Well we have to write this story about these guys we're learning about In school, and I cant decide what should happen. Pretty much these guys are trouble makers and even killed another guys dog, but I cant think of what to do. I need the Idea In Half an Hour so Chop Chop!
Totally ripped off 'Thank God Your Here'.. I'm so darn tired >_>
There has been 7 pages of Spam I haven't read! Seven!!!! This must be a new world record
Struggle Of Unique Life Story~Chapter 1 (PG+14 Violence and Course Language) Otherwise known as 'SOULS' xD This Is based off a true story, pretty much a story about somebody I know. WARNING: As The Story Progresses this story may contain course language and violence IntroductionHe stepped on the boy bellow him, the boy he had beaten up so much blood was all over his white singlet. He had no care for that guys name, nor did he care If he was bleeding to death. He was laughing. His mates around him were chuckling along, an evil cruel laugh that would reach Into your body and pull out your soul. He pressed his foot harder Into the blood ridden singlet "Shoot him" he laughed. The boy bellow him looked with wide eyes up at the man who he had crossed, the man who he had tried to stop from stealing. It was the biggest mistake In his life. Cars passed almost silently, all he saw was the man above him, pressing his foot harder and harder onto his chest and the mans friend, the one with the gun. Suddenly the friend pointed the small, black gun at the boy and shot. The bullet seemed like It was taking forever to reach the boys head, but finally and disgustingly there was a scream and a splat. The guy laughed and turned around "Take the body somewhere where no one will find him, make a grave for him for all I care, just get rid of that helpless boy" He walked away In the dark streets, New York lights shining all around him. He pushed people who got In his way, with his almost-too-cruel smile. They called him Lilsy, he killed anyone he wanted, he was rude, cruel, gangs were looking for him, police were hunting him down, gun shops knew him as If they were best friends, he was famous In Nightclubs and had no hope In this world. At least, thats what he thought, that he was nothing In this world. Lilsy was rich with millions of money, but he didn't have a one million dollar house, It was actually quite old and broken, he got drunk just about every night, smoked marijuana maybe every second day, went to Nightclubs once a weekend and caused an uproar. Lilsy lived with his sister, his father got taken away and killed with politician actions, his mother was In a whole different country, his Grandfather, otherwise known as his role-model, got killed by a couple of gang members and so the only family he had left was his sister. Of course, he wasn't all that bad. Lilsy cared for his friends and family, If anyone of them got hurt or killed he would hunt the person down and personally take care of them himself. His past was one of the most painful, cruel, agonizing pasts of them all, but no one except for his sister knew about the past. He didn't tell nobody. Lilsy wasn't his real name, but he got called It as If It were. Nobody really knew what his real name was either. He was a complete mystery. He walked up to a small house, not really beautiful but not broken either. Someone he knew lived here, and here was where he was staying. Lilsy lived somewhere In Canada and he had visited New York to see a friend and get away from his town. As he opened the door, Lilsy saw his friend walk up to him "You're appearing In the paper" she complained, worried about him. He looked at the small article reading "Another Day, Another Kill" Lilsy smiled "I like that quote, I'm claiming It now" Lilsy had no care for the article. It was all the same, he did something wrong and the police try and catch him, It was his daily routine. Lilsy walked up to the kitchen to get a beer, as his friend walked behind him holding the article "You know, one of these days you're going to get caught. Stop doing this so much" He stopped dead on his tracks and looked up at his friend "I knew It.." he said in an astonishing voice "Stacey Is Spainish!" His friend, Stacey, looked at him with a blank expression on her face "I told you my Dads side was Spainish, now will you stop changing the subject! I'm not going to bail you out If you get caught" Stacey threw the article on the kitchen bench as he took a mouthful of beer. Lilsy took a closer look at the article "Nah, You wont have to," he put his beer down and picked up the news article "I wont get caught." Buller wiped his blood covered hands on his jacket and sighed "I'm amazed that we haven't got caught yet" The group of four were near a dumpster In an alleyway, trying to hide from the mounts of light that came from the Headlights In the city streets. Shorty looked at him and grinned "Nah, Lilsy Is lookin' after us. He has been doing this for two years now and still hasn't gotten caught. We're safe" Buller didn't look amused, but walked with the other three Into the main streets, hiding In the shadows. Lilsy drunk his beer and sat on the computer chair. He looked at his laptop which was already logged on and brang up MSN. After he had typed In his Password he saw a message come up onto the taskbar. It was his Internet friend, Brittney, or Britt. -Britt-Life Is A Struggle says: Hiya! LS/MSVSF.X3:.*4yrs* says: Heyy -Britt-Life Is A Struggle says: How are you?! Lilsy looked at her Messenger name and smiled a little, she had yet another message In her name, probably from another movie or song. But, this one really reached out to him "Life Is A Struggle..Yeah..It Is a struggle" -Britt-Life Is A Struggle says: Oh, Sorry, Are you busy?? LS/MSVSF.X3:.*4yrs* says: Lol, No. I'm fine, and you? -Britt-Life Is A Struggle says: I'm Great! Talking to Brittney now reminds me of the past conversations we'd had..Thats strange. Lilsy took another mouthful of his beer and finished It off, crushing the can In his hand and chucking It In the blue rubbish bin. Another Day, Another Kill. Life Is A Struggle.
