No seriously xD I did It took me HOURS AND DAYS to do It though, and yes, I got help from my grandmother (Shes an artist) I asked Trig first If I should put It up >.> But yeah, here It Is xD I have to admit, I did stuff It up a bit, but meh CnC?
Where Ive gotten more then 3 compliments O.o I feel so....loved O_O
Having fun without your naked ladies? \ Yes, I stalk you, like a lot of other people I stalk =D
Okay so, first (Because I was away from school Yesterday) I came back to school today, and pretty much my WHOLE SCHOOL Is yellow O_O Poles, stairs, even bloody water pipes for goodness sakes. Anyway, I come on here and what do I see? Premiums aren't Pink anymore, THEIR YELLOW!! X___X Whats with yellow today? o_o;
Is a Mysterious one who Is too dipsy..
The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know ~The Name That Looks Like An Error Code!!~ Because I lost ALL my work on the last try of this chapter, I have taken longer so I could type this on Word then Copy/Paste. Okay, so I don't get questions like 'Am I In this?' I'm putting In the members in a list, but feel free to read this story, even If your not In It *Main Characters* DS CFF Vivi Sara DA *Secondary Characters* Forsaken RvR Kitty (Crono, Madi, CtR & LF only get mentioned once) ~Found and Lost~ DS, Sara and DA sat In the jet plane, looking out of one of the tiny windows. They were flying over Spain, almost to their destination, France. It had been 5 years after the Incident with CFF, but after 3 years of silence, there were finally some unusual monsters around. DA knew It wouldn't of ended...not yet. The KHV members split Into two groups, The Advance and The Apprentices. The Advance were the members who were In the Incident In 2007 and The Apprentices were the new members, although they never liked admitting It. RvR walked up to the three, obviously sick of the other members and wanting some peace and quiet, although, there was something different. "Whats wrong?" Sara must of noticed It too "Ive been thinking...Didn't we destroy CFF and Girly?" RvR asked. Sara, DS and DA looked at each other "Yeah...He died, didn't he?" RvR continued "Well, how come there are still Giant Spiders around? And not just Giant Spiders...Other Unusual monsters...Like the Wolfbirds and Poisonous Lizards..." Thats right, they gave names to the other unusual monsters. It was funny because all the unusual monsters were mutant animals. It never occurred to him until now "Thats what we are trying to figure out.." Said DS, looking out the window once more, they were about to land. RvR sat down before the plane landed. Everyone had frowns upon their faces and confused looks...How ARE there unusual monsters? DA wondered and got up after the plane landed. Vivi (vivis dark side) came up to them as they were about to go outside "Uhh...I wouldn't go out there" DA looked at Vivi "Don't be si-" Once DS opened the door, he closed It right after "Right..." There were monsters, all around the town "Looks like we have some work to do?" Asked Vivi, getting out his quarterstaff, ready to fight "Yeah...Warn the others, Vivi. We'll meet you outside" Vivi frowned "You sure you'll be able to take them all on your own for a few minutes?" Sara nodded "Just go.." Vivi walked off, going to collect the members. When Vivi reached the other members, they all had weapons out "Uhh..?" CtR (Catch The Rain) smiled "We're ready!" Vivi hesitated and nodded "Right, come on the-" He got Interrupted by a shout "Wait! WAIT! Just let me finish watching this episode!" Madi (Madiyasha) was watching Deathnote, sitting In front of the T.V "Hurry up Madi! DeathNote can wait!!" Vivi yelled "Oh fine..." she got up, pausing the T.V and grabbing her Bow'n'Arrow. The KHV all walked out of the plane, only to see DS, Sara and DA struggling to stay alive "Theres Millions!" LF (Laurence_Fox) Shouted. The monsters turned to look at them "Oh ****.." Vivi heard Crono (Cronoking) say. Oh **** Indeed Crono, because the monsters started to charge at them "This Is ****ed!" Vivi jumped out of the way as a spider nearly crushed him. The members started fighting the monsters, as Vivi saw DS sprint "Hes ditching as! What a-" Sara pulled Vivi out of the way and stabbed the spider In the chest "DS needs to go somewhere. I cant explain now, don't worry" Vivi nodded, obviously confused, The KHV members fought the monsters. DS ran and fought the monsters that charged and chased him. He finally realized why the monsters wanted him...why CFF wanted him. When the area was clear of spiders and other monsters, he pulled out a key with a rope tied on It. The key was a big, metal key and had a red ruby at the handle "This," he paused, talking to himself "Is what they want..." DS turned around as footsteps interrupted him. The footsteps echoed In the dark alley way "Exactly right! Would you like a metal?" DS frowned "CFF...I knew It..." CFF laughed "Give me the key, and I promise I wont hurt you...much" CFF laughed, once more "You laugh to much, doesn't matter. I'll be fixing that" DS pulled his sword out as CFF pulled his out. His was a dark black blade and handle. You could see, that it had been used to kill many people In the past "Ready?" CFF smiled "Till the death!" The two fought, their swords clanking together Vivi, Sara, DA, Kitty and RvR left the rest of the members to fight, knowing that they were doing alright now. The went to find DS, knowing that he would most likely be facing CFF that very moment. There were no Monsters or Spiders around this place and there was blood on the ground, which only meant DS had been here. They followed the trail DS fell on his knee's "I'm sorry I have to do this, DS" CFF stabbed the dark blade In DS' shoulder and DS winced at the agony. He fell to the ground, blood dripping down from his shoulder, and passed out. CFF grabbed the silver key lying on the bloody ground, and walked off, laughing. The five members heard the laughing and ran to It, only to find DS lying on the ground "Oh no..." Sara looked In shock. RvR sighed In relief as he looked at the other four "He's okay. Just badly hurt" DA frowned "Well we found CFF....But lost the key..." Noticing the key was gone Kitty put her hands on her hips "Looks like we're on another adventure...lets try and wake DS up and get out of here. If CFF Is gone from this place, Forsaken must be gone too" The five nodded Forsaken sighed as he saw Vivi, Kitty, DA, Sara, RvR and DS on the computer screen "Don't worry guys...I'll be there soon...Just wait a little bit, theres still something I need to do" Forsaken turned around and walked out the other doorway as he heard footsteps coming towards the computer room. To Be Continued...
I'm on chat rooms O_O And Its really scary.... This girl with bad spelling IMed me and was all 'u slag' I'm like 'Wtf? O.o'
The Slightly Strange Story About a Forum We All Know Jeez, now that I read It, the title looks like an error code O_O; Yeah, couldn't be stuffed writing the whole title In the title box, so I just wrote It here xDD Because my story was such a hit, I thought, because CFF Is still alive, that I would make Part 2! Part two will be longer (If I'm not a lazy bum), more tense and more epic then last time. So be prepared!!! Ya...So enough of me rambling on about how much better Its gonna be then the last one...(In The Words Of Ben Dunn) LETS WRITE!! (P.S The First Chapter Is Always The Shortest, In My Opinion) ~Conflict Plans~ The shadows consumed the walls of the dark chamber, as the only light was the one of the fire place, but even then, the flames were small. As the last man in a dark cloak sat down, there were nervous looks around the room coming from the 20 members sitting at the long wooden table, polished and dark. The man at the far corner at the right of the table, eyed the room carefully, taking in every detail there was. He was exceptionally good at remembering, always having to remember everything for his s- No, Better not think of that The man thought suspiciously. He had heard the people around this place, could read thoughts. It may be a myth, but he dare not take the risk. A girl with black and yellow clothes on, obviously a servant, came up to him, holding a tray with three goblets of wine on it. He looked up at the girl, and widened his eyes as he saw the girls eyes. They were gray eyes, dead eyes. The man shivered as he took the goblet, but not planning on drinking the wine, it may be poisoned. The girl looked at him with a fake smile, and dead eyes until finally, he realized what she wanted "Thanks.." he muttered, and the girl turned away. Weird.. he shook his head at the people drinking the wine Stupid.... Suddenly, the big doors swooped open and wind gushed in the room. A man, fully in black, came in, obviously in anger and late. He sat in the big chair at the front of the room and drummed his fingers on the arm of his chair, thinking. A girl, three people down from the man in the chair, coughed, and the man looked up "Huh? Oh, Uh...Right...Thank you Alana.." Alana... he thought Must remember that name. The man at the front of the room looked around "I suppose you all know why your here? Well...If you don't," he looked at the people who had confused looks on their faces "We are here to start a war.." numerous shouts came from the outraged members "War?!" "That wasn't part of the deal!!" "This is an outrage!!!" The man just laughed "There was no deal...In the note I sent, I said we would talk about conflict, and that..." The man looked at everyone, standing up "..Is what we are doing" The man at the far right corner of the table frowned "And why war? We have no army's...20 people cant just fight a whole nation!" he looked at The Man "Well, Forsaken, I am 'The Man' I can think of anything" The Man grinned, as Forsaken frowned "This Is wrong....CFF" Forsaken hoped he could go back to the KHV Head Quarters soon...If CFF was going to start a war, then they would have to stop It. It was hard enough trying to pretend you were on the dark side, let-a-loan stop a war. The man pulled his brown cloak over him more, trying to stay dry, but It was no use because the rain kept getting at him, anywhere he went. All of a sudden he heard a shout from the distance "DA!! DA Wait Up!!" Kitty ran to DA, puffing when she stopped "Shh Kitty, we cant let anyone know where our base is.." he said, pulling Kitty to a wall, then pushing a brick just out of the wall, into the wall. The wall slowly moved aside, without a sound, as the two walked Into the base. DA took off his cloak as Kitty took off hers. "Why were you out there?" she asked, curiously "Doing a job..." he answered back "What about you?" Kitty grinned "Just going for a walk!" That was Kitty alright, always confident but unaware of her surroundings. The two walked into the main room, where they found numbers of KHV members, talking, playing games, or doing something else if they wernt on a mission. Kitty ran off to see Mish, as DA went to another room, The Computer Room. He sighed as Sara and DS were leaning over a computer, frowning "Whats wrong?" DA asked. Sara span around "Heard anything from Forsaken?" he looked at Sara's worried face. Forsaken was the forums Number One Spy. Along with other members, but they were on other missions. Forsaken had to act like he was on the dark side, to collect Information for the site. As for the others, numerous attacks from strange monsters were all around the nation, so half of them went to sort things out. The other half was still here. Sara sighed "Forsaken...Has disappeared...His dot is not on the computer screen! We don't know where he is..." DA looked at Sara, then at the computer screen "It should be there" DS pointed at a spot on the computer screen "But Its not.." Sara replied "I think we might have to go and find him?" DS nodded "I think so too..." The three walked out of the computer room, going to tell the KHV members the news To Be Continued...
Me and Trig are having a fight...Which one Is correct? I hit my foot off the desk or I hit my foot on the desk
Because every day It says Its Christhors birthday O_O
Posts from when I was a n00b.. (1st page only xD)
Gotta change my answering machine Now that I'm alone Cause right now it says that we Can't come to the phone And I know it makes no sense Cause you walked out the door But it's the only way I hear your voice anymore (it's ridiculous) It's been months And for some reason I just (can't get over us) And I'm stronger than this (enough is enough) No more walking round With my head down I'm so over being blue Crying over you And I'm so sick of love songs So tired of tears So done with wishing you were still here Said I'm so sick of love songs so sad and slow So why can't I turn off the radio? >.> Don't ask
Her dad was a drunk Her mom was an addict Her parents kept her Locked in an attic Her only friend was a little toy bear It was old and worn out And had patches of hair She always talked to it When no one's around She lays there and hugs it Not a peep of sound Until her parents Unlock the door Some more and more pain She'll have to endure A bruise on her leg A scar on her face Why is she in In such a horrible place? But she grabs her bear And softly cries She loves her parents But they want her to die She sits in the corner Quiet but thinking, 'Please God, why is My life always sinking? Such a bad life For a sad little kid She'd get beaten and beaten For anything she did Then one night Her mom came home high And the poor child was beaten As hours went by Then her mom Grabbed for a blade It was sharp and pointy One that she made She thrusted the blade Right in the girls chest, 'You deserve to die You worthless piece of ****! The mom walked out Leaving the girl slowly dieing She grabbed her bear And again started crying Police showed up At the small little house Then quickly barged in Everything quiet as a mouse One officer slowly Opened a door To find the little girl Lying dead on the floor It must have been bad To go through so much harm But at least she died With her best friend in her arms..
...and see which 'foreign' Beer's are Made In Australia ;)
T3h one T3h only...RRMS!! Happy Birthday Cookeh Buddeh =3
Yay! Happy Birthday Old Fart ^^
My computer screen has gone HUGEMUNGAS! Like the writing Is HUGE Like that big xD Dunno what happened o_o Weird EDIT: Oh and...Ive done my mission In half of the online users today >.> I'M GETTING THERE!! EDIT EDIT: Also, If Ive posted 'I Like Piee =3' In your User Notes 2 times, excuse me, because I cant keep track of which members Ive 'I Like Piee'd' or not
My computer and internet Is mucking up so I might not be on for a while for tonight or/and tomorrow Tis annoying