That's my problem with it. The possibility of the death of the child. The ability to alter the genetic code would be a great asset to science, but the risks are great. I don't think scientists are going to start trying that until they know much more about genetic structure. Not even on "guinea pigs."
Actually, that's not the problem. We, humans, as omnivores do eat meat. Thus we eat animals. It's just like a wolf eating a deer. We have to eat too, don't we? To protect endangered species is indeed difficult though. Because, there is no way to stop all poachers; however, I'm all for harsher punishment for them. ;) I can't stand when people hunt for sport... only for food. That's the only reason man should hunt.
Actually, most of the gamers I know are non-denominational Christians. And I, like most others here believe that playing video games has nothing to do with religion. I definately have to agree with twilightsown on this. Gaming is not a truth.
Riku does not and will not have a Nobody.
Riku is in Chain of Memories; however, the Riku that Sora fights is a replica created by Vexen. The reason they fight is over false memories. They get in an argument over who made the promise to protect Namine.
It's about 5:58 here.Here in AZ, I don't need to deal with setting the clock back for daylight savings. XD I need to get ready, though. >.< *has a class at 7:00*
If I could think of who to cosplay as, I would. Well, I'm practically being forced to by my friends for Anizona. But what I personally love most about cons is glomping cosplayers. I still have to glomp a Sephiroth. My Anizona 3 will not be over until I do so. My goal last year was a Riku and I did so. She was a good Riku cosplayer too(she went as blindfolded Riku. The hair was perfection! ^^)! So good I ran down three flights of stairs to catch her and glomp her. ^^;;
I am the oldest one to post here. Yay? Maybe... *ish 19* Hrmm... I know there are people over 20 on kh-vids, though. Forum staff too. :D So if you are 18 or older, don't feel old. Kay? ^^
Wow... Antoinette, pretty. Dun much care for the historical figure, but I like the name. ^^ Real Name: Claryssa Jessica Anne *last name removed for my safety* [I like my name and I am too lazy to give myself a cool nickname on forums.] Nicknames: Clary, Claire, Ryssa, Little Foot [Land Before Time fans = me & my friends.]... I think that's it.
I worked on Halloween. Such a slow night, I don't know why we were even open. DX I work at Harkins playcenter. We had one kid the entire day. It was saddening. I missed out of trick-or-treating. :(
I believe that souls themselves do not get trapped on this world, but rather strong emotions are left behind and sometimes manifest themselves as what we call spirits. I also believe that demons and angels do mingle among we humans. Demons causing harm and chaos... Angel acting as gardians. I believe everyone has a gaurdian angel. It could even be a deceased loved one. ^^ Those are thoughts. :D
Yes, God told Abraham to kill Isaac. (By the way Isaac was his son, not brother). God had a reason for this though. He was testing Abraham's loyalty. Abraham nearly did it too; however, God sent an angel to stop him and provided a ram in place of Isaac for Abraham to sacrifice. You are mixing up people from the Bible Tallian. The man who killed his brother was named Cain and he was the first murderer, according to the Bible.
Christianity itself was not made up, yes, the religion was tweaked, thus the many denominations of Chistianity; however, to say it is a fact that it is entirely made up is a false assumption. I just felt I had to say something about that. I apologize if you consider this some sort of flame. It is in not intended to be so.
The greatest fear I have if a woman runs for president is that people are going to vote for her based solely on the fact that she is a woman, rather than whether or not they believe that she is the best choice for the country.
Alternate Universes exist. The idea for Kingdom Hearts was taken from this finding. Thus while alternate universes may exist, Kingdom Hearts, as Square presents it, does not necessarily exist.
