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  1. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Okay." Silence. "What?" Kairi looked around. "Where the heck are we?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 7, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i'm sorry, but i don't think a single one of those people are evil. Riku once was, but he became good again. Namine isn't anywhere near evil. Roxas seemed kinda evil around Sora, but he's really not. and Ansem isn't evil, he gave up his life for Kingdom Hearts, remember? now, i know some people that really are evil (well, some might not be evil, just bad)
    Axel's in between good and bad to me. at first he's evil, but he gives up his life for Sora, so... he's probably good.
    all of Org. XIII except Roxas, Axel... i think that's it.
    all the other Disney villians
    and... that's all i can think of for now. check out my idea for KH3 above.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 7, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Magic." Kairi looked down. "I bet there's magic in every heart. Even... even mine, maybe." She looked at Sora. "You know, I've learned so much from you about so many things."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 5, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i made up, like, the coolest thing that could happen in KHIII (i doubt they will, but it'd be SO cool!!!) i thought that once everyone thought they defeated evil, everything would go black. once it was gone, Sora was gone without a trace. they eventually found some guy. he looked like the human Heartless and said he was nameless, but to call him Darkness. well, he said something like, "are you sure you want to see Sora?" and Kairi's like, "more than the world!" then Sora came in. but... his eyes were red.O_O Kairi said, "that's not Sora. Sora's eyes are blue. his are red." then there's this big talk on what Darkness did to Sora. when Kairi finds out he's controlling him, she slashes at him like crazy (but her Keyblade goes right through him). he tells Sora to destroy them. Sora goes off and starts fighting Riku and Kairi yells, "leave us alone!" Sora turns around and starts hitting her with his Keyblade while Kairi's trying to get him back to normal by saying stuff like, "i know who you really are" and blah blah blah. eventually, Sora hypnotizes her or something and she faints. then he uses Riku's Keyblade and nearly kills her, but then the real Sora starts fighting and he drops the Keyblade. then there's this big bright light that appears and it shows Sora back to normal in his final form. he tries to wake Kairi up but it doesn't work until he puts his hand on her heart (not literally, just her chest) and says "wake up." she wakes up and they all combine powers and defeat the darkness. then Sora and Kairi kiss....O_O so, that's practically it. i made up a big ending part that's really exciting. i'll tell it to you tomorrow. so, did you like what i made up?
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 5, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  5. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Thanks." Kairi got up. "H-how did you do that? Shoot fire?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 5, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    yay!!! we have a Riku!!!

    Kairi looked at Sora. "This time, I'll help." She got her Keyblade and slashed at the Heartless. All of a sudden, a Heartless jumped and got Kairi's Keyblade out of her hands. "No!!" she screamed. She reached for her Keyblade, but the Heartless started to get on her, making it nearly impossible to move or even breath. "Sora, help!!!!"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 5, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    Kairi's taken, isn't she?
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i like the scenes where Roxas first meets Sora and when Kairi finally finds Sora.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  9. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Hey, it might be complicated, but it's all we've got, Sora." Kairi took her Keyblade. "I'll give it a shot." She put it to the ground and the crown appeared. When the keyhole arrived, she pointed her Keyblade at it and unlocked the next world. "Alright, here we go." They went through to the next world.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Well, I say we just go anywhere random and start searching," Riku said.
    "That's a good plan," Kairi responded.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. *^~KairiHeart~^*
  12. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i at least don't understand this roleplay.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i know i do. sorry, but i needed someone to play Mickey for the moment. hey, do you wanna be in it? seriously, there's only me and Reku in this so far. i NEED more people.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i think these people are going out with each other:

    Sora x Kairi
    Roxas x Namine
    Mickey x Minnie
    Donald x Daisy
    Aladdin x Jasmine
    Beast x Belle
    Leon x Yuffie
    Cloud x Aerith
    Eric x Ariel
    Shang x Mulan
    Jack x Sally
    Will x Elizabeth

    and i'm not sure of anyone else. but Riku definately needs a girlfriend.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  15. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i think some random thing flew out of the ocean and hit him in the back of the head. ... okay, that's weird, but still, it makes sense to me.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i'm not trying to be mean, either, but if they're not bad, then what does this mean?:

    Nobodies = Bad

    look, i don't know where you're going with this, but i'm just gonna be Namine until someone says something, if that's alright with you.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. *^~KairiHeart~^*


    'He's kinda cute,' Trinna thought, still looking at Riku. She turned around, still trailing her way to find Sora. "I really need to find out more about these people. They all seem to know Sora, even though they won't tell me. Do they not trust me or do they just not want me to find him?" Trinna thought more and more, still not sure of herself. "I wonder why the king wanted this Sora in the first place. Oh well. Besides," she turned around. "I have my own secrets."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    no. i've been to a forum before, f.y.i., and i'm not an amature. i just expected that since this was a Kingdom hearts website there'd be a lot of Kingdom Hearts roleplays.

    "Well, I'm not even really sure what a Chaser is. And if I did, I still wouldn't tell you," Mickey commented.
    "Huh?! Why not?!" Kairi complained.
    "That stuff is for you to find out, not for me to tell you." Mickey left. Kairi got out her Keyblade. "So, where do we go?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 29, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Well, it's complicated. Someone with another Keyblade's here. I think he's a Chaser," Mickey said.
    "Chaser? What's a Chaser?" Kairi asked.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 28, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Like the note said, he probably wants to tell you something." Kairi walked over to Mickey. "So, what was this about?" Mickey turned around. "Oh! Sora, you're here! Listen, Sora, this is important. Do you guys remember Xemnas?"
    "Yeah, but, he's dead, right?"
    "Wrong. He's not dead. In fact, he's worse than that."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Oct 28, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home