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  1. Jordier0xs0x
    The only reason you were obsessed with Minties was because you loved the pictures on the wrappers?

    ...The shopkeeper was a very happy man a couple of years back...My friends and I buying bucket loads of Minties just to see the pictures...

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 12, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Jordier0xs0x
    I think Its a chick from my school o.o; Anywho:

    First of all, WTF Is a grool? O_o

    Second of all, I shouldn't of given her my phone number -.-; I'm going to be getting messages all the time now.

    Third of all, I finally figured out who she was -_________________-;;;
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 11, 2008, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. Jordier0xs0x
    Ima 21st Century Digital Girl ^^
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 8, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Jordier0xs0x
    I seriously want to eat the lollipop In my Profile Picture ._.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Jan 7, 2008, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Jordier0xs0x
    I'm sick of this ****. If you've viewed that 'KH-V Is Corrupted' thread, you'll know why.

    SJ, you said I'd say something I would regret, well Ive made a lot of mistakes so far In my life and this not one of them. Y'know Ive tried to stay as long as I could, Ive tried to make everyone happy and Ive tried to be happy myself but now you've all just reached my limit. I'm not the fricken little happy girl right now and I think thats just changed forever. Yeah, I know 'Oh stop making a drama scene out of It' well too ****ing bad, Oh yes I know how most of you think.
    I tried to help the site and Ive tried to help KHV not to be such a High School show but now I'm angry.
    KHV has helped me a lot, through everything, through tears and anger and I never thought It would be you people making me angry and upset. I'm greatly disappointed and I thank KG for making that thread to make me realize how much you guys disgust me.
    For those who aren't like that, Thank you, Thank you for being there for when my heart Is broken, Thank you for being there for when there was tears and Thank you for just being there.

    Everyone, Clean up your act because I'm not coming back until you do.

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 28, 2007, 35 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  6. Jordier0xs0x
    Yeah xD Thought I'd come on to my favorite site with my favorite people just to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. Wont be on for long though, maybe post a bit then I'm gone, going out for dinner I think >.> I would of been on earlier If the site didn't shut down on me...Not looking at anyone In particular *CoughDScoughpaythatbillcough*

    Anyway, Merry Christmas to all! Hopefully I'll be coming back soon, so you'll see Good ol' Jordie again after I visit Theme parks 'n such.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 25, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. Jordier0xs0x
    Yeah, my 2nd thread In the Departure Lobby. I'm afraid I wont be on as much, maybe for 10 minutes each Night, but a night over here Is usually 5AM or something over there.
    These school holidays I will be extremely busy, My Stepsister Is over, so Is my brother, I will be visiting some friends, I am probably going to Australia's biggest theme parks, I am driving down to see my Grandmother and I have to get ready for High School.
    I'll probably get to go on MSN longer then KHV, only because I can leave MSN on and appear offline to see who's on while I'm busy.

    Unless I don't see any of you at Christmas, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

    <3 You All,

    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 23, 2007, 7 replies, in forum: Departure Hall
  8. Jordier0xs0x


    This new skin, you see the blue background with the writing? I'm gonna be trying to read that my whole time on KHV Now XD;

    Oh and, Do you think the colour of my writing Is too bright? If so, I'll probably change It
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 19, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. Jordier0xs0x
  10. Jordier0xs0x

    Well...Its Midnight XDD
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 19, 2007, 2 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. Jordier0xs0x
    An organization designated to keep them in check.
    Devoted to saving life, but full of mercenaries and renegades destined for their own purposes.
    The central government has decided to resurrect this ancient order to act as a militaristic police force that will destroy both Nobodies and Heartless alike, doing away with evil until only light remains.
    These are the Enigmatic Knights.
    This is your destiny.

    ~Sign Up Application~

    Played By:
    Picture [Please Post Link To Big Pictures]:

    1. No god-modding.
    2. No sexual content over the PG rating.
    3. Be respectful and considerate of other members.
    4. Before killing off another member's character, you must get permission from that member.
    5. Swearing is allowed at a minimum, and please bleep out the word with *s.
    6. Be mature.
    7. Please, please have a sense of correct grammar. No one has any fun when we can't read what you're typing.
    8. PM your character info to me, so we can avoid interruptions while RPing (this is for people joining after the RP has already started).

    Name: Jordxy Vanhalian (Jordxy for short)
    Played By: Jordier0xs0x (Jordie)
    Keyblade(s): The Keyblades In The Picture
    Personality: Jordxy Is a quiet, but not shy girl. She loves to help out and fight for herself and her friends. Jordxy Is usually happy and Is a little slow sometimes which gives her a quirky, funny personality. But on her bad side, she truly releases her power...

