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  1. Claryssa


    Because we need a fantasy RP here. XP

    This role-play idea was created by a friend of mine, but I got his permission to borrow the general idea.

    Long ago, there was a planet called Geonigma. It was a place of peace and prosperity, protected by the four guardians. The guardians each controlled an element; Fire, earth, water, and wind. There is one other element understood in this world. That is, life. This element is held by one chosen by the guardians, but only with the guardian’s power can they control it. When the guardians are not needed they rest for long periods of time. They only awaken when they are called. To call them, one must first find the current wielder of the staff of Geonigma. There is only one staff, but sometimes people try to make money by selling fake staffs.
    People are led from the path when the staff does not wish to be found. Now it is time for someone to save Geonigma once again. Chaos has broken out since the high priest, holder of the final element, has become sick with power. He wishes to control all elements. To do this, he must first destroy the guardians. The staff which calls them is the only weapon that can truly injure them.
    Some people have noticed this corruption, and others don't believe the world was ever peaceful. Now these two kinds of people must join together to find the staff, rally the guardians, and save Geonigma.

    Now you must choose, good or evil?


    1. NO godmoding or power playing!
    2. Romance is allowed, just keep it clean.
    3. Be at least Semi-Literate. (Also I'd prefer if you posted in past-tense third-person. Less confusion if everyone is in the same tense and pov.)
    4. No chatspeak withing the roleplaying.
    5. Do not ignore people, if another character is talking to your character, at least acknowlege that your character is ignoring or doesn't notice the other character. Yes, that means reading every single post.
    6. The most important rule: Have Fun! :D


    Character Name (First AND last, unless a guardian):
    Age (Keep it reasonable.... the guardians are as old as Geonigma itself):
    History (Make it interesting.... don't make it a sob sob, cry cry kind of history, if I get more then two of those I think I'd die):
    Role(You can be a guardian, but there are only four):



    Fire: Available
    Water: Available
    Wind: Available
    Earth: Available

    Other Roles​

    Staff Weilder: Available
    High Priest [Villain, Holder of the Final Element]: Available
    All Others: Always Open

    I'll put my character up when I decide who I'm going to be. Hopefully this gets some positive responses.:)
    Thread by: Claryssa, Oct 18, 2006, 1,046 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Claryssa
    I have to say that my favorite Disney movie is Sleeping Beauty. It was animated entirely by hand. And I love that the music is actually based on music from a Classical Composer. Good music! Beauty and the Beast has awesome music to though! ^^:p
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Movies & Media
  3. Claryssa
    On a note, tied to a balloon we let loose after a pep rally at school: "Your balloon was molesting me, so I sent it back. *insert school phone number here*"

    At lunch, randomly: "Ah! I'm covered in tree sperm!"

    And all the random perverted conversations that we had at lunch. I miss high school. Our discussions included the number of holes in the human body, anatomically correct Barbie and Ken dolls, a Build-a-Broad, what the school food looked like and much more.

    Oh! And I forgot, putting our friend Chris to bed this past weekend. We had to drag him into the bed and watch him until he stopped trying to get up. He'd been up for 73 hours when he finally went to sleep.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  4. Claryssa
    I had to give all my kittens away, I still have their mothers (there were two litters). At least I know they got to good families. Anyway, thanks for the compliments. ^^

    Sugarfilled, nice pictures. I wish I could play an instrument. I do sing though, but so do a lot of people. XD
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  5. Claryssa
    Pictures... hrmm... alright.

    I'm on the right, the other girl is my younger sister.

    Yay! Disneyland! I'm sitting on the golden horse. ^^

    Those are my babies. I miss them.

    Finally, a professionaly taken picture. A senior picture taken in my prom dress.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 17, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. Claryssa
    0.0 OMG! I love that site! I was able to listen to all of the YYH music there! I was so happy! ^^ *has the site bookmarked already* :D
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  7. Claryssa
    Aetheism is a belief as Darkwatch mentioned. My opinion is to let people live their lives as they see fit. I myself am a Roman Catholic, but I do my best not to force my beliefs on anyone else.

    Just as there are Christians who try to force others into their religions, there are Aethiests who try to tell me that God doesn't exist. That frankly pisses me off, so if someone does try to tell me that, I argue.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  8. Claryssa
    I agree (not on the Bill Clinton being great part, but that's a different discussion)... woman president sure.

    Just not Hillary Clinton. Sorry to thoseof you who think she would make a great president... I don't. Some of her veiws scare me and I really don't think that she will make the country better.

