10: ... i don't know what it's called.... 9: chainsaw 8: spreadgun 7: railgun 6: laptop gun 5: energy... something 4: icebeam 3: BFG 2: red turtle shells 1: gravity gun know what is #1 on my list? KEYBLADE!!!!!!!!XD
Name: Accilla (pronounced like Acheela) Rank: Heartless of Kairi Appearance: http://i27.photobucket.com/albums/c...ing Characters/DragonKeybladewithDarkuser.jpg (even though it says Freya on it, ignore that) Weapon: a Keyblade that looks like this: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v26/Xgemini/infinitedestinykeyblade.jpg Special Move: Overload creates an explosion when gathers enough energy
1,030: what up dogs?XDXD
*blows nose* it's over?! no way! (okay, to tell you the truth, this kind of stuff is no big deal to me. (don't hurt me) but, still... WAAAAAAAAA!!!!!XD)
Keelain woke up. "Ugh...." She rubbed her head. "That wasn't delightful...." She looked up and noticed Aerith. "Aerith! Listen, I need to talk you you in private right now! This is extremely important!"
i think Sora and Kairi are, like, meant for each other. in fact, my KH3 story is mostly gonna be about their relationship (well, Heartless and Nobodies and blah blah blah too, but... you get my point.)
that'd be so cool if i was in that story! i swear, i would, like, DIE if i was in that!! i'd be all, "OMG, I'M IN AN ACTUAL STORY!! AND I MIGHT DIE AT ANY TIME IN IT!!!"XD since you started it already, though, i'm not gonna be in it. it's no big deal. ... WAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! (joking...XD)
Kairi went bizerke and bashed the Hearless a bazillion times until it...
41 because... I HAVE NO REASON!!! IT WAS JUST SO SAD!!!!! but i didn't cry. it was a really good story, though.
i agree.:)
'Do you even know the power you have?' Keelain jolted. "Wh-who said that?" 'Do you remember me?' "Hyrono! What do you want?!" 'The same thing I wanted from your father: your heart....' "No!" 'That was the exact same answer he gave me. And do you know what I did?' "Are you going somwhere with this?!" 'I told him that I would hurt his friends....' "You WHAT?! You used his friends against him?!" 'Yes. And do you know what he did then?' Keelain was silent. 'He surredered.' "No way! He'd never give up!" 'Heh. Apparentely, Sora knows more than he told you. He did not tell you about this? Well, it's the truth, believe it or not.' Hyrono appeared, although he was completely black, sorta like a human Heartless. 'But you... you have no friends. And you are not as strong as Londino and Sora. So I don't even have to ask.' The dark figure approached. "No! You're not taking my heart! And I do have friends!" 'Peh. Like who?' "Like Aerith! And my brother! And... even my parents. Sora and Kairi." 'They are not near as close to you as Kairi and Riku were to Sora, or as Seladina and Kapashnet were to Londino.' "I'm still strong enough to beat you! Just because I'm a girl and the other two-" 'It has nothing to do with gender. You are just plain weaker. Because you don't have trust in anyone. Not even yourself. You don't know who to trust, you don't know if Aerith will really keep that secret, and you especially don't believe that you have enough power to beat Sora even when you're perfectly matched! You are defenseless!' Pain struck Keelain and she grabbed her head. "What are you doing to me?!" 'Immobilizing you. And that's just the beggining.' Keelain felt weaker and she fell to the ground, unable to move. SHe felt as if chains were attached to her arms and legs. "Stop!" 'Never. Your time has come. I will finish what I planned to finish with the other two. You will be the one to destroy light. And that silly thing called love.' "No!" She struggled, but she still couldn't move. "No...." Hyrono touched her heart. Right as her eyes were turning to red, someone entered her mind. 'Keelain, trust in your heart. I will help you.' 'D-Dad?' 'Just follow your heart. It will guide you, like it did me.' 'This isn't working! I... I'm losing control!' 'And I will tell you one thing. I don't hate you, like you thought. I will never hate you.' "AAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHH!" she shrieked. A bright light appeared, and Hyrono diappeared... for then. Keelain smiled. "Thanks, Dad." She then passed out.
Sora bashed it with his Keyblade but...
i already p.m.ed you, so... name: Brooke looks: schedule: whatever, i don't care. personality: outgoing, nice, lover of music, a writer, artsy, determined hobbies: singing, acting, drawing, writing, playing video games ... i think that's it.:)
(ohmygosh, it's my sister ticking you off?! i'm sorry, Sa'ix's Daughter's still 7-9 years old. sorry if she ticks you off, she doesn't fully understand rpg's yet. and i'm sorry if i came off a little offensive, too. and i didn't want you to think Keelain knew where Demyx lived. it was supposed to be that she was walking by and she just happened to notice that you two were in there. sorry about that.)
(look, i'm sorry, but my mom would ban me if she even saw the word gay on this. it's true. so, can you keep it down... just a bit?) Tifa walked up to Riku. "Uh... h-hi. I-I'm Tifa." 'Pull it together, girl! He'll never like you if you just stammer!' she thought.
(my gosh, can i stay 2 seconds on this site with my sisters watching without seeing something about gay people?! heesh-a-weez, people don't need to be gay! can we just have an rpg with everyone straight, for heaven's sake?!)
a giant Heartless getting ready to...
(you should stay in character, too. i always thought Kairi liked Sora! and isn't Demyx supposed to be evil? Kingdom Hearts really gets mixed up here!) "Wow. Demyx is rude. I really wish Mom wouldn't go out with him here. I think she's better off with Sora, anyway. They didn't get married for nothing." She turned back around. "Well, now I have nowhere to go. Thanks to Mr. Leave-the-person-standing-at-the-door-and-don't-bother-to-answer-it." She grabbed her bookbag. "I wish I could really meet my father back here. And Riku doesn't look too bad, either." She walked away, thinking about the stuff she just learned. "I wish I could have a boyfriend someday."
Tifa looked at Kairi. She noticed she was sitting by Sora and smiled. "I hope things go out right for those two lovebirds..." she mumbled.