Good mORNING Friend ...shall I give jooz a glomp ^-^?
OOC: Anyway... Kagura walked along the park's deserted path. Something isn't right hereKagura thought, starting to get suspicious
OOC: I did, it's in page 13 :D
OOC: thanks :D The streets are filled with people again. All I hear now is noisy chatter and car engines making noises. ............. I'll listen to some music, then, sit down on a bench in a park Kagura wandered around the streets as she usually did. Silently listening to her music.... I allowed to join o.o?
^-^ I luff cookies as well
*is surprised* Oh gawd! dun scares me D< 67
65 good to hear
I wish my parents were that cool..
her dad is addicted I bet..I never imagined a dad playing trix
Name: Emi age: 16 gender: Female year: 6th appearance: other: She is a quiet girl who loves to read books. Her whole family is dead except for her over protective aunt who cares too much.
second already?
63 so hows life?
FIERCE ROFL :D luff ur new avi ^-^
Name: Kagura Age: 15 Appearance: Personality: A not so serious girl. She usually listens to music than talk to people. Good or Evil: Good Power: She is extremely fast Weapon: Whip and her strong fists :D Bio: Kagura is an orphan who left the orphanage hoping she could undestand what life is about. Instead, she became a girl roaming around the streets, who barely sleeps. This happened at the age of 13 Username: Emika Sorry for the late entry...I have a habit of that :sweatdrop:
61......counting ish fun :D
Sorry Guys I g2g...iT'S ALL SOULS day today and I'm going to visit my late family members.....I might be bk in a few.....sorry..oh yeah..27 xDDD
twenty four...
21 *sigh* I wish my counting buddy was online ...