With the legal incident, it is possible that they will use someone else.
I think that children do need to learn some respect; however, physical punishment is not always the answer. I do believe that at times it may be necessary, but only for serious misbehaving. In a lot of cases, talking and timeout just doesn't do the job that needs to be done. I don't believe that spankings should be used as the only form of punishment used. I didn't vote, becuase neither of the choices fit my beliefs. They are too black and white and this issue, like so many others is not a black and white issue.
Yay! Hikaru no Go! I love that show and manga. I actually haven't gotten very far, I should continue watching/reading it, though. Hehe. *clings to Sai* Yay~!
By then I was used to seeing guys in anime look like girls, so no, I knew Kurama was male from the get go. XP I also immediately decided that he was my favorite character.
anonymous, I am not a Megaman fan, so that example does nothing for me. Sorry.
Hello, hello! I am Claryssa, though I prefer to be called Clary. Don't worry about being wierd, we all are here. Or at least the active ones are. :p Uhmm... welcome, follow the rules, be nice. And all that jazz! *wants to listen to that song now* DX Too bad I'm not at home, I could put in the Chicago DVD. Anyway, I'm rambling...>.>;;; As for the sigs use and image tag. It would look like this: Code: [IMG]Insert URL Here[/IMG] Hope that helps. I'll see you around. *hands you a chocolate chip cookie and skips off into the sunset*
[IMG]Insert URL Here[/IMG]
I apologize beforehand if I sound rude, but I think that if you have the chance to sleep it's stupid not to. I mean what is the point of not sleeping? Sleep is essential to bodily health, so why choose not to?
Oooo.... I come back and find things that I can post and respond to. Yay~! :p I can't really say that any games are original, as most are based in part on some sort of legend (most that I enjoy at least). What can really be called original? I'm not sure about taking originality as a factor for a good game. As long as it's interesting and perhaps has it's own unique twist, then I'm fine. Mythology is a basis for a lot of the weapons and monsters in the FF games... it doesn't really make the games better (great as they are)... at least not in my eyes. The cover art is definately an attention getter, same goes for the title. However, if I read the basic story on the back and it does not grasp my interest, I put it back on the shelf and forget about it.
Yeah, I'd think said being could have been part of a different world, you just never know.
Storyline and gameplay are the selling points of games for me. Story especially; however, no matter how interesting the story, if I find I can't stand the gameplay, I won't continue to play the game. ><
Hrmm... nice picture Samurai. ^^
Yay! Someone signed up~!:D A little more history on the Geonigma Guardians, they are actually part of the being that created Geonigma. The essence was split into five pieces, Earth, Fire, Water, Wind, and Life. Life is the only one passed among humans and that is what makes the High Priest the High Priest, s/he controls that element. The Guardians' race would probably be Gaurdian of Geonigma, and occupation would Gaurdian of {Insert Element Here}
Well, yes, knowlege is booksmarts, but wisdom is more than experience to me. It is a mixture of knowlege and experience. You cannot be wise without some intelligence. That's what I think. And I'm going to post a bunch of other reflections on wisdom now. I love these quotes. ^^ Hope you like some of them too! "Wise men learn more from fools than fools from the wise." Author: Cato (Marcus Porcius Cato "The Elder") (a/k/a Cato the Censor) "Wise men are more dependent on fools than fools on wise men." Author: Cato (Marcus Porcius Cato "The Elder") (a/k/a Cato the Censor) "Never mistake knowledge for wisdom. One helps you make a living; the other helps you make a life." Author: Sandra Carey "The key to wisdom is knowing all the right questions." Author: John A Simone, Jr. "It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf." Author: Walter Lippman "Experiences are savings which a miser puts aside. Wisdom is an inheritance which a wastrel cannot exhaust." Author: Karl Kraus "A wise man will make more opportunities than he finds." Author: Francis Bacon "By three methods we may learn wisdom: first, by reflection which is noblest; second, by imitation, which is the easiest; and third, by experience, which is the bitterest." Author: Confucius "To teach is to understand. To learn is wisdom. To learn together is understanding wisdom." Author: Sid Mendenhall "Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong mental attitude." Author: Thomas Jefferson
Yes, He could. There is no question about that. As for God making us invulnerable to nuclear explosions, He could, but I think the better question is would He? I mean we made the weapons ourselves; God does want us to have our free will and like a parent He hopes that we make the right choice and not try to kill eachother with nuclear weaponry. At least, that's how I see it.
True the taco part isn't too realistic, but the point is what most people are responding to.
