cant help you, i dont work here" i felt like the BIGGEST d*** head, it was so funny and yep and omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg, i had my fitting for high school and omg i look like the biggest dork seriously omg it was so funny anyway we have the COOLEST sport uniform its so cool and at the start the lady was reading out what we wanted and yeah and shes like "ok, how many pairs of sport brifes do you want" a.k.a sport UNDIES omg it was soo funny and the gloves, dont get me started on the gloves... oh well to late you already did.. so the gloves, the ladys like "one size fits all" one size fits all my a** i couldn't even get my hand inside. so funny and we had a sport colours day with the bbq and all of that stuff and it was so funny cause candy was a math geek and i was a chess geek and i made a t-shirt that said " I LOVE CHESS" IT WAS SO COOL and thats about it so yeah love ya and sorry about all the spelling mistakes anyway love ya i'll keep ya undated love ya BECK (and hows that tan going, lol)
Heh....I'm eating... PIE! Again... >.>
...Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them, but you always know they are there
Has anyone seen this other then me? Its pretty epic although It Is MA15+ Look up Its trailer on Youtube, I'm sure It will be there, I reckon people who like violence and romance would like this movie
Credit To: Vivi (For posting In last thread) Thanks Vivi! =D ~Fight For Our Members~ Cocohints looked at the list of things they needed, and decided to check once more "Okay...So lets check this again....Walky-talky's?" "Check" "Rope?" "Check" "Water?" "Check" "Food?" "Check" "Connector's?" "Che-Wait? Connectors?" Cocohints sighed and realized she hadn't given them out yet, so she clipped a black bracelet on each of the members' wrists, there was a small red flashing light on them " we know who's alive and where they are" She handed out little gadgets with buttons and a screen with red dots, all In a line and one standing In front "It will show us where everyone Is, clip them to your belts" The members, all clothed In black, put the screens on their belts "Okay...Well we all have our belts.... Daggers?" "Check" "Guns?" "Check" "Black Backpacks?" "Check" "See In The Dark goggles?" "Check" "Torches?" "Check" Cocohints couldn't be stuffed reading the rest "Everything else?" "Check" "Well...This Is It..." The KHV team looked at the big cave "Are we ready?" the whole team nodded and they started to walk In, one by one. Cocohints was first, she was scared but she walked In...and suddenly... "THAT WAS COCO!" RRMS shouted "Right then...I have to go In and get her.." Said HB (HigherBeing), tying a rope around her and giving the rest to RRMS and TCO (The Chosen one) "This Is It..." Into the big scary cave... HB ran In and fell... "We have to...get her...out..." RRMS and TCO was struggling to hold the rope, either HB was getting eaten or she was falling "Here...Let me help" Jaxed came from the group and helped them pull the rope Annie frowned and got out her torch, shinning It Into the cave when she saw one big hole, all going Into different places "Hey look...they must o-" Annie cut off and looked at the rope fall down one of the holes, and turned to RRMS, TCO and Jaxed "Uhh....We can...explain?" said RRMS, looking Innocent HB fell on top of Coco "OW!" She looked at the squished Cocohints under her butt "Uhh....Sorry about that" HB got up and looked up the hole. It looked like she had fell down really deep "Are you okay?" HB turned around to look at Coco, but she wasn't there "What? Coco?!" HB remembered the Connector Screen and got It out, looking for any sign of a red dot, other then hers "She's...disappeared...CHRISTHOR?! ANNIE?!? RRMS???? TCO?!?! COCO????!!!" HB shouted but nothing happened Christhor had grabbed a stick "Thats It...Stupid cave..." He started whacking the cave angrily "Christhor! CHRISTHOR!!" He stopped to look at Annie "They are still In there! We cant do that...not yet...lets just go In" everyone sighed, and the KHV team gathered together "We go In pairs...Okay?" but even before she said It, people were In pairs "Guess Its you and me..." Annie smiled at Ienzo, and she smiled back, they grabbed each others hands and ran Into the cave, falling down Rosey, DS and K a i r i had ducked beside a rock "What was that?" Rosey asked after feeling the crumble of rocks and shaking of ground "I don't know...It might of been the people outside the cave" K a i r i suggested "Well I hope It wasn't...If they tried to destroy the cave any longer, we would be dead" DS replied, angrily getting up and helping the two girls up. The three sighed and kept walking, noticing there were brown and Grey rocks every where "At least we know we are still Inside the cave..." K a i r i tried to lift up the mood up, but It didn't seem to work Vivi breathed deeply after sighing of relief "That was a close one..." A giant rock had squished the talking tiger, possibly evil, but had headed for him first "Well...I guess I'm kind of lucky right now...not going splat while falling down that hole, and not getting squished by that rock...or eaten by evil talking animals" He began walking the other way, seeing as though the way he wanted to go was blocked by a giant rock Soon enough he heard voices "CRONO! THATS GROSS!" he also heard laughing "Crono..? And that sounded like Cin's laughing...CRONO! CIN!!" Vivi rushed towards the voices "Aww C'mon know you want to" Crono replied to Misty, Cin laughed again and you could hear Kitty's giggling "Hey guys!" The tunnel he was In now was pitch black, so he bumped Into someone "Vivi?" He heard Xaldin's voice "Thats right! Where Is everyone else?" Kitty spoke up "We don't know...but I'm sort of glad we found you.." the group continued walking RvR heard screaming and got up after he thought the last rock had fallen "That was...weird..." He ran towards where he heard the screaming, dodging rocks along the way "Jordie?! Angel?! Hissora??" RvR saw the three girls hiding behind a tree, and saw Angel look up "RvR? RvR!!" The three girls got up and ran to him "Your alright?! What about anyone else? Have you found anyone else?!?" RvR looked away "There was Mish..But she's..." Jordie cut him off "Don't even say It...Trigger...Girly killed Trigger..." RvR looked shocked "Girly did what??" Hissora looked like she was just about Insane "Is she...alright?" Hissora replied to him "Oh I'm fine...Fine Fine Fine...Nothing wrong..Oh no no no" but Angel and Jordie shook their heads "We found her like this..." RvR shook his head In disgrace "This Is all too strange" To Be Continued....
Credit To: cocohints (For giving me an Idea by posting In the last chapter) Roxma Thanks Guys! =D ---Previously--- "Good-bye Sara..." SJ fell down to the lava pit "NO!" Sara climbed up the latter, once a bridge and fell to the ground, her eyes covered with tears "He didn't just die...and I didn't do...anything..." A wind of shock hit RvR "MISH!" He ran to where Mish was supposed to be, but she was now under the spider "No.." "Girly's Evil?" Rat and Muffin looked at each other and kept walking down the corridor. They came to a chamber hall and saw someone In bar's "Roxma?!" ~Survive The Fight~ "Roxma, how come...? Why are you...?" Roxma sighed "I saw DS get pulled Into a dark hole, while I was talking to RvR and a couple of other people, so i went to help him and thats when I realized CtR was there, but the guy in black grabbed me and threw me Into this" He looked around the chamber "How do we get you out?" Muffin asked and Roxma shrugged "I'm not sure..I saw a key, but I'm not sure where he put i--" Roxma cut off when he grinned. Rat had came around the corner with a golden key, swinging It around his finger. He came up to the sliver lock and unlocked the door, the door giving a creak. Roxma ran out and the three began walking, Rat stuffing the golden key In his pocket. They all sighed after a while "We went the wrong way" Said Rat, looking down the corridor and realized Roxma was opening a door "HEY! Wa-" It was too late, Roxma had opened the door, to a kind of...class room? With about 