*Goes off to read some more*
Which one should I put In my siggeh That one or That one? I cant decide which T_T
We are currently building this city, please stay tuned as our builders In KHV will be as quick as possible. .:What Its About:. A funny little Idea I had xD For this game to work, everyone must take part In making this city come alive!! Stickman city Is the same as any old city with houses, jobs, buildings, parks, malls etc. But YOU make them! There will even be streets, roads ANYTHING that takes part In a city. .:How?:. Well, everyone gets at least two buildings they can make each week, so you're only aloud to make TWO BUILDINGS a week. What you ARE aloud to make as much as you want Is small things you would find In a city, such as Billboards, job advertisements etc. Make anything you want In Paint, Photoshop, Gimp or any program you like! Its your city, so don't be shy to make anything. .:Size:. Okay, so, you're aloud to make two different things for your building. One must be 80x80 BIRDS EYE VIEW so I can fit It on a map. The other one can be..200x200 which will be the OUTSIDE/NORMAL view of your building. I'm afraid I'll have to choose where your building/billboard/house etc. will go because It'll be too confusing with everyone being all 'mine goes there' Me: Where? O_o But to make It fair, I wont make anything except for the sign and the outside of the map xD Okay? If you're a little confused, just make a 200x200 Building (Front) and a 80x80 Birds eye view of The same building. I'll do the rest. EDIT: That Reminds me! Post your Building But NOT the Birds eye view. PM The Birds Eye View to me and I'll be making the map
Why the fruitingles do I get all the Idiots?
NOTE: Most things In this aren't true. Its kind of like all those stories people have been making, except this Is small and In an Article. So don't get offended If we say anything silly, after all Its just a joke. Copyright @ Spamexpress 324 Spammyville, Spamzone KH-Vids Author: Jordie and TCO All Rights Reserved
*Glomps* Happy Birthday! 8DDD
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TOhuAg6FZ18 You might not understand It and Its more sad If you've watched the whole Anime. But Damn, It reminds me of Tohru xD (That girl In the Bath Is Tohru)
Bwahaha, Here you go xD NOTE: Some of these things aren't true. If we say silly things, don't get offended. Its just for Fun! Copyright @ Spamexpress 324 Spammyville, Spamzone KH-Vids Author: Jordie and TCO All Rights Reserved
The Slightly Strange Role-Play About A Story We All Know Prologue Stories are told to many about the terrifying cave of death, said to bring you In, but never let you out. This may sound corny now, but once you Indulge In the full experience you will wish you were more careful next time, If there Is a next time. Of course, no one believes the story of the poor group of six. They suffered pain and torture, after just being curious. Curiosity gets you dead, believe me on that one. Because only one remained of that six, and he was as lifeless as a dead man, strangely enough he would not stop saying the words "Game of Life until Death". Eventually, five days later, he died and his remains were no where to be found. But you're just a teenager, all this talk of death caves and The Brave Six are just jokes to you. But what happens next? This Is your Story. A Game of Life and Death. Can you survive the Pain, Suffering and Torture? And Remember one thing, Curiosity Gets You Dead. ________________________________________________________ This Role-Play Is purely made by me, based off this Story about KHV members http://www.kh-vids.net/showpost.php?p=980913&postcount=1 .:Rules:. (Must Read!!) Rules are quite Important In this Role-Play. So please read them because we don't want everyone dead In the end. -No Godmodding (Obvious Reasons) -No Powerplaying (Obvious Reasons) -Keep Swearing to Minimum -Blood Is aloud, but no 'Her Head flew off with blood splattering the ground'. Thats just...No. No extreme gore -If you want to offer to die (That sounds..A little strange) You can make two characters. But thats only If you're going to die throughout the story and want to continue -Don't be the hero, you can save someone but not If they're on the brink of death -Grammar Please -There will be three different Chapters. I will make them and explain things I may want to add. -Post your Applications here or PM me. I don't really care -Post at least 3 lines. Seriously, I like detail =\ - Have fun! Seriously, If you're not going to have fun you may-as-well forget joining this RPG. .:Character Application:. Your Username: Character Name: Age (Above 13 please): Personality (Detailed): Appearance: Picture (Optional, Post link to pictures please!): Background (Your character cant just appear, Where does he/she live? Whats her/his life been like? Who Is he/she friends with? etc. I want DETAIL people!!): Are you going to die In the story? (If so, you can have another character): I Agree/Disagree With the Rules (If You Disagree you're out): .:Characters:. Username: Sacae Character Name: Shawn Attaway Age: 18 Personality: He is a self-proclaimed "Chronicler" and spends most his time writing about the things around or happening to him. A journal is always in hand. Because of this he is very pensive and often perfers thinking things through to quick emotional based actions. Though, he is very friendly to people and has just forever awkwardness about him. He is very laid-back to the point of laziness or complaining about not being able to be lazy. Shawn even has the look of a lazy-also tired person; never standing tall and wearing clothes wrong. He is a very strange guy in that sense. Usually he is thought and kind of up-beat but he takes tragic things worse than more people. He, despite his laziness, is one to do stuff unneeded if he proclaims it needed. Around people he likes to make jokes, and is very open-hearted to people and their problems. When it suits him or is important to him, self-proclaimly. Appearance: He has messy, black bed-hair that spike out some on the top. Golden brown eyes that seem slightly too golden. He is a lean boy, but not sickly so. Shawn is about 5'7' but seems at first taller than that. He has pale skin and its clear he hasn't been out a lot. On this day, he will have a backwards white tee on - with the tag sometimes poking out. A green zip up jacket, and blue jeans with sneakers. Picture: http://i3.photobucket.com/albums/y96/sacae/untitled2.jpg Background: Shawn grew up in a small town and had quite a normal childhood. Annoying older sister, a shadow left behind by a brother, and parents that didn't quite understand the cost of breaking up and getting married again. He was a very quiet child. He got decent grades as he got older, but was too lazy for much homework. Most his free time he escaped into his writing. When he entered high school he started to study people. His views had been so trapped in his household - and after his mom left for good - his eyes opened. He broke out frrom worrying about or being jailed in by his family and looked at life. It was around this time he self-proclaimed himself with his job. He wanted to write down every event and trait of human natural. It wass all really just a quiet guy reconnecting with the social world. The was a trick for his mind, to make it seem important. He works for his school newspaper and is a senior in high school. Though he talks to people, he has no true friends...for he is still 'distant' in a sense by the journal. (sorry for crappy background) Are you going to die In the story?: Well, I'm not planning on it. But, of course if it happens I'm not god-modding out of it. I Agree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Username: Jordier0xs0x (Jordie) Character Name: Karian Joyce Age:16 Personality: Karian has a fun-loving nature which tends to lead her Into confusion when It comes to tough situations, but It always makes her and the people around her feel just a little bit more hopeful. You could say she Is quite confident, but when she Is scared her shyness takes over, and you can say Good-bye to Karian. She has a thing with telling people the truth, but not quite so harmful as you would think. Her workmates and boss say she Is quite the hard worker, so that puts her determinant skills to the test. Karian cant socialize too well, only because she never knows what to say during conversations, so people get the impression that she just Is a quiet girl, although some days you'll hear her screaming and running In the rain, It seems to be her source of power, the rain. Karian Is very protective of her friends and family, maybe Its because she doesn't have many friends and maybe Its because she has a very little family. Appearance: Karian seems to always have colorful clothes on, people judge her for that and the color of her eyes and hair. She seems to think that she's quite fat, even though thats not true and she Is quite thin. Despite her weight, she Is unusually taller then a 16 year old and often gets judged by that as well. Her eyes and hair are a light orange and stands out from the crowd. Its made her wonder sometimes, If what she looks like makes people judge her badly. But It never gets to her, she Is happy with what she looks like, no matter who likes It or not. Picture: http://i70.photobucket.com/albums/i89/Rei_sama/Anime girls/origianl_skirt9685410.jpg Background: Karians Mother died when she was born. Everyone who hears that always pity's her, but she was never that upset about It because she never knew her mother. Sometimes she thinks It would be nice to have a real mother, not like her Stepmom, but