This movie actually made me cry, because you felt so sorry for Charlie. I enjoyed this movie a lot o.o It also cracked me up at times as well xD Such a good movie ^^ Who Has/Wants to see/seen this movie?
...O.o Kevin Rudd.... I wonder what he'll be like >.>
Walk out the door and never look back Because If you look back You may get the sack Live another day and hope for tomorrow You will never know If you'll feel sorrow A wise man once said Follow your dreams Because nothing Is always As It seems So walk out the door and follow tomorrow *************************Just a poem I thought of while listening to a song that really Inspired me
That It takes me 29 steps to walk around all my house In normal speed? I'm serious, my house Is like...Tiny o_o
Err....Since when did you post In the Spamzone? O.o AH HA! My thoughts are correct, No One can resist the Spamzone >=3
Barney Is Scary ._.
When the most people to ever be on KHV was 795....I was one of those people =3 I logged In and saw all the people and was all 'O_O;;' Ah...Memories
STOP ADDING ME TO FRICKEN MSN CONVOS WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. FAR OUT, I MEAN IT SORA 13 And I know Its probably you because your always In the fricken convos. I Mean It This Time Guys, My Computer Just CANT Handle It.
*Sniff* Is It alright to cry once you've just read KHVR?! ;_; GAHHHHHHHH!!!!! I have never been so hysterical about a story or movie In my whole entire life *Sniff* I don't think I'll ever look at Deathspank's name ever the same ._. But In the end...BAH! *Sobs* Roxas Is evil ;______; I never knew Darkwatch ate people either O.o *Continues crying, not caring If I'm sounding like a nub right now*
LOL We were talking about different food names, like Cheese Curls and how Its a stick, not a curl xDDDDDD Talking About Curly Fries: I was laughing so hard In the background LMAO
Kekekeke =3 THANK YOU CRONO! I have third gem =D After I had a crappy day as well 8D
This Is so addictive xDDDD Yes, I watch Japanese ad's on Youtube. Its one of our assignments for Japanese xD
xD Here you go Roseys feet look a little demented and so does her hand >.> and I decided not to draw Trig and Angel yet, I keep stuffing them up like...REAL bad Anywho xD Forsaken Rosey SaxoR TCO I'll post these In the other thread now >.>
Ive never seen KHV so empty before O_O
I have no Idea what hes talking about O____O
Yeah, I will probably post these In the Spamzone first then on here I know, I stuffed up a bit on both of them, but these were only quick xD I'll probably fix them up later =D Remember, PM me or IM me If you want your picture done xD (Please only PM me or IM me If I know you -_- I cant draw who I don't know xDD) Kitty Vivi Forsaken Rosey SaxoR TCO Sora 13 CtR RRMS Also, CnC would be good, I know I stuffed up a bit (Things I can fix) But If there Is any tips you guys can give me, It would be appreciated
Here we go xDD I will probably make a thread In Arts and Graphics with all the Members I draw In It.. Devil >8D I forgot to put my signature In It >.< And I stuffed up a bit, but overall It looks Good! =O
Yeah, a bit abnormal for me to be thinking about the future but like...when everyone reaches their goal...What will happen? I mean...Everyone has this goal on forums to reach Admin, except what happens when they DO reach their goal? Its impossible to stay Admin forever...Most likely...They'll stay for a little while to help with the forum then leave to another forum or make up some stupid excuse to leave...and start over (Not saying that you guys will) And then what happens? The circle goes on and on...Really, what Is the point In that? You make friends, you reach goals, you have a laugh but...Soon enough thats all thrown in the gutter I really don't see the point In it... Sorry xD Just thinking out loud....Ive been thinking about the future lately, what will happen? Blah Blah Blah.
As Promised =D This Is how I Imagine you 83 I probably stuffed up a bit xD But anyway... Who wants me to draw them next? 8D PM me or IM me (P.S I'm not very good at drawing guys xDD)
The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know ~The Name That Looks Like An Error Code~ Sorry this Is late, Ive been completely busy with homework and school. So anyway, I was actually thinking because Roxas Is Remaking KHVR I probably wont continue with this, only because It doesn't feel right to write something when there Is already a big hit out. So yeah, If you want me to continue just say so, It depends If I get a lot of people who want me too (P.S This Is a Short Chapter) *Main Characters* Christhor Sara Rosey Forsaken CFF Jordie Angel *Secondary Characters* Xaldin Darky Roxma DS LF ~Findings~ Christhor drummed his fingers along the table, sighing. Shouts form the other KHV Army members annoyed him, only because Sara couldn't keep them under control "Hey! Settle down! One question at a ti-" Her voice was drowned by the shouts. Finally, Christhor got up off his chair with a screech and looked at Sara, her with a stressed look on her face "Thats It..." Roxma looked at Christhor "They're out of control, what are you going to do?" He smiled, then suddenly... "SHUT UP!!!!!" Every KHV member turned to look at Christhor, everyone was quiet and shocked. He looked at Sara again, who was smiling and mouthing 'Thank you'. "This Is what we are going to do, we are going to shut up and listen to Sara, okay? No questions, no Interruptions, Just Listen" He sat back down as everyone turned to Sara, she coughed and continued "As I said, DS has a key, I cant tell you what Its for, just a key. CFF took It and left, we have to find him. Does anyone have any Ideas?" After a minute silence, LF spoke up "Well uh.. Have we heard anything from Forsaken? We may-as-well find him, he might know where CFF is" Sara sighed and shook her head "I'm afraid we don't, hes gone missing" DS suddenly came from the other door, leaning on the wall, obviously still hurt "Forsaken Is back..." he said "He just gave us a message on the computer, saying that he will be back at the base as soon as he can, lets go back and see" Sara nodded and the KHV members went about their business Back at the base, Xaldin, Rosey, and Darky (Darkwatch) sat bored In the computer room until Darky got up "Wanna play three way tic-tac-toe?" Rosey frowned "How?.." he smiled. The three had drawn Triangles, O's and X's all over the room on the square tiles with Rosey being Triangles, Xaldin being O's and Darky being X's. The three dropped on the floor laughing after ALL of the room tiles were covered with Triangles, X's and O's except for one, which had the scores on It. So far, Rosey was winning with a score of 9, Darky with 7 and Xaldin with 6. The three had been left to look after the base which was a boring job because nothing ever happened unless they broke a computer, then they had to fix It and so on. Suddenly knocking sounded at the door "They cant be here already?! Uh Oh.." Rosey got up and opened the door slowly, only to reveal Forsaken "FORSAKEN! YOUR OKAY!" Rosey shouted while Xaldin and Darky got up "Hey man, Whats up?" Forsaken didn't smile "Whats wrong man?" Xaldin asked "CFF...Hes..." Forsaken collapsed to the ground Jordie (Jordier0xs0x) and Angel ran together, scared. The two went back home to Australia so they could settle things down there with the monsters and all, but Australia was too much for two girls. A bomb came flying from the plane In the sky near the two and they both jumped away when the bomb hit the ground behind them "What are we going to do?!" Jordie asked Angel in between the wreckage "Find a plane and go back to the KHV base" they both got up, not bothering to wipe the dirt off their clothes "Who knew monsters could learn to fly planes and attack with bombs" Jordie looked at the plane fly over them "I don't think Its the monsters, I saw an army tank come before and saw the name 'MMOTD' I'm not sure what It stands for, but I think theres an Army of-" Angel paused when the two ran Into a half wrecked alley way and saw two people In black and gray Army suits "...People.." The two frowned "Did you see their eyes? They were...Lifeless..." Jordie replied to her, coming out of the alley way "Soon, the MMOTD will go to other countries. Your right, lets find an empty plane and go back to the base" They both ran away In the dark chamber of the dark corridors, CFF laughed as he looked at the key "As soon as I find the door, I'll be able to RULE THE WORLD!!" he laughed manically. The moon light was the only light In the room To Be Continued....