17 desks and a blackboard with writing on It. Rat frowned at the blackboard and walked towards It "What!?" He shouted In shock. Muffin and Roxma came over, they stared In shock as well. There were Name's on the Blackboard: Deathspank Roxasvsriku Muffin Sara Xaldin Hissora Trigger (His name had a line across It) Darkandroid Mish Cin Darkwatch Vivi Arc K a i r i Rosey Rat Roxma Shadowjak Kitty Jordie Angel Crono Misty Rat frowned at the names with lines across them "Why do th-" Muffin cut him off with a gasp "OH MY GOD! OF COURSE! They...This Is a trap...They are trying to kill every last one of us and by the looks of It..." Roxma finished her sentence "Trigger, SJ and Mish are...Dead!?" The three looked at each other. Muffin's face was pale and Roxma looked as If he was going to cry, but Rat kept calm "At least we know who's we can find them, but first, we have to get to a computer room....If they know who's alive or not, there has to be a computer room somewhere, they might even be watching us now.." Muffin jerked her head up to the roof, looking for camera's, but Rat has already checked Strange, they don't put camera's around here... He shook his head "Come on...We have to go, before we get caught and possibly die" Now he had their attention RvR sighed and got up because It was no use trying to lift the spider up to see blood everywhere and a dead body "Sorry Mish....I really am" he turned around, not wanting to think about It ever again. Now RvR was alone, again, even an elf would be welcome but there was nothing, once more. He wasn't going to get all emo and crazy, he was going to fight, and see who was alive....IF they were alive RvR walked Into the forest, not looking back Kitty, Crono, Xaldin, Cin and Misty walked In the dark, sometimes bumping Into each other. They were In a pitch black tunnel, with no light and no Idea where they were going "We'll probably die" Said Cin, second In the line "Well thats a happy thought!" Misty replied sarcastically from behind Cin. Crono just laughed, from In front of Xaldin and Kitty sighed "Guys, don't think that! Your gonna be scared by the time we get out of here" Kitty kept on leading the group, while Xaldin was at the back "We're already scared Kitty" Cin admitted and Misty snorted "And you were supposed to be the tough Cin wh-" Kitty was starting to get angry "GUYS! Stop It! I'm trying to concentrate" Crono spoke up "Concentrate on what, Kitty? Concentrate on the dark? Because right now we are lost" Everyone shut up after that, and kept walking DS, Rosey and K a i r i all sat down with a thump and sigh "I give up on this place...we are getting no where" K a i r i looked at the others, her strength was back, but It wasn't much after walking all day In the desert "Thats strange..." DS frowned and Rosey looked at him "What?" He continued "Well...deserts are supposed to be hot and stuffy, but It Isn't...Its not even cold" He fiddled with his sword. Rosey watched the sword DS said that he had found an old skeleton on the ground, holding a sword In his hand, so he picked It up and decided to use It, although Rosey's thought was If he died In this desert...we might too but she didn't say it out loud "...Ive noticed that too" Replied K a i r i "No bugs, no animals, no heat, no cold, no people....It IS strange" now that Rosey thought about It, they were right. She hadn't seen anything except for DS and K a i r i, a flowing river, occasionally a plant or so and sand. Then a thought popped Into her head How can there be a desert, Inside a cave? The people outside the cave were scared and worried "They have been gone for over an hour...and even Kitty went and saw what was up...she hasn't come back either..." Said cocohints, looking at the others "Your right...We cant stand out here while they might be In there dead!" iPrAiSiN' stood up "Yeah! I think a lot of us should go In, and help them!!" DW got up from his seat too "Yeah!" "Lets go!" "We have to help!" A number of shouts came from the KHV members "Well Its decided...We go In!" cocohints grinned To Be Continued...
