a giant boulder came crashing down. it nearly hit Goofy in the head again when Sora attacked the boulder. but it didn't work and Sora...
wow. thanks a lot! i'll really try hard on this. i'm going to make my first amv! thanks, rouge! *huggles*:D
do you mean Kingdom Hearts Anime like a TV show?
"Aerith, you have to be more careful when you do magic!" Keelain looked over at Sora. 'That's him,' she thought. 'That's Sora. I wonder what he's like here.' Keelain looked at the others. "Guess it's time to go home, huh?"
Stitch jumped on her head, yelling "miacreeshta!" Kairi started laughing her head off until...
that helped. thanks.:) i'll ask my dad if i can use Windows Movie Maker. i only have one more question: how long does it normally take to make a video?
"Alright. But be careful next time. That was a big attack." She turned back around, slashing at the Heartless.
"Aerith!" Keelain exclaimed. She rushed over to her. "Aerith, are you okay?! What happened there?!"
wow. that was AWESOME!!!!!! how do you make those videos, anyway? how do you use amv?
(sorry, twilightsown.) "N-no! I-it just looks like his!" She used her Keyblade and started attacking the Heartless. "I've never done this before, but I'll try!"
(don't worry, that happens to me, too. i'm in the eastern time zone, too.) Keelain made the Keyblade appear again. "I wonder what he used this for." When she passed Kairi, Demyx and Aerith again, they noticed the Keyblade and stared in disblelief. Keelain gasped as she looked ahead. "Heartless!"
(yupseeeeeees.:D) 'Wow. Mom's different. She's not near as stuck-up. I bet she'd let me go on journeys with her and Sora, which I still have no idea where he is.' She continued walking and went into the defense class. "Hello?" No one was there. "Okay, why am I so stupid? There's no classes going on right now!" She turned back around, bonking her head.
"Uh, no. I-I'm fine. I'm just new to magic and Keyblades and stuff. My father... h-he never let me go on his adventures. And don't ask who my father is." Everyone was silent. "Of course, you probably won't ask that, so... I'm just gonna go." She turned around and followed Aerith's intructions to find the defense class.
631: yeah, that is weird. about a week ago, i had a weird dream that i was Kairi, and it was the part where i had just met Sora in a year. i was standing on this platform thingy, and all of a sudden, it started rising up. |next thing i knew, i was with Barbossa and a bunch of other pirates. Barbossa froze me and Sora came and defeated him and unfroze me. then the same thing happened (starting from where i put another one of these lines | ), but it was Sora that was frozen and i saved him. scary, huh? i've had stranger dreams, once of a vampire in italy and once of a trip to Greece in the president's limo. i can tell you about them if you want.
"Well, I just wanted to know where he was. I... uh, wanted to know what he's like now-forget i said that! Um... anyway, I don't think he's gona gay. He can't stay like that, anyway. That's not like him." She then realized she was practically going to give herself away if she didn't shut up soon. "Well, if you're not sure where he is, I don't wanna waste my time looking for him. Thanks." She paused. "And, do you by any chance know where ther defense class is?"
cool. i'm making my own KHIII play in my town. i'm Kairi in it.
"Keelain. Do you know Sora, or where he is?" She started thinking. 'Demyx. Where have I heard that name?'
cuz I'M Kairi, and I like Sora. and if any other girl likes him, too bad for her.XD
NRA jumped up and his feet kicked Sara in the face. She was so angry, she teleported him to another dimmension for life. Just then, KairiHeart walked in (who in this story is Kairi). She was so shocked at was was going on that she...
that was a really good vid! seriously, FINISH IT!!