((Hey everyone! I’m in the mood for some good plot less fighting, so I thought a tournament would be fun. Now, as judge, I will not be fighting in the tournament. All right, the rules: 1. As usual, no power playing or godmoding, or any of those other naughty things bad role-players like to do. I do watch for this. 2. The judges have the right to remove your character from the tournament, but will only do so if there is extreme need. 3. NO MAGIC, this tournament is going to be based on your characters talent with a weapon, not how well they can read each other’s mind or protect themselves with barriers. 4. Use Logic. A. If you throw something, you give your opponent a chance to react. B. If you’ve been hurt, your character IS weakened, even if slightly. C. No killing. D. If you're fatally wounded, (i.e. hole through the stomach or the chest), you lose the match. E. Yes, you have limits, no one is invincible. 5. Your weapon also has limits. A. True the larger the weapon the more damage it does, the wider the range, but the ways to attack are more limited than those of a smaller weapon. While smaller weapons make smaller wounds; the wielder can move faster and get in closer to deal more attacks. B. There is a limit of five weapons, per person, remember the more weapons a character holds, the more weight they have to carry, though it can depend on the weapon. C. Long range/throwing weapons (i.e. bow and arrows; throwing stars; kunai; etc.), count as one, but there is a limit of 20 stars/arrows/knives, and you can only have ONE long range/throwing weapon. 6. I will be timing each fight and if they go beyond one week (seven days), I will be forced to stop the fight and call it, so that everyone has a chance. I think that’s it except play fair and have fun! Now to introduce the announcer and in-character Judge: Khandi Gross!)) A young woman in jeans embroidered with flowers and a cute flower T-shirt, walked into in the arena. Her blue eyes bright with excitement; her blonde hair was in ringlets to her shoulders, that bounced as she walked. â€Hey! I’m Khandi! I’m announcer and judge of this tournament. So, welcome! Let’s go!! I hope you all know the rules. Talk to me to sign up, okay? I’ll be waiting!!!†With that she went to a corner, and sat at the desk to wait. ((Okay, see how Khandi was introduced? I’d like to see you do that or something like it; it’s okay if you don’t. I’d just like to see as little OOC as possible. Hope you join! P.S. There may or may not be a prize for the winner. I may ask the winner if they have a request or people may suggest things. Keep in mind I cannot draw, I am a terrible graphic artist, the main thing that I am sure I have some talent for is writing. XD))
Name: Claryssa Age: 19 Background: Born in Texas, grew up in a close and very religious family. Now living in Arizona and has been there for 12 years. Has two younger sisters and a younger brother. Relations with other members: Tries to be friendly with everyone, except in a debate. Can get kinda mean when protecting my opinions. Prefered Weapon: Two long knives. Reaction to game *your strategy* : Try my best to avoid the danger zones and follow the rules without dirtying my hands; however, my wishes not to kill may not be realized. Slightly paranoid, may react violently to being startled. Your number: Nine (9) ((Yay! I got my number from KHVR! >.> I just hope I don't end up like I did in the story. >.>;;)) Gender: Female
I say Bleach is better, because it is. Seriously though, the story kept me much more interested than Naruto did. I have to say, I got kinda tired of Naruto after a few episodes. With Bleach I kept having to find more, I needed to know what happened next. I still need to know! DX *hates waiting for new episodes*
In all honesty it is a question that is beyond our understanding and that is that. This was discussed in another forum I am on and no conclusion was reached I think they are still discussing it. (This was a couple years ago, mind you). It is in short and unanswerable question. Definately a mystery of life. I think... God could create it, what He would do with said taco, I don't know, but there is no doubt in my mind that He could create a taco so hot that He could not eat it.
This happens to be a roleplay introduction in forum-wide RP my friends and I are working on. It's a nice example of my ability. Perhaps you guys can give me some tips to make my writing more interesting. ^^ I'm doing this because I love constructive criticism. So be honest, okay? No one spoke as they ate. Meals had been unusually quiet lately. There had been little news. The stalemate continued and there little he could do. He had to step out of the ranks to deal with matters of the state. He silently pushed his empty plate away. It was immediately cleared away and he was helped from his seat, as were his brother and sister. The king eyed his younger sister; she had that determined look again. He gradually increased his pace as he moved down the hall toward his chambers. “Brother!” She called, her soft footsteps rushing to keep up with him, “Please wait brother!” she called again, “I’d like to speak with you!” Regyne sighed and stopped, “What is it?” He asked, not bothering to turn around. The young woman moved around to see his face. “First, why do you walk so fast? Is there something that requires your immediate attention?” Regyne disliked her impertinence, but she was his sister; there was little to do about it. “There is always some matter that needs a king’s attention.” He spoke firmly, but his voice was soft. He did care for his sister, but when she constantly harassed him with comments regarding the war, she tended to be a nuisance. And he just knew that that was what her determined look at dinner meant. She meant to talk to him about it again. “Now, dear brother, this will only take a moment.” She smiled, “I just want you to reconsider your approach to this war. You are a new person… you are not father or grandfather. No one remembers why this war started anymore, it needs to end quickly, yes, but must we continue fighting?” Regyne sighed and nodded, “Our enemies will not let up. If we do not continue fighting, we may as well surrender.” “But brother, don’t we have ambassadors? Can’t we try to solve this without anymore bloodshed, this war has been going on for so long…” she stared at her feet when she spoke, but looked up when she felt Regyne place a hand on her head. “I know; I wish there was another way, but our only chance is to win.” He spoke with certain gentleness, reserved only for family. The woman sighed and her determined face returned; she looked at her brother fiercely. “What about the ambassadors???” she cried. “We have tried that and it did not go as planned.” He turned his head and looked away. He was unsure of what had happened, but the ambassadors hadn’t made it, nor did they return to Hikari. It could just as easily been someone within Hikari as it could have been in Rakurai. Either way he had lost any hope of them returning alive. The girl examined her brother’s face, something was bothering him; he was keeping something from her. She huffed and walked around, going in the opposite direction. Sighing the young king continued on his way to his chambers. His sister was a peace loving girl, yet she understood less than she believed she did. He could not bear to make her face the true brutalities of war… it would shred her pure soul. Ever since their father died, he had been acting as king and mentor to his siblings. He stepped into his chambers and fell into a chair, waving his attendants away, for now, he just wanted to sit and spend what little free time he had alone with his thoughts. Being king was a hard job, but it was his… he had to do it, for the country’s sake. He was after all, King Regyne Uletharious of Hikari; The Kingdom of Light.