Credit To: Angel Trigger For Helping Me Write The 6th Chapter! Thanks Guys! ~In The Darkness~ Darky and DA sat on the park bench talking, until they saw something washed up on the beach. They both got up off the dark green seat and walked to It slowly. When they got there they both looked In surprise "Arc?" DA said, shocked. Arc got up and looked at them, just as shocked as they were "Darky? DA? You guys...?" The two guys nodded "What happened to you?" Darky asked "I woke up In a boat.." DA tried not to smile. And he thought THEY were trapped on something bad "...And I finally found this...Island?" Arc asked "Yeah...Although Its kind of" Darky replied In a confused voice SJ and Sara looked below them, at the lava pit. Luckily they didn't have to cross that bridge to ge-- "Oh no..." Sara said In shock. They DID have to cross that bridge over the Lava pit "Well...Lets think of It this least the bridge Isn't wobbl--" He cut himself off once he stepped on the bridge "Uhh....Spoke to soon" Sara gulped and closed her eyes. Don't worry....Its just a bridge...You wont die... And before she knew It, she was on the bridge wanting to get off "SJ....We have to...get" She said, looking at him. His face was just as pale as hers "Don't worry...We'll make th--" A spit of lava jumped on the bridge "GAH!" Sara moved back but soon stood still after she saw the rope breaking "SJ..." She looked at the breaking rope cautiously "I know..." He replied. The two didn't move until It started breaking a bit more. Sara looked at how far they were from the other side "Half way..." she muttered to her self. But that half way was a LONG half way. Suddenly the rope broke and before Sara realized, she was holding onto the bridge for dear life. She heard a yell from behind her and realized SJ wasn't In front of her so she looked behind "Go Sara..." SJ tried to hold on to the broken bridge, but he was slipping "What?!" Sara looked at him, shocked "Go...Quickly....This bridge...will break..." SJ said, slipping a little more "But...You?! What abo--" SJ cut her off "Forget about me...Its my go..." Sara had tears In her eyes "Good-bye Sara..." SJ fell down, Into the lava pit. Sara looked down with tears falling from her eyes "No.." She hurried up the latter, once a bridge, and fell to the ground "He didn't just die.....and I didn't do...anything.." SJ would be remembered dearly. Mish and RvR kept running, but RvR could tell Mish was getting tired, as well as him. "We cant run forever..." Said RvR and Mish nodded. Soon enough, RvR grabbed two big sticks, and handed one to Mish "Ready..." Mish nodded again, and the two ran at the giant spider. The spider hit Mish In the stomach, and blood squirted out of her mouth as she fell "Mish!!!" RvR saw the spider looking at him with Its evil eyes and he saw Mish getting up from the corner of his eye. Mish ran at the spider but obviously the spider saw her and pinned her down to the ground. She screamed In agony "Think...Think..." RvR looked around and saw a rope hanging off a tree. He ran to It and grabbed It off the tree, tying the end In a circle and swung It around the spiders legs. He smiled when the spider fell but a wind of shock hit him "MISH!" He ran to where Mish should of been, but now she was under the spider "I...Cant believe It...I just...Killed someone...and not just someone...MISH!" He tried to push the spider off Mish Her last thoughts were Live one minute, die another (Or, If this wasn't a story, It would of been help...But either way =D) "...and we shall remember him always" were the last words Jordie said, after putting Trigger In his grave. It wasn't much, just a rough hole In the ground and two planks of wood they made In a cross after finding It In a near by tree with Triggers birth date, death date, his name and a quote saying 'I Am Justice', his favorite quote. Angel was getting up from putting a flower on his grave and she wiped her eyes "I guess we are alone...just the three of us..." The three girls sighed, took one last look at Triggers grave, and started walking away Vivi woke up from falling down that hole (BTW to answer your question In the last thread Vivi, no your not dead xD) and jumped up, looking for any evil penguins "That..Was...Weird..." He said and realized he was In a dark tunnel "No more evil penguins?" He looked around and sighed In relief "No more evi--" Something Interrupted him "Hello Vivi" said a deep voice from behind him. He turned around slowly and saw a lion, talking to him "WHAT THE ****!?" Vivi was scared for life Rat and Muffin looked at each other In surprise "Girly?" Muffin whispered to Rat "Yeah...Shes evil..." They looked Into the fine golden door with a window and they saw a man In black, Girly and CtR lying on the ground "This Is mental..." Rat and Muffin moved away from the door slowly. "Well lets have another look around. We might find someone we know" The two walked In the fine corridor again They went down some dark stairs and realized It was a chamber hall. The two had a look around until they saw someone In bars "Roxma?!?" Roxma looked up and sighed To Be Continued....