This seems interesting, I'll PM my profile right away. EDIT: 0.0 You've exceed your PM quota, I can't PM it to you. Uhmm.... I hope it's alright if I post it here? I did try to PM it. Name: Saxora Anagram of: Arosa Weapon: Saxora holds but a single short staff. It is about two feet in length and made of plain silver. At the center is a barely visible seam, at which she can twist to reveal a long blade on either end, adding to the danger of her staff. Power: Saxora's power includes her Art and her own Heartless (not a humanoid Heartless). Art - One of Saxora’s greatest skills lies in defense. The main magic that she uses creates shields. She has two types of shields. One is simply that a shield to block physical attacks and most magic attacks. The other is made specifically for magic attacks as it will absorb the skill and fling it back at the caster. In other situations this same barrier can act as an extender for her arm, so that she can fling her staff and control it’s movement without getting in too close or perhaps if her opponent happens to drop their own weapon… she can turn it against them. When she uses her barrier as more than a shield it becomes almost visible, appearing as a mass of purplish fog. This she may also use to her advantage hiding in this fog of her creation or surrounding her opponent in it. There are times when she will also send a swirling spike flying at great speeds and distances toward her opponent, to chase them away or around. Her shield is very versatile. Heartless - Saxora’s Heartless appears in the form of a fox. She fights with the speed and agility that a fox possess, greatly heightened by the power of Darkness. While Saxora’s fighting is focused more on defense, Zende, this fox shaped Heartless, jumps right into attacking. She will attack relentlessly, making full use of her superior speed to dodge counter attacks. This vixen likes to taunt her opponent with illusions. She will create specters of herself and while they have no real form and will pass straight through the opponent, it gives her time to jump in with them and attack without being seen. Aerial attacks are a favorite of hers. What they look like: Physical Appearance - Saxora is tall and slender. Her face is typically stoic, showing little of anything. Her chin is held with an air of determination and her stance matches. Her eyes hold a piercing stare, waiting for someone to make a move and try to attack her. Her dark is loose and falls in waves halfway down her back. She walks with confidence not fit for someone who ‘feels’ so much guilt as her. Outfit - Saxora’s clothes are dark. She wears pants that hold tightly only at the waist and ankles. The rest dangles loosely around her legs, giving her plenty of room to maneuver with. Her shoes are simple, black and very flexible. Over her top half she wears a long robe that is open sat the sides, but for three ornate golden buckles on each side, holding them closed. Her clothes are entirely black and made to make her look graceful as she moves and fights Bio: Personality - Saxora tends to act the same around everyone. Friend or foe, she chooses not to decide…as a human she would give her trust quite easily, she still does. In the way any Nobody can. Though she acts cold and distant… she believes that she has the capacity for trust… and for guilt. There are times in quite, when she will remember her guilt and wish she could manage a tear. Her eyes remain dry, so she continues to fight. Background - Saxora chooses only to reveal that she blames her self for an incident in her life as a human and she refuses to reveal what she did as a Nobody, before joining the other Nobodies. (More Detail in Motive.) Motive - Saxora… seeks forgiveness… as a human, she feels she was responsible for being unable to help those who helped her when the Heartless attacked. Lives were taken and torn apart. Hearts went missing and the numbers of the creature only grew. No one could stop them, she was forced into hiding. She felt she was a coward, having hidden and survived. Almost, she didn’t realize it at the time, but she had become a victim. She didn’t realize that she was no longer whole until she was told. She was found, the truth of her 'existence' was revealed and… in the same speech…she was given hope, hope of being whole again, of having a heart, of forgivness. To be free from her guilt, that is Saxora’s sole desire, to do so… she will take whatever means necessary. There were some details that I felt were missing, so I added them beneath the main areas in your profile form. If you feel anything needs to be adjusted, added, or removed, feel free to tell me. ^^
I live in the US... in Arizona. And NRA, Disneyland in California is the original Disney theme park. Disneyworld in Florida was built years later. So... no Florida does not have the original Disney.
Hrmm... I really think that this ought to be in the 'Anything Else' section rather than 'Intelligent Discussion'. Anyway, what I haven't seen on this forum which might help people get to know eachother better are random surveys and questionnaires. I think those might help. XD
ryan's right. Once you start posting here, you can't stop. It's just too much fun to talk to the people on this forum. XD Anyway, welcome to the kh-vids forums. I be Claryssa (or Clary) and I be a rabid fangirl~! ^^
XD AxelEight, that's great, but I personally don't wanna know what Hades does to the poor FF characters in his spare time. On topic, I think that it would be great if he summoned Tidus or Vincent next. Vincent especially. XD *Vincent fangirl* XP