thats only rare. Growing up was hard, her Dad liked to go out a lot, which left her with her two younger brothers to look after. She was like a Mom to them, and she used to get In fights with her father about It. She wanted to be a kid. She wanted to be like the other kids at school. She wanted to live a life. As her and her brothers grew up, Karians father began to loosen up a bit. But It was too later for her, by the time she knew It Karian was 15 and already a teenager. Even with her Dad paying attention time-to-time, Karian still has to look after her brothers. On her 16 birthday, she got a job and decided to make money to pay for the bills that were months late. She works with her friend, Ellie, cleaning hotel rooms. Its an easy job If you like cleaning, so she earns a fair amount of money. Other then that, her life has been pretty normal. Her Dad got married just before her birthday and before she knew It, she had a new Mom. School Is always talking to her, maybe Its because she always draws In class, so her books are like Art Galleries, or maybe Its because of how she looks. Either way, all they tell her Is so pull herself together. Are you going to die In the story?: It depends If there aren't many people going to die. If not, I'll make another character and probably die xD I Agree/Disagree With the Rules : I Agree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Username: Namine-Kairi Character Name: Casey Jones Age: 14 Personality: Casey is Quite quiet exept from when she's scared she doesn't have many friends, she's shy most of the time and sometimes takes things serious. If there is one thing that she doesn't like doing it's tempting fate. Casey draws alot and usually carrys around a large drawing pad around in her bag. She cares mostly for those close to her and those around her even if she doesn't know them. She's quite messy but its the only way she can find things. Casey trys to avoid danger at its most and doesn't handle it well when she is in danger. Appearance: Casey is quite short for her age and isnt very "Colourful" as her friends put it. She usually has pink converses, navey skinny jeans and a black jumper on. her eyes are are an unusual colour they start off blue then green then yellow around her puple. She has dark brown hair with red highlights in just below her shoulders and a clip where her side fringe is. Picture: http://i160.photobucket.com/albums/t198/WickedQueenAvice/emo.jpg Background: Casey doesnt have many friends but the ones she does have she keeps close to her, her parents died in a car crash when she was eight ever since she has been living with her nanna in a small quiet place next to a beach and as she was an only child it was only them two and things seemed quiet around there from time to time. Are you going to die In the story?: erm...not to sure maybe. I Agree/Disagree With the Rules: yep sure do. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Username: Random Angel Character Name: Lynn Age: 16 Personality: She is shy when she is around to new but once she gets to know someone she isnt afriad to speak her mind. She is mostly quiet and she doesn't trust anyone and she doesnt have a social life but she is trouble child. She thinks lowly of herself also Appearance: Long, pruple hair, blue eyes, always wears some kind of t-shirt and jeans and sometimes a black hoodie Picture: http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w232/Pristess_Of_The_Dark/Anime Girls/th1139848658_l.jpg Background: Her father left her mother as soon as he learned that she was going to have a baby. Her mother died giving brith to her and she blames herself for that. She lived in a foster family but she always used to sneak out and do other bad teenage stuff so they left her on the streets and now she just want to be left alone. Are you going to die In the story?: I don't know yet I Agree/Disagree With the Rules: Agree ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Username: Cupcake Character Name: Jordan Age (Above 13 please): 16 Personality (Detailed): She proclaims herself as a person who believes she can make a difference in the world. All throughout her life, she has wondered one question. Why, and its made her stronger in her mind, making her want to think more about what could happen, when it'll happen, how it will happen, and why will it happen. Everything is a mystery to her, and she is a person, who will seek the answer. Appearance: She has long blonde hair, with golden eyes. She is fairly around 5'6, and wears a long black dress with a small slit up the left side. She wears a tan jacket zipped up around the top and she wears black shoes that are good with running (not any fancy sneakers, just some lack running shoes). She has a gun holster on her left thigh for emergencies. She wears a black backpack over her shoulder full of emergency supplies. Picture: http://i95.photobucket.com/albums/l128/shadow_flamestress/girl.jpg Background : She was born in a village far away from civilization. Once upon her birth, she was taken away from her parents as payment for an unscheduled birth. She ended up growing up as a slave to a household of people, and she became attached to their daughter whom was also her age. Once she reached 14, she was sent out of her home and into the world. She soon found herself back into a civilized city, where she began working for a few years on a construction team as a guider. After she was fired, she went into hiding from two boys whom had stalked her. A about a week later, she found out they were dead, as they had gone into some sort of Death Cave. She laughed and decided to take the challenge. Are you going to die In the story? : Still debating I Agree/Disagree With the Rules (If You Disagree you're out): I agree ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Your Username: Larxene~Miss antenne2~ Character Name: Akatsuki no Kuruma (Means Dawn's Carriage) Age: 14 Personality: Cold hearted and very depressed. Yet behind all that is a gentle,caring, and kind soul. She hates talking, and faints at the sight of a loved one being killed by somone else's hands. Rarley smiles, laugh, or even show emotion. Appearance: Long, white, silky and smooth hair. Her eyes are normally Black, but turn red when the curse begins to take over her (read background) Picture: Akatsuki no Kuruma Background: Akatsuki was born into a deadly prophecy. She is cursed so that after 2 weeks of having a new friend, the curse will take over her body and force her to kill him or her. At times she can overcome this, but is extremely dangerous, and the curse backfires, causing a life threating sickness that somehow heals up quickly. As the prophecy goes, when she dies, she is reborn as a spirit that resembles the Healing spirit, Namura. She wanderers over her remaining friends to insure safety of them Are you going to die In the story?: Count on it. I'll create one when i die, cause I don't feel like trying to find another anime girl that isn't in a bikini, half naked or naked, or has giant boobs. XD I Agree/Disagree With the Rules (If You Disagree you're out): I AGREE TO THE UNITED STATES OF SCHNORTSIEMHENFBIK! .:Character Numbers:. I need this so I can sort out people...Yes! You get a Number! Hurray!!! 1. Shawn Attaway (Sacae) 2. Karian Joyce (Jordier0xs0x) 3.Casey Jones (Namine-Kairi) 4. Lynn (Random Angel) 5. Jordan (Cupcake) .:A Bit More About This Story:. The cave has Multiple holes In the ground when you go In, you cant see them because Its too dark. Each of you will fall Into your own hole, or you can be with another person. The cave Is a big maze with traps and Illusions. The cave might even have a forest In It! You can decide which world thingy you want to be In. Remember, there are Giant Deadly Spiders as well (Don't ask, Thats why Its called 'The Slightly Strange Role-Play'). Later on In the story I might even add even more deadly monsters! (Damn this sounds Corney xD) Take In a note: You are fighting for survival. If you didn't bring food In with you when you go Into the cave, you cant just live happily without any food, you starve or find some food somewhere. Same with water. If you're having trouble with worlds, heres some Ideas (NOTE: Each hole has a different world): Ice Land Forest Dessert Tunnel Just a normal cave etc. BE CREATIVE! If creativity didn't get me anywhere with the Story, then I don't know what did. Thank You For Joining!!
Can you guess who It Is? ^-^ Kekeke *Evil Laugh*
Thanks to Xendran xD *Cannot stop listening to It*
This Is Issue 2 Everyone! For those who missed Issue 1, Its on the 3rd page of the Spamzone. NOTE: Most things In this aren't true. Its kind of like all those stories people have been making, except this Is small and In an Article. So don't get offended If we say anything silly, after all Its just a joke. Copyright @ Spamexpress 324 Spammyville, Spamzone KH-Vids Author: Jordie and TCO All Rights Reserved
Seeing as though I was bored and I thought this would be fun, I thought I would make a KH-Vids newspaper. No Its not going to be serious xD Just Opinions and an Article. BTW This Isn't going to turn out like TSSSAFWAKTC, If I cant do it I'll get someone else to do it for me. NOTE: Most things In this aren't true, Its kind of like all those stories people have been making, except they're articles. Don't get offended If I say anything bad xD
I certainly do
That Fiona and me do it In my bed every Sunday She tells him she's at church but she doesn't go Something Something Something Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know So don't tell Scotty, Scotty doesn't know Scotty doesn't know~ ..Apparently Scotty doesn't know o: