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  1. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    then she asked, "who are these guys? your friends?" Sora nodded and Ariel smiled and swam away. then they heard Ariel scream and swam over and saw...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    Keelain walked to Demyx's house. She knocked on the door. "Is anyone in there?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 27, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    looked at Sora and said, "you're back!" and hugged him so hard he nearly...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    neato!!:) :)
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Production Studio
  5. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    i thought Sora was the crybaby?XD

    Tifa smiled. "Sure, I'll help." She got up. "But only if you promise me you'll get Riku to meet me somewhere. I think he's the only guy I've ever liked not just for looks." She held her hand out. "Deal?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    Keelain woke up in a completely new place, her head hurting. "Ow...." She stood up, although she was very weak.
    "So, you have come," an unfamiliar voice whispered.
    "Wh-who said that?"
    "No one you need to know about... yet. You must be the daughter of the heroes Sora and Kairi then, huh?"
    "Hmm. I suspected as much. You look just like your father."
    "Who are you? Show yourself!" The voice laughed. "Getting a little tougher now, are we? Please, you can't fight. You're way too weak, not to mention what I'm about to do to you."
    "I'm asking one more time!" She got her Keyblade out. "Who are you?!" A shadow came and nailed her against the wall, immobilizing her. "I am your father's nightmare, your mother's enemy, and I'll become your destroyer very soon. If you think your father doesn't know who I am, look again. Every time he sees me, I can see the fear in his eyes, as I see in yours. You are just like him, no matter how much you think you're different. I knew Sora, and if you must know my name," he let go of Keelain, who was choking since she couldn't breath. "I am-"
    "Hyrono," Keelain mumbled, still trying to grasp some air. Hyrono smirked. "You are just like your father. I was able to control Londino once, I was able to control Sora once, and soon enough, I will control you. But this time, you won't escape like Londino and your father did. Why? Because you have no best friends like they did. Londino had Seladina and Kapashnet. Sora had Kairi and Riku. And you have no one." He disappeared and Keelain passed out again from the lack of oxygen.

    "Keelain!" a voice called. "Trust in your heart! You do have friends! You have Sora, you have Aerith, you even have my old self!"
    "Yes. Your father sent you here for a reason. One reason, and one reason only. You will understand." Her mother's voice trailed off.
    "Understand what? Mom?!"

    Keelain jolted awake, still wondering what all that meant. "What will I understand?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Yeah. He knows you like Sora. And you don't have to ask Sora. In fact, half the school already thinks you guys are going out, including me. You don't need to announce it to Sora, he'll figure it out. And don't worry," she put a hand on Kairi's shoulder. "I'm sure Sora like you, too. There's no doubt in my mind."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    King Triton scolded Sora for bringing more humans into the ocean. Ariel tried to get him to stop, but...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    the people, so all the ocean plants and fishy were dead. Sora, Kairi, Roxas, and Axel decided to shut up then and stop acting like a bunch of two-year-olds until...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    (i wasn't trying to make Tifa hit on Sora.)
    "What's up, Kairi?" Tifa said. She sat down next to her. "Thinking about Sora? I'm still trying to figure out which guys are open. I know Roxas and Axel aren't. But, there's one guy I just can't seem to get out of my mind." She looked at Kairi. "You know him. Long, silverish hair, hangs out with you and Sora... he's just something. Hey." She paused. "Are you and Sora going out?" She took out a list from her book bag. "I have a list of the couples I know so far." The list showed only two.
    "You might not know it, but you and Sora are perfect for each other."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    yay!! this is the link if you wanna see it: the song is Chemiclas React by Aly & AJ. it's supposed to be for Sora & Kairi. please leave a comment!:)
    Thread by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  12. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    (well, that ruins it. i just told the world Keelain's secret for nothing! oh well.)
    Keelain wandered around with her Keyblade. "How did Dad use this again?" She tried going to another world. Nothing. "Man, I wish Dad showed me how to use this thing before he gave it up." Suddenly, a dark shadow appeared behind her. It did something and Keelain fell to the ground, unconscious.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Hey, spiky hair," Tifa said to Sora. She giggled a little. "Remember me from the Hollow Bastion?" She looked up at the schedules for boys and girls. "Wow. That really stinks. No first class with the cute guys. I mean, there's way more guys in this school than there are girls, and that means more guys without a girlfriend. And it also means that probably each girl will have more than one guy crushing on her. But with seperate schedules, girls'll never see the guys in the morning!" She looked at Kairi, who didn't seem to care much about that subject. "Hey, that means no Sora for you, Kairi." There was a silence. She laughed. "Don't worry, I already know." She sat down.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 26, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "Okay." Keelain took a deep breath. She leaned in closer to Aerith so no one else could hear. "I-I'm not from... here. And I don't mean where here. I mean when here. Like, not this time. I... I'm from... the future." There was a long pause. She looked down. "You see, my parents go to this school now. You might figure it out, you might not. Either way, you won't hear it from me who they are. Well, my dad sent me back in time to meet him as a teenager for some reason. What I'm still trying to figure out is why he did and if he's different. Because, well, my mom and dad always left for missions together, but they never took me with them. I got so sick and tired of staying home and watching my stupid, annoying little brother that... I-I guess I kinda yelled at my dad. Then he said something like, 'It's time you see what I used to be' or something and transported me here. You probably don't believe me, but that's the truth and nothing but the truth." She sighed and looked back at Aerith. "And, no, there are no flying cars in the future. They became old-school ever since they invented teleporting machines." She laughed a little. "I still haven't gotten to go on an adventure. A real adventure."
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    a bird's poo fall into his face.XDXD (i can't stop laughing at that) he was so embarrassed that he almost...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    you go to heaven if you're good and you-know-where if you're bad.:D i think if you go to heaven, though, you go to this place called... i don't know how to spell it. it begins with a P, but you go there first and then you go to heaven.
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  17. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    Kairi was still unconscious. he rushed over and tried to...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    "I-I come from... far away. To tell you the truth, no one knows the world, actually." Aerith gave Keelain a, 'tell me the truth' look. Keelain sighed. "Okay, I'll tell you. But you have to promise you won't tell a single person in any world existing, okay?"
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    yeah, it would. i mean, he seems like a really good principle person. i can see it now...
    Sora walks in. "Principle Merlin?"
    "I already know your purpose here, young Sora."
    that'd be so cool!:D
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. *^~KairiHeart~^*
    Nobodies came in, too. he couldn't handle it all and fell to the ground, unconscious. then, ____ (fill in the blank) came in and...
    Post by: *^~KairiHeart~^*, Nov 25, 2006 in forum: Retirement Home