>.> <.< >3
This ----> >D thing and this ----> :3 thing are my thing yo =.
So not cool! D< Now you owe me 5 dollars! >3
Great he is coping me! O': Oh well :3
Hey this -----> :3 is my thing man! *Goes cry in dark corner* Oh and hi Namine :3
I ment my real name -.- And my name is much cooler then that :3
Nope! Now you owe me a dollar :3
Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Hello! Salut! Its me! Your duke! :3 And I made! Something thats real! To show you! How I feel! ^_^ Hello! Hello! Its me! Picasso! I will spray! My words of love! With your name on every wall! When you leave my colors fade to grey! Woah oah eiy! Woah oah oah eiy! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it everyday! :[ When you leave my colors fade to grey! And if you dont stay! All my colors fade away! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it every day! :[ I sold! My strings! My songs! And dreams! And I bought! Somethings to match the colors! Of my love! :3 Hello! Hello!:o I-Its me again! Picasso! I will spray! My words of love! With your name on every wall! xD When you leave my colors fade to grey! Woah oah eiy! Woah oah oah eiy! Woah oah oah aiy! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it everyday! :[ When you leave my colors fade to grey! And if you dont stay! All my colors fade away! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it everyday! :[ Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! Mai-ah hee! Mai-ah who! Mai-ah ho! Mai-ah haha! When you leave my colors fade to grey! Woah oah eiy! Woah oah oah eiy! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it everyday! When you leave my colors fade to grey! And if you dont stay! All my colors fade away! Every word of love I used to say! Now I paint it everyday! Not sure if thats how it goes but what the heck :3
Namine is watching my little pony! Liek omg! =.
How come TBK is offline and the thing says "TBK is offline"?
Jak rox man you all should know that I think it rocks cause there's action, guns, metal heads, bad guys, ships and stuff like that Yup Jak is the bomb :3
God man TTT^TTT That poem brought tears to my eyes *tear*
Ok guys! I bet no one can figure out this question! D< Whats my real name? Huh? Your all already trembling because you guys do not know the answer! D< Mwuahahahahaha!!!!
1 z0 \/\/a/\/T ch1ck3n man >D
I ment as friends god -.- *hugs* :3 And thanks RoxasvsRiku someone finally understands me :3
I got Micke! Again! I so own :3
Dude Im the only person that got Mickey!!! Awesome :3
Omg Im mickey! Omg all hale me dang it! D< No, really I did :3 WIerd...no image available!! D<
I wanna hug you all :3 I love you guys :3