its always better to have a positive attitude! Being random and daft is awesome! It has awesomeness written all over it :lolface:
yeah ive got my exams as well at the moment. Grass is always very happy :lolface:
-looks around for inspiration-
lol kk. No exams tomoz :lolface: thank god. I think my brain is going to explode with all the revision
lmao! see she wants phillip the orgasmic spoon more than fluffy
did he make the daft sims? lol
lol. I reckon fran will be on here more now fluffy's made one, what do you think?
hiya fluffy, its katie :)
lol earlier in ict he nearly made one called "fluffymcflufffluff"
Did Richard make an account?
hiya, how are you?
hiya, how you been?
Hiya, did Richard make a kh-vids profile like he said he would? And how are you?:)
Hiya :) How are you?
you got lost in narnia. Are you roundtree random?
Hiya, not talked to you in a while, how you been?
im great thanks, how about you?
fine thanks