Drunk people freak me out.....one time I was in a hotel ...I was gonna go down to sing for my aunt's wedding reception....I passed some drunk dude that was leaning on the wall he was like "Where ya going?!" I quickly walked away, scared he might come after me x.x
*sniffles*...gawd why did it have to me so dam sad x.x
Im crying.......x.x.....cuz.....I heard a song that makes me cry...
thirty eight....
thirty six
31 *COUGH* I told you were on break >>
T OR T started at 3pm ...sucks right? I want to walk around the neighborhood ....and scare the hell out of people :D
So How are you :D?
27....5:39 pm >.>
Once again.....I love it ^-^....
25 I did ..T_T My teeth HURT
23..I'm not a liar T_T .....My life is ok..and not ok.....Oh yeah...HAPPY HALLOWEEN
....Depends if it's a school day...it's doom...if it is not....I don't know...
21....hmmm......I don't know xDDDDD
"Yes very true.......but I was not planning on giving up my life..." Kagura answered "I was merely thinking if I was a mistake..." Kagura gave the girl a weak smile.
*taps back and gives 3 more bags* Hey, there is a lot more....don't worry...and no, I am not trying to make you gain weight..I just want you to be happy :D......
I dunno........o.o..I am clueless *goes to emo corner* worthless me x.x.....