:( wish I could come and look after you lol
What you up to then?
Aww that's rubbish :glomp: hope you feel better soon
Hiya, how are you?
"Yeah she is." Misa walks in and kisses Light on the cheek."I'd thought i would finish the shoot early to see you, as we don't see each alot." Light smiles and grabs Misa and tickles her. Misa giggles "Light stop! you know i'm ticklish"
After talking to his sister for an hour, she decides to leave. Once shes gone Light turns to Ryuk, "Ok what are we going to do about L? Do you think he figured out i'm a student yet by only using the notebook by my timetable?" Light hears keys in the door. "Misa's home"
hiya, long time no talk, how you been? :glomp:
It's all nice and peaceful until there's a knock at the door, Light gets up and answers it. "Hi Light, not seen you in a while, can i come in?" Light steps aside to let his sister Sayu in, and leads her to the couch. "How have you been?"
Back at the appartment. Light hands Ryuk an apple and Kyusa some grapes. "Ok, i need to do some studying so can you two please be quiet?"
In a hushed tone Light speaks to Kyusa"Ermm Kyusa i don't mean to be rude but i can't shake your hand the moment or someone in class may see me and start to suspect something." Light hears the bell for end of classes. "Kyusa your welcome to come to my appartment with me and Ryuk if you like. I'm sure we will have some fruit you would like." Misa thinks to herself, at the shoot, Light will just be finishing college.Maybe i should finish early to see him.
Light turns round to thank Ryuk for getting rid of the apple when he see Ryuk being hugged by another Shinigami "What the hell!? Who or what are you?"
ive accepted the Shinigami character you wanted
OOC: yeah sure, no problem ^^ BIC: "Yeah i guess, but something doesn't seem quite right.You mean the one at the coffee shop? Hmm i don't know." Looks up and realises Ryuk is eating an apple. "Ryuk people can see an apple floating!!"
oh well, i wanted light to know about L anyway.
well i thought he should seeing as everyone else has skipped ahead
Light whispers to Ryuk "Part of me loves Misa but the majority of me is with her for the Shinigami eyes. I should win over L as long as i have Misa."
"Misa i have to go to college, do you have a shoot today?" "yeah i think so, so i might be late back." Light goes off to college and Misa goes to her shoot.
Has a long chat with Haruto and returns back to the apartment. "what the hell took you so long!""Hey calm down i just into a friend that's all." Misa pouts "I was worried" "well there was no need was there?" Light walks across to Misa and puts his hand on her cheek and whispers "I love you"
lol ok :lolface:
what the hell? lol