Im so gonna die! Last time my mom put my play station 2 up in the attic >___> She said if it happens again I was gonna regret it >___> P.S. Namine 4.0 my mom isnt like yours >___>
Im so gonna die! I voted for me to die >___> Man Im scared!
My mom is so gonna kill me!!! TTT^TTT Give me help!!!
Lol my mom is stupid >D Lol just kidding mommy! >____>
Woot! What I miss guys? Huh? A party for me? Aw you guys rock!! >D
Dude Ive been playing this game for a year so yeah I own >D Oh and I dont think you know a lot about it >___>
Dont worry I will remember yhat wafles TTT^TTT
You need to wear a bikini if you want to be a cool member
Or shurikens fell out from the sky!!! >D
Only monkies can make AMVs! Boo-yah! >D
I'll give you one! >D *Gives rep*
Dont know what your trying to say but I dig >D
Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight;) Ok who likes chicken! I like chicken popcorn!!!! >D
Why thank you, and I'll miss you shmexyness even thou you're shmexier then me >D
Ok if you say so A little bit of Minnie in my life! Blah blah blah! Chicken pancakes! Goofy doofy boofy soofy!
I'll miss you guys! I'll miss all my peeps out there! Dx just saying...Happy wedding?
Yup thats right >____> Mom said that this is not teaching me anything. I thinks it is >P
Aw man this is so wrong! Life is so messed up Dx
Wait are you two girls?!?! This is so wrong Dx