    Name:Karla Gomez
    Played By:gerlert_fav2005
    Enlighting Star
    Personality:Optimistic,doesn't really care what people think about her,especially in her 'weird' stage.
    (Will get better pictures later on...)

    Name: Saber
    Played By: Kiburedo
    Personality: Cold and quiet, not too friendly either,
    Picture [Please Post Link To Big Pictures]: I'll get back to you on that....

    Name: Venture Jr.
    Played By: Pirateguywithapplepie
    Keyblade(s): Machingun, and Tsurigane
    Personality: Venture is usually calm and likes to joke around alot. He often will find a joke about nearly every situation. He can also be quick to anger, especially at his enemies. He also tends to flirt with women, even while on a mission.
    Picture: To be posted later.

    Name: Tera Roth
    Played By: DarKnight36
    Keyblade: Twilit Guardian, a keyblade of twilight
    Personality: A true hero
    Picture: Guys -Various-/KatanaWarrior.gif

    Name: Heaven
    Played By: Star_Seeker
    Keyblade(s): Doesn't have one yet. She's got a medieval claymore, though.
    Personality: Quick to anger, arrogant, and tends to put herself before others. But as much as she might deny it, she has good intentions and is sincere in what she does.
    Picture [Please Post Link To Big Pictures]: (I'll get back to you...)

    Name: Derek Swan
    Played By: hidden_light
    Keyblade(s): Ying blade
    Personality: Cold, merciless, fakes a lot of emotions while hiding the true ones at times. He can also be very kind and warm at times.
    Picture : Like the guy in the picture except with black eyes... Deeper Kyo/51e1.jpg

    Roka, Second in Command of the Knights
    Keyblades:Ancient, Tiida
    Gender: Male
    Age: Unknown
    Affiliation: The Enigmatic Knights
    Element: Darkness, Twilight cross
    Abilities:Glide, Aeroga, Stopga, Teleport (only in critical condition)
    Personality:Independent, stubborn, embrasive, dark, but sometimes willing to work and fight well with others.
    History:As a teenager since the age of fourteen, he has lost it all. Family, friends, his home, and everything that had meaning to him. He had been through many fights to get to where he is today, but the death of him keeps haunting every living day. His brother's death terrifies his dreams as that is what he has been after since day one. He has killed and mamed people without mercy for what he fights for. He has lost many things in seconds for what he earned in years. After losing many people he loved by the "Bald Man", so the only person he has kept closely was Jaxed. Even after Jaxed's betrayal, and the loss of Rokuxion, Hexin, Amaya, and many more, he still trusts Jaxed with his life. He can trust people too easily, but after being betrayed, he will hunt you down without reason.

    Name: Kain Stantine
    Played By: Spike
    Keyblade(s): Sleeping Lion
    Personality: He's pretty sleepy and doesn't tend to show concern about anything, but when the situation calls for it, he can be pretty helpful.

    Name: Jack
    Played By: Wing
    Theme Song: The River by Good Charlotte
    Gender: Male
    Age: 27
    Date of Birth: April 2
    Affiliation: The Enigmatic Knights
    Background: Jack is a top ranked Knight who is currently on an occupational mission on the world of Prism, trying to fight off the heartless there after he recived a tip form an black hooded man...He took a task force tro prism and is still there now. Roka and Jaxed, currently do not seem to realize he is gone. He has four companions, Theory, Roan, Chaos, and Naomi. They call themselves the Emrald Knights. (a team nick name if you will)
    Powers: Basic elemental magic.
    Weakness: himself. Jack is a bit arrogant, and tends to start fights when he shouldnt. He also has quite the temper.
    Weapon: key chainless keyblade, shaped much like a scythe. he calls the Retrobution.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007, 176 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jordier0xs0x
    True Story.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007, 18 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  13. Jordier0xs0x
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    Thank You RRMS for giving me Ideas ^^



    ~Forget Your Name, Forget Your Past~
    Silence Is all Sara had heard since she had fell down that hole. Silence and the tapping of her feet on the dirt and grass ground. Where was she? Where was that turn off, where she had to go Left, not right? Where was DS? Wait..Wasn't It Right, not left? No, I'm was pretty sure It was Left, not right. "Bah.." Sara sat down on the dirt ground "Ive been saying It over and over again In my head...Its left, not right..." She looked at the lamp In her hand, It was slowly dimming down, she would have to get out of here soon or else she would be stuck In darkness. Darkness...She had heard that somewhere before..this guy named Sora was trying to stay In light, not dark. But who was Sora? What was she going on about, there was no guy named Sora, and who was this DS guy she kept talking about? Sara shook her head "Silly Sally...Wait..I'm Sally, aren't I? Yeah, I'm Sally" Sara got up "Sara...Why does that name sound familiar?" Sara kept walking until she came to a wall with red writing on It...Blood? Sara read It:

    Forget Your Name, Forget Your Past,
    Try And Make The Moment Last.