    As for Oprah, she has no experience in politics, to make her president would not be a wise decision.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Claryssa
    Name: Arosa Zende

    Background: Arosa was born as a demon amongst humans and was raised to try to get along with them. She was taught an illusion that helped to blend her in, she used it only to please her parents and quickly returned to her normal self when she was out of their sight. When she looks back, she wonders if what happened to them had to with her refusal to hide her true self. The humans that lived nearby turned against the demons there and took her parents' lives. She managed to escape to a mostly demon community, where she found a master of the 'Flame Blades'. After much begging and hard work on her part, he took her as a student. Her master seemed young to be so knowlegable of such an ancient magic. That could be part of the reason her affections for him grew into more than apprentice to master feelings. To this day she still doesn't know why he was so angry, but he was angered and sent powerful magic at her, if she hadn't used a shield, she would have died. In a rash decision, she used her reflective shield sending the blast back at him, killing him. In a rush of guilt, regret, and loss, she left and has wandered since, hoping to someday find the reason for her master's anger and atonement for killing him.

    Weapon: Arosa holds but a single short staff. It is about two feet in length and made of plain silver. At the center is a barely visible seam, at which she can twist to reveal a long blade on either end, adding to the danger of her staff.


    Strength level:10

    Magic level: 10

    Wisdom: 10

    Agility: 10

    Experience: 50

    Level: 1

    Rank: Soldier

    Guile(Guile is your sneakiness): 5

    Archery: 3

    Aiming abilities: 0

    Element: Psychic (It makes more sense at special abilities.)

    Appearance: Arosa stands tall at about 5'9. Her black hair falls in waves to her tailbone. Perched on top of her head are two cat-like ears. Her eyes are a dak shade of violet. She has a slim black cat tail. She wears loose black pants and black robe that is open at the sides, it is held together with three small, ornate golden buckles on each side. Her shoes are simple black cloth shoes.

    Goal: Arosa is on a journey of atonement. She seeks forgiveness for her master's death.

    Gender: Female

    Race: Cat Demon

    Back-up Weapon(s): Four small knive, sheathed at her forearms and legs.

    Age: 20

    Alignment: Good

    Other: Arosa reacts very unkindly toflirts.

    Special Abilities: Arosa's fighting focuses on defense, rather than offense, so her weapons may not be used often.

    Schval - A shield that blocks most physical and weaker magic spells.

    Schval Ma- A much more powerful shield, that blocks and reflects any attack. However, using it drains all of her energy and she becomes physically exhausted, passing out for about a day after using this ability.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Claryssa
    No problem and yeah, one of his sides was a woman. Itsuki... was in love with Sensui's sensitivity, which was most prominent in his 'female' personality.

    evilman_89, yeah I had to search to find out when I could watch it. What sucks is that I have sattelite so it was on at 3:30 for me, not 5:30. DX I refuse to get up that early on Saturday, even for YYH. So, I would stay up. XD
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  11. Claryssa
    I voted for Riku.

    He's hot. Sora's cute, but Riku is gorgeous.
    He's brave and a fiercely loyal friend. True in KH he did turn to the darkness; however, you must remember that after that experience, he fought the darkness that he had come to fear, then plunged back into it in order to help Sora. If that isn't a true friend, then I don't know what is.
    Overall, I have to say that I love Riku.:D
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 16, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  12. Claryssa
    Yes, Roxas, the Republican ish back. I've started reading KHVR, just haven't caught up yet, I'll post there when I catch up. XD

    Dun worry, Rikku! It's a natural response to new people on forums to brief them in the rules.

    I feel loved and remembered and welcomed all over again!
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 12, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  13. Claryssa
    YYH!!! Yay! I adore this show. I need to buy the series though. But it's gonna cost me a precious amount of money. About $100 per boxed set and there are about six, I believe. So approximately $600 for the series. 0.0 But, to get them all, uncut is one of my many goals.

    jillhomes86: You're talking about Sensui, right? Seven personality dude? When he begins the big fight with Yusuke? I know the epsiode, but not the number... in the late 70s to early 80s. That's as far as I can narrow it off the top of my head.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 12, 2006 in forum: Anime and Manga
  14. Claryssa
    Beast, he was such great help in Hollow Bastion. ^^;
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. Claryssa
    I prefer Goofy to Donald for the simple fact that Goofy has something about his simple personality that makes me want to glomp him. Donald scares me, he has anger problems.

    In battle, I still like Goofy, he seems to fight more intelligently than Donald.
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. Claryssa
    I like the Shadows and White Mushrooms. Though a lot of the heartless are simply fun to fight. :D
    Post by: Claryssa, Oct 11, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. Claryssa

    Hello! Hello!

    And so I am here. Hello to those of you who know me and greetings to those of you who don't! ^^
    Thread by: Claryssa, Oct 11, 2006, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures