no problem
Behind These Hazel Eyes- Kelly Clarkson Disturbia- Rihanna
OOC: G2G X-ray on this dam sprain......hope I don't where bandages tomorrow "Ugh... racist *******s are blocking my way.... what should I do?" Kagura tried to consult with herself
Helllllo 5
OOC: Check page 13 I changed my appearance >.> Kagura ran with all her strength, which was extremely fast she could have circled the earth in about...I don't know, 2 minutes maximum....Anyway, when she arrived there, tired and drowsy she quickly looked for a blind spot because the whole area was surrounded by troopers..... not just any troopers....the racist ones
"Hmm.. looks like everyone's gone........what should I do? Get Lord Kratos because I was blocked by one of his racist troopers or.......stay here..." This could have taken a while, but, she chose to attack Lord Kratos for all his wrongdoings
Three~ ~~~
*cough* who??
I ... have no clue o.o
OOC: Sorry I haven't been on much x.x "Ok I spaced out a bit... mind telling me what happened?" Kagura asked, annoyed
No x.x......its swollen and It's harder to walk
Oh GAWD! Help me!~~~ ... Barney! it's poisoning my mind!
>> You ish not stupid!~
No >> I haven't been on much xD
Hello? Theater Club One of THE Lead Roles: The Queen >.> So annoying x.x
I don't believe that x.x ... I for one am glad Obama won the elections :D
I feel sorry for you....... one time I was washing a knife ( Yes, I was cooking x.x) then I got a large and deep scratch across mah finger o.o.............gawd I almost fainted x.x
OOC: what it means : Lets see if I ever get disturbed if I listen to my music xD sorry I like being figurative ..... I feel weird today x.x
Kagura put on her earphones "No one should disturb me... lets see if they can catch my ears if I'm surrounded my a great wall of music.."
Kagura left the lake and walked around the city for a while Deep down... I know I have something to live for...