    "Forget my Name? My past? What was my past? Make the moment last...Silly kids, graffiti on the walls, Wait, I'm a kid aren't I? Yeah, I'm a kid"
    Sara Continued walking the tunnel until she came to a dead end, there were two path ways "Left not right...Right not left...Left, Right...Left, Right...Left" Sara began to walk the left path way until a person jumped In front of her "Uh...You don't want to go that way" DS turned her around "Who are you?" Sara asked the strange man "You don't remember me? Oh, Thats no fair" Suddenly Sara saw a light...No...A way out.

    Xaldin's group was In a dark gray room with a sign at the door. They all got up after falling down from that hole In the wall and RRMS went to check out what the sign said.

    Welcome to the 'Bridge of the Broken'. As soon as you open this door, the game will start and you will not be able to come back.
    This game Is about strength, mental use and trust. Different activitys will occur while you are playing, and the only way to escape and reach 'The Room Of Hallow Souls' Is to cross this bridge, once you reach the platform and turn the door handle the right way, then the game will stop. There are no rules for this game except to reach the other side of the bridge If you want to live.
    Have A Nice Day.

    Once RRMS had stopped reading, other members had already started to read the sign "So...Remind me why we are doing this again.." Madi looked at the other members "I already told you," Rosey replied "You see this?" she put out her hand and showed a small star In a circle "Everyone who died that night got a mark on their hand, when we put our hands together In a circle, a bigger star will appear and then CFF's base will come to view. Unless you want to keep fighting endless monsters, then we better finish this 'Game'" Once Rosey finished, all of Xaldin's group were silent "I guess we better go then" Madi looked at the door.
    Xaldin reached for the handle "Everyone ready?" The members got ready, then Xaldin opened the door.

    Nah, this bit Is too good for It to be 'Continued'

    The group were all on a platform, where the room used to be. Ahead of them was a unstable bridge, quite wide In size and had no bars to hold onto, but down below was nothing but sky. They were In the sky, and they had to walk across that bridge? Oh well, at least Xaldin could see the other platform. So much for a 'Game' all they had to do was walk across a bridge, that wasn't hard...right?
    So the group began walking across the bridge, some members scared of heights and some were absolutely fine, but what came In front of them was the most frightening. A swarm of giant wasps with their stingers ready were In front of them, flying this way "Get ready!" Xaldin shouted and the members got their weapons ready...
    But the main thought In Xaldin's head right then was "I hope we don't get killed..."

    To Be Continued...
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Jordier0xs0x
    I'm quitting with the 'Drawings Of KHV Members' Because too many people are doing It now 8\ And It just doesn't seem...Original anymore.

    I'll stick with TSSSAFWAKTC though. 8D
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 14, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  15. Jordier0xs0x


    *Polishes my new special gem*
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 13, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  16. Jordier0xs0x
    The Slightly Strange Story About A Forum We All Know: The Continuing

    Sorry this one Is late, Ive been busy =D


    "Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today, gonna love today. Everybody's gonna love today, gonna love today, Love Love Me" RvR looked at Rat singing 'Love Today-Mika' and gritted his teeth. Not only did he hate the song, Rat's singing was awful, so he decided to put an end to It "Rat, If you sing another part of that song I think I'm going to have to run around In circles screaming like a girl until I burst Into flames" Rat nodded, and after another moment of silence, he started singing again, but another song "Forever Young, I want to be Forever Young, Do you really want to live forever? FOREVER FORE-" Suddenly Rat's singing stopped, and RvR sighed In relief "Thank you Tootsie" Tootsie had Rat In an awkward position "Ow Ow Ow...Tootsie that hurts...LET GO! Fine I'll stop singing, just let go!" Tootsie let go and the group started moving again.
    After a while of silence, a continuing popping sound could be heard from In the group. It was Rat, making popping noises with his mouth. The group sighed and grunted and let Rat go, hoping he would stop soon, as If. Rat kept making popping noises until RvR, was once again, about to kill him "RAT!! SHUT IT!" Everyone stopped In silence once more "I really need to work on my shout, Don't I?" Forsaken replied with a "Just a bit too loud" RvR nodded and the group kept walking when they heard another popping noise, RvR turned around "Rat.." Rat looked at him "I swear, It wasn't me.." The group turned around, only to see a giant monster making the popping noises "Oh great.." Kairi said, a little nervous "Run?" Forsaken looked at the group "RUN!!" RvR shouted, and the group bolted away, members splitting up Into different parts of the forest as the giant monster chased them.

