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  1. Jordz
    Well.... I rekon Ven, Aqua and Terra are the original keyblade masters and since that Sora killed himself when he was turned into a heartless Ven was 'Reborn'... Roxas.

    I think this happened because a keyblade master has never been turned into a heartless before and in the KH2FM+ secret vid, Ven is frozen... maybe he died and that's why he was 'reborn' becuase he was destroyed by darkness
    Post by: Jordz, Oct 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. Jordz
    I rekon that this game will be awesome!

    But I HATE the fact that it'sd not coming out on PS2/3....


    IMO: the 358 part of the title 358/2 days, stands for the days Roxas spent in Org 13. It's only 358 because the other 7 were spent in Twilight Town
    ... duno what the 2 is though

    (Sorry if this has already been said)
    Post by: Jordz, Oct 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  3. Jordz
    I rekon that these guys are theORIGINAL keyblade masters.....
    Post by: Jordz, Oct 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Jordz
    this might be weird but can you make me a collage of each of these characters????
    (i dont care which u mind choosing???)

    Sora, Roxas, Kairi, Namine, Riku, Demyx, Axel, Xemnas, Leon, Yuffie, Cloud, Sephy, Yuna, Paine and Rikku (from ffx-2) n zexion

    size: sig size
    txt: WHAT OBSESSION????
    Post by: Jordz, Jun 27, 2007 in forum: Art Shop
  5. Jordz
    this might sound stupid but can someone show me a picture of the 1st ultima weapon cause i've only got the 1 in the 2nd game which i reckon is pretty cool
    Post by: Jordz, May 27, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: YAY namine u can bring roxas if you want...... u 2 r a cute couple


    keyblade_BEARER: love you kairi MWAHZ ;)

    keyblade_BEARER has signed out
    Post by: Jordz, May 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: WTF DID I EVER DO 2 U XEMNAS??? (apart from detroy your subjects and home and stop you from taking over the world!!!!!)

    keyblade_BEARER: Dear Diary,

    I offically think xemnas is a ****** and is now not allowed to come to the movies with me, kairi and riku n whoever wants to come i wish xemnas would choke on his own butter cruch cookies :D

    keyblade_BEARER: FACE THE WRATH OF MY EVIL DIARY!!!! (with a pink flower)
    Post by: Jordz, May 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: dont bag ma diary... it was the only 1 left in da shop!

    keyblade_BEARER: mansex is u xemnas DUH
    keyblade_BEARER: hi demyx.... having fun doin jobs???
    Post by: Jordz, May 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER has signed in


    keyblade_BEARER: stfu demyx no1 cares.......
    keyblade_BEARER: i wanna go n c Final Fantasy Advent Children.... lol i can't imagine cloud acting!!!! :D
    Post by: Jordz, May 27, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER has signed in

    keyblade_BEARER: ok cool
    keyblade_BEARER: i wasn't going to do anything formal what movie?

    keyblade_BEARER: roxas you can bring namine if you want

    keyblade_BEARER: hey riku haven't seen you in AGES wanna *** to the movies with me and kairi??
    Post by: Jordz, May 25, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: i'd better go cya!!
    Post by: Jordz, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: LMAO!!! oh i gotta do a stupid maths project it pissing me off!!!!

    keyblade_BEARER: ur so lucky u've graduated!!!!

    keyblade_BEARER: do u think she'll say yes???
    Post by: Jordz, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: lol what's so exciting about looking in people's journals anyway????

    keyblade_BEARER: i have a diary..... it has a pink flower on da front.......

    keyblade_BEARER: i'm NOT GAY it just looks kool
    keyblade_BEARER: it was the cheapest at the shop
    keyblade_BEARER: u seen roxas lately?
    Post by: Jordz, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER: DA SKY IS UP!!!!

    keyblade_BEARER: i've just been kiling heartless, asking kairi out, waiting impatiently for an answer, listening to ma iPOD (mostly heavy metal) u know the usual

    keyblade_BEARER: oh n yer i was gonna ask u 2 kill marly 4 me coz he gave me a virus but meh:D
    Post by: Jordz, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER has signed on

    keyblade_BEARER: ummm HEY......
    keyblade_BEARER: kairi did u read ma post???
    keyblade_BEARER: i really think ur gawjuzz n luv u sooooo much plz say yes

    keyblade_BEARER: ???????
    keyblade_BEARER: i'll get you a dalmatian puppy!! ;)
    keyblade_BEARER: yo axel sup?
    Post by: Jordz, May 23, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. Jordz
    GO U JORDI WOOOOOOOOOO It rocks!!!!! :d:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
    Post by: Jordz, May 22, 2007 in forum: Archives
  17. Jordz
    keyblade_BEARER has logged in

    keyblade_BEARER: FINALLY IM ON!!!
    keyblade_BEARER: some stupid person gave me a virus.....
    keyblade_BEARER: NOT POINTING TO NE1.... MARLUXIA!!! FKN *******
    keyblade_BEARER: so wat i miss??? something bout a diary
    keyblade_BEARER: who stole it???? IM GONNA POUND U IT MA KEYBLADE *muhahahaha*

    keyblade_BEARER: kairi.... umm....i.... was...uhh.... wondrrrrring if you like i dunno maybe 1 day..... like um saturday wanna maybe go out??? :D
    Post by: Jordz, May 22, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. Jordz
    I feel sorry for Axel. He was missing roxas so badly that he looked everywhere and even kidnapped kairi just to get close to sora to find him.

    Eventually he found sora only to realise that roxas was inside sora and he wouldn't be able to see him again. Axel even killed himself trying to save sora/roxas.

    Also Axel was given orders to destroy Roxas..... I mean how tight HAVING TO DESTROY YOUR BEST FRIEND!!!

    but xemnas didn't care because nobodies aren't supposed to have 'feelings' and poor axel did..... ok that's enough im gonna go cry now :(
    Post by: Jordz, May 20, 2007 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. Jordz
    can i be Sora???

    screen name: keyblade_BEARER
    Post by: Jordz, May 20, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. Jordz
    it's ok I don't mind waiting.

    If it's too challenging you don't have to do it.

    I'll still love you (just a figure of speak im not a lesbian... no offence to lesbians)
    Post by: Jordz, May 20, 2007 in forum: Art Shop