..Of people I don't know x_x Random people add me and never talk to me, or they add me and start fights with me o_o So Ive deleted them all xD
Credit To: Rosey Trigger For Helping Me Write The 5th Chapter. Thanks Guys! =D [P.S. This Is Only A short Chapter. I will make the other chapters bigger as It nears to the end] ~Beginning Of The End~ Vivi walked the blazing white snow In the middle of Antarctica. He sighed and wondered whether he was going to get out of this place. Right now, It didn't seem likely. While Vivi was walking the snowy Ice, he saw something flicker In the distance. Something Inside of him got him excited, so he started to run In the snow and Ice. When he got closer, the thing got closer, and soon enough he could see what It was. "Penguins?" He said In a disappointing voice "Why Penguins?!? Why not food" Vivi winced at his grumbling stomach then got an Idea "Come here penguins!....Vivi's not going to hurt you, he's just going to eat you..." He said In a savage voice, getting closer to the penguins. The penguins just looked at him then, It looked like they were smiling "Bye Bye Vivi..." One of the penguins said, with an evil smile and Vivi was shocked and almost scared. Suddenly he dropped down a hole, and while he was falling, he could see the penguins laughing and waving good-bye Mish and RvR looked behind then, moving backwards. Suddenly a big BANG and CRASH came thumping out of the woods. It was a...giant spider! The two looked at It, and didn't move "Do you think...we should run?" Asked RvR. Mish nodded and the two ran as fast as they could the other way. Trigger, Angel, Jordie and Hissora were walking In the dark forest, next to the river that didn't make a sound. The four sighed and looked ahead of them. Everything looked the same "We'll never get out of here..." Said the half Insane Hissora, looking around as If shadows were possessing her. Suddenly the four heard a noise, a weeping kind of noise. Trigger went to have a look and saw Girly "Girly? How come yo--" Girly cut Trigger off with a kiss "Uhh....?" Girly smiled "Come with me Trigger!" She pulled him away with her. Girly had pushed Trigger back on a tree and had taken her clothes off "Uhh...?" Well...I suppose you know what happens next ;) While they were on the ground, Girly had reached for her clothes, while Trigger's eyes were shut. She smiled an evil smile and ended up with a knife In her hand "Sorry Trigger....But I cant let you ruin my plan..." Trigger opened his eyes and before he could say anything....the knife was In his heart Angel, Jordie and Hissora wondered where Trigger was "You want to see?" Angel asked the other two girls. They both nodded When they reached where Trigger was, Angel screamed "TRIGGER!" They all ran over to Trigger's dead body (Girly put his clothes back on BTW) Angel started crying while Jordie was just In shock. Hissora looked around, even more scared then she was His once alive eyes, looked up to the sky. DS and Rosey walked along the almost dry river when they saw a body, lying on the sandy ground "Who's that?" Rosey asked. DS didn't answer but he ran to the body so Rosey followed. The two saw K a i r i on the ground "She's still alive" Said DS. Rosey sighed In relief "Well at least we know SOMEBODY Is okay..." The two tried to wake K a i r i up, her eyes opened slowly "Huh..? Rosey...? DS?" She threw herself up but fell down again "Oww..." K a i r i looked at the two "Your alright?! Oh thats good" Rosey and DS helped K a i r i up, her legs were still a little wobbly. The three sighed "I wonder who else Is still alive" Rosey looked up at the blue sky. Xaldin and Kitty walked along the dark corridors, Xaldin glancing at Kitty once In a while. They kept walking until they heard footsteps In the corridor next to them. The two got ready to fight (It was kind of easy not to be scared after the giant spider) And saw Crono, Cin and Misty "You guys are alive?!?" Kitty shouted In excitement "Well Obviously" Said Cin who walked up to them. Misty and Crono followed "You haven't found anyone else?" Asked Crono. The two shook their head "I guess Its just us then.." Misty looked at all of them then the five looked up to the sky, through the hole In the roof "This Is The Beginning of the End.." Said the black figure, to Girly who stood looking at the passed out CtR "Shall we kill her?" The black figure shook his head "Not yet...Not right now..." The two laughed an evil laugh To Be Continued...