    Unfortunately, Forsaken was stuck with Rat, but the two ran until they thought they had lost any sign of the giant monster "Great, now the group Is broken up.." Forsaken turned to Rat who was singing 'Love Today' again "This Is going to be a long walk..." and he didn't just mean the length.

    DS and Sara came to an old building "Whats this?" Sara asked, DS didn't reply, he just kept walking. What Is up with him? She thought, but she followed him just In case. Once they were In the old building, Sara frowned. There was rats running around everywhere, dust and dirt spread out all over the floors and stairs, there was broken pieces of the building on the ground as well, and a big hole on the side of the gray building. DS was already at the top of the stairs, but he stopped to look at Sara, making a following motion, so Sara followed. The two reached the third floor and stopped at a door with a big metal lock on It. Finally, DS spoke but In a whisper "When I open this door, step In first, don't be scared If I'm not with you straight away, just take this lamp and keep moving forward. When you reach the dead end, go right, not left, then just keep going straight, I should be there by then, got It?" Sara nodded. What Is he talking about? She thought but took the lamp. DS kicked the rusty lock off and opened the door, pushing Sara through. It was just like the cave, she fell through a black hole and landed on a hard dirty ground. It was pitch black In this place, luckily DS came prepared...but what was he talking about? Sara got up and turned the light on, a light filled the what seemed to be, tunnel. She started walking "Right...Not left..." Sara reminded herself.
    Right, not Left.

    Xaldin's group all came up to a big tree with a door on It "Wonder what this Is..." Kitty looked at it, knocking on It a few times then sighed "Its a door..." Rosey stared blankly at Kitty and Kitty turned to Rosey and smiled. The group looked at the door nervously
    "Whats could It lead to?"
    "Should we just keep moving?"
    "I want my mommy.."
    Numerous mummers could be heard from the group, but Xaldin found the courage to open the door "If I don't come back, I'm probably dead, Okay?" Misty frowned "Well thats a happy thought" Xaldin nodded then opened the door.
    He fell In, and landed on a dirt ground "...I'm not dead..." Xaldin got up and could just hear Misty's shouts "I'm Alright!!" Hopefully they heard that He thought.

    Misty smiled "Hes alright, lets go" Kitty looked at her "Shouldn't some of us stay here?" Misty nodded "You and Vivi stay here. Lets go everyone" Vivi looked shocked "Hey! No fair!" Misty grinned as she came to the door "Life Isn't fair" and fell In.
    The members were suddenly gone and all was left were Vivi and Kitty "So...what do we do now?" Vivi asked Kitty "Wanna play Tic-Tac-Toe?" asked Kitty, drawing the board up on the dirt. The two started playing.

    To Be Continued....
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 13, 2007, 8 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. Jordier0xs0x

    Think of a letter between A and W.

    Repeat it Out loud as You scroll down.

    Keep going . . .
    Don't stop . . .

    Think of an Animal That begins With that letter.

    Repeat it Out loud As you Scroll down.

    Think of either a man's/woman's name That begins with the Last letter In the animals name

    Almost there........

    Now Count out The letters In that name On the fingers Of the hand You are not Using to Scroll down.

    Take the Hand you FIRST counted with And hold it out In front of you At face level.

    Look at your palm Very closely And Notice the lines In your hand.
    Do the lines Take the Form of the First letter In the Persons name???

    Of course not.......

    Now TAKE THAT HAND AND smack yourself In the head,

    Get a life and stop playing stupid e-mail and forum games. >=D Have a nice day.
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 13, 2007, 13 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  18. Jordier0xs0x
    I'm Finally Graduated!! I'm not a Primary School kid anymore!!!!!

    I am officially a Big Kid!!!! 8D *Is Teh Ultimate Happeh*
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 10, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  19. Jordier0xs0x
    So I wont be on tonight, maybe. Depends when Its on xD (No I don't even know when my Primary School graduation Is on) so liek, bai 4 nao 83
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 9, 2007, 6 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone
  20. Jordier0xs0x
    Bwahahaha. Told ya I would get on before school and make teh thread =O

    Happy Birthday!! (From Aussieland at least)
    Thread by: Jordier0xs0x, Dec 9, 2007, 14 replies, in forum: The Spam Zone