Don't keep tearing yourself down or I'm going to hug you..again >.>
Btw dun call me miss >.> my name is Emi :D
My friend is not stupid! D< .......*hugs*
To me you are ^-^ cuz ur mah friend :D
I know that xDDDD
*NODS*......I agree >.> o.o
The scariest movie/ show Emi has seen is.....a 30 minute show called BARNEY AND FRIENDS it scared the crap outta me x.x
neener~? explain to me >.< ....your a good person too I know that *hugs* >.> get used to it
My emerald game hates me x.x >.>....I was extremely far off in the game...with all lvl 100 pokemon! and one day just said ....sorry the game got erased because of corruption or damage. I don't know how it got deleted x.x
it makes this place colorful <3!!!!
is it nice to use different colors when I use different colors each post i make >.>?
Yess! she is mah bff irl ^-^
I know I'm awesome *wink and flips hair* xDDDD .......
Nah .....xDDDDDD
i'm getting twewy woooot!.....i shall share it with you when i visit your house or you visit mines
Thank you! Nobody has ever told me that before
*dead*...........................................................................................dam school!!!!!!!! yay friends but dam school >.>
no! *grieves* ....IM IN PAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in trouble! O.o >.>
I don't know.... o.o...I just use